
Terms containing 总 损 | all forms | in specified order only
securit.亏损总计gross loss
proj.manag.亏损总额gross loss
interntl.trade.亏损总额total loss
econ.从总收入中减去损失deduct losses from the total receipts
tech.估计总损estimated total loss
interntl.trade.体积或重量总损wastage in bulk or weight
UN, tech.修理总费用超过了该装备的通用公平市价的75%时,则该装备将被视为全部损失total loss, when the cost of repair exceeds 75 per cent of the GFMV
telecom.光纤总体损耗特性fiber global loss characteristic
el.功率总和损耗power sum loss
interntl.trade.P. &. L.去年全年总损total profit and loss for the previous year
fin.去年全年总损total profit and loss for the previous year
el.变压器总损transformer total losses
econ.只可投保导致总体损失风险total loss only
space回波总损overall echo return loss
econ.因船货损坏甚巨,向保险公司索赔总值为一万美元The total amount of the claim to the insurance company is $10.000 because the cargo was badly damaged
textile国民总损general national loss
proj.manag.实际总损actual total loss
el.实际总损actual total loss
water.res.实际的土壤水分蒸发蒸腾损失总量actual evapotranspiration
tech.废损材料汇总表summary of scrap and spoiled materials
textile总亏损total loss
oil总亏损gross loss
econ.总亏损overall deficit
busin.总亏损控制total loss control
el.总信号损耗total signal loss
piez.总功率损耗total power loss
tech.总功率损耗total-power loss
oil总压力损失total pressure loss
tech.总压力损失loss of total pressure
oil, transp.总压力损耗loss of total pressure
plast.总压力耗损total pressure loss
space总压损失loss of total pressure
space总压损失total pressure loss
wind.总压损失pitot loss
avia.总压损失参数total pressure loss parameter
telecom.总呼损overall loss probability
tech.总应力损失loss of total stress
space总战损概率cumulative destruction probability
tech.植物对降水的总截留损失total interception loss (量)
tech.植物对降水的总截留损失gross interception loss (量)
interntl.trade.总括式损益表all-inclusive income statement
interntl.trade.总括性损益表statement of income and profit and loss
fin.总括性损益表statement of income and profit-and loss (all inclusive income statement)
fin.总损gross loss
el.总损overall losses
busin.总损combined loss
met.总损total losses
busin.总损aggregate loss
compr.总损total loss
mining.总损total loss
tech.总损overall loss
securit.总损gross loss
tech.总损失率overall losses ratio
interntl.trade.总损consolidated profit and loss
busin.总损total profit and loss
el.mach.总损loss total
el.mach.总损gross loss
hydroel.st.总损power losses
auto.总损total loss
bridg.constr.总损total losses
busin.总损wastage in bulk or weight
IT总损total loss
el.总损overall losses
econ.总损the wastage in (bulk or weight, 体积或重量)
econ.总损wastage in bulk or weight (体积或重量)
interntl.trade.总损体积或重量wastage in bulk or weight
tech.总损overall loss
el.总损耗体积密度total loss volume density
IT总损耗功率total power loss
expl.总损耗、总损失total loss
el.总损耗效率计算calculation of efficiency from total loss
el.mach.总损耗法效率efficiency from total loss
tech.总损耗测量overall loss measurement
auto.总损耗率total-loss factor
el.mot.总损耗确定效率determination of efficiency from total loss
auto.总损耗系overall loss factor
el.总损耗质量密度total loss mass density
el.总排汽损失total exhaust losses
telecom.光缆,电缆总接头损耗mass-splice loss
tech.总摩擦水头损失total friction head
tech.总摩擦损失total friction head
el.mach.总摩擦损耗total friction loss
mining.总时间损失total time lost
busin.总时间损失total time loss
eng.geol.总水头摩擦损失total friction head
tech.总水头损失total head loss
tech.总泄漏耗损total leakage
el.mach.总涡流损耗total eddy loss
tech.总灼烧损失total loss on ignition
sol.pow.总热损系数overall heat loss coefficient (UL)
el.mach.总电气损耗total electrical loss
hydroel.st.总的相对损失relative total loss
econ.总益损账general profit and loss account
el.mach.总磁滞损耗total hysteresis loss
tech.总管损失main losses
econ.总经理离职将是公司的一大损失The separation of the general manager will be a great loss for the company
el.总能量损失total energy loss
earth.sc.总能量损耗total energy loss
busin.保险总计损失perte total
space总质损total mass loss
space总质量损失total mass loss
tech.总路径损耗total path loss
avia.总连接损耗overall connection loss
tech.总透过损失overall transmission loss
space总重量损失total weight loss
met.总铁心损失total core loss
el.mach.总铁损total iron loss
auto.损坏前的工作总时数hours to failure
busin.损坏工件汇总表summary of spoiled work
fin.损坏工作汇总表summary of spoiled work
econ.损坏工作汇总表material of spoiled work
el.损坏总量total damage
textile损失总价值gross arrived damaged value
shipb.损失总数total amount of loss
busin.损失总额total amount of loss
shipb.损失总额total loss
tech.损失汇总法loss-summation method
tech.损毁作业汇总表summary of spoiled work
econ.损益或收支汇总账户income and expenses summary account
fin.损益汇总income summary
fin.损益汇总帐户income summary account
interntl.trade.损益汇总表profit and loss summary
tech.损益汇总表profit and loss summary account
textile损益汇总表,盈亏汇总账profit and loss summary account
busin.损益汇总账户income summary
tech.损益汇总账户income summary account
proj.manag.损益表汇总反映企业在某一特定时期内、如一个月或一年的收入和费用The income statement presents a summary of the revenues and expenses of an entity for a specific period of time, such as a month or a year
insur.推定的损失总额constructive total loss
el.效率的总损耗计算法calculation of efficiency from total loss
el.mach.效率的总损耗计算法calculation of efficiency from summary loss
el.mach.效率的总损耗计算法efficiency calculation from total loss
interntl.trade.本年上期总损total profit and loss for the first period of this year
tech.材料损耗汇总表summary of scrap and spoiled materials
interntl.trade.材料耗损汇总表summary of scrap and spoiled materials
tech.残损总价gross damaged value
econ.总损profit or loss on exchange
busin.总损益表consolidated profit and loss statement
econ.总损益表consolidated profit and loss sheet
oil总损益表consolidated income sheet
econ.总损益表consolidated income statement
tech.总损益表consolidated in come statement
el.mach.满载总损total loss on full-load
water.res.潜在的土壤水分蒸发蒸腾损失总量 PETpotential evapotranspiration
met.热量总损overall heat loss
tech.熔炼总损total melting loss
el.燃料元件总破损探测器gross failed fuel detector
tech.燃烧总热损失total loss on ignition
el.破损燃料元件总探测器【核】gross failed fuel detector
IT磁性材料的总损total losses of a magnetic material
geol.系统总损失油total loss systems oil
commer.累计总损aggregate losses
sport., med.腓总神经损伤common peroneal nerve injury
tech.轨头总磨损total wear of rail head
tech.软磁性材料总损total loss of soft magnetic material
tech.软磁材料总损total loss of soft magnetic material
space进气道总压损失inlet total pressure loss
refrig.送风管的总压力损失total pressure loss of supply outlet
commer.重量损失高达总重量的10%The loss in weight amounts to over 10% of the total