
Terms containing 总 管理处 | all forms | in specified order only
textile国际总管理处international headquarter
tech.总管理处head office
fin.总管理处general administration
manag.总管理处general administration division
proj.manag.总管理处main office
tech.总管理处general office
econ.总管理处费用central and administrative expense
busin.总管理处费用central and administrative expenses
UN, tech.提供电子数据处理能力和复制能力,包括必要的软件,以运行所有总部内部的通信和管理,包括必要的数据库electronic data processing and reproduction capability, including necessary software, to run all internal headquarters correspondence and administration, including necessary databases
commer.海外总管理处overseas headquarters (指跨国公司 (multinational corporation, transnational corporation) 对其子公司 (subsidiary company) 的管理机构)