
Terms containing 总 平均 | all forms | in specified order only
railw.列车平均总重average gross tonnage of train
tech.列车平均牵引总重average gross tonnage of train
fin.加权平均总市值weighted average market capitalization (根据每种股票的已发行股票的价值做调整的股票市场价值)
securit.加权平均总市值weighted average market capitalization
busin.单位产品平均总成本average total cost per unit
interntl.trade.可计算的总体平均模式computable general equilibrium model
busin.国民平均生产总值gross national product per capital
AI.学习的总体平均方法ensemble averaging method of learning
econ.平均国民生产总值表的上部upper end of per capita GHP scale
econ.平均国民生产总值表的上部upper end of per capita GNP scale
genet.平均总产量aggregate mean yield
proj.manag.平均总体内部回报率overall average internal rate of return
earth.sc.平均总单位成本average total unit cost
auto.平均总吨位average total tonnage
auto.客运平均总客位average total seats
el.平均总工作成本average total operating cost
fin.平均总成本average total cost
anim.husb.平均总效价mean total titer
tech.平均总效率average overall efficiency
econ.平均总时间average total time
avia.平均总检查average total inspection
busin.平均总检验数量average total inspection
econ.平均总检验量average total inspection
el.mach.平均总试验范围average total inspection
el.平均总运行费用average total operating cost
tech.平均总速率average overall travel speed
archit.平均总速率average overfall (travel speed)
tech.平均总速率average overall rate
el.mach.平均电站总效率average overall plant efficiency
busin.平均营业总收入统计gross average earnings statistics
tech.平均货币总收入average gross money wages
busin.平均销售总额average gross sales
tech.年平均总磷浓度average yearly concentration of total phosphorus
fin.应计折旧的固定资产平均总值average total value of depreciable fixed assets
tech.往年平均基金总额hold harmless amount
tech.往年平均基金总额超额拨款hold harmless grant
tech.总体均数人口平均值mean of population
tech.总体平均ensemble mean
tech.总体平均ensemble average (数)
desert.总体平均ensemble average
expl.总体平均值general average
archit.总体平均值ensemble average
stat.总体平均值population mean
expl.总体平均值overall average
tech.总体平均值mean of population
busin.总体平均值线性估计量linear estimators of the population mean
eng.geol.总体平均数population mean
math.总体平均数ensemble average
avia.总体平均速度ensemble-averaged velocity
textile总平均general average
stat.总平均population mean
qual.cont.总平均grand average
genet.总平均grand mean
auto.总平均general average
busin.总平均general mean
econ.总平均the overall average
econ.总平均overall average
tech.总平均overall average (值)
el.总平均不能工作时间total mean downtime
econ.总平均general average price
busin.总平均价格general average price
econ.总平均价目general average price
commer.总平均grand mean
tech.总平均total average
oil总平均overall average
commer.总平均grand average
interntl.trade.总平均general average
bridg.constr.总平均general mean
avia.总平均ensemble average
el.总平均停机时间total mean downtime
billiar.总平均grand average
tech.总平均功率total mean power
ecol.总平均发病率incidence to total average
agric.总平均增长量指木材total mean increment
anim.husb.总平均年生长量gross mean annual increment
econ.总平均成本average total cost
textile总平均成本total average costs
busin.总平均成本total average cost
fin.总平均成本法periodic average method
anim.husb.总平均mean of population
mil., air.def.总平均ensemble averaging
busin.总平均overall mean
textile总平均overall average
busin.总平均grand mean
el.总平均时间average total time
busin.总平均total average method
tech.总平均生长量total mean increment
agric.总平均生长量total mean growth
tech.总平均生长量total mean increasing
el.总平均自由程total mean free path
space总平均费用total average cost
agric.总辐射平均强度表指数heliometric index
tech.总集平均ensemble average
econ.抽样平均数与总平均数的离差deviation of sampling average from general average
stat.抽样平均数和总平均数的离差deviation of sampling average from general average
busin.抽样平均数对于总平均数的离差deviation of sampling average from general average
econ.按人口平均的国民生产总值per capita gross national product
interntl.trade.按人口平均的总产值per capita gross product
econ.按人口平均计算的全国总产值gross national product per capita
econ.按人口平均计算的国内总产值gross domestic product per capita
interntl.trade.按人口平均计算的国内生产总值per capita gross domestic product
commer.按人口平均计算的国内生产总值per capita GDP (gross domestic product)
interntl.trade.按人口平均计算的国民生产总值per capital gross national product (GNP)
proj.manag.按人口平均计算的本地生产总值gross domestic product per capita
tech.断面总平均流速overall mean velocity
securit.日平均总市值daily average total market capitalization
tech.机车平均牵引总重average locomotive drawing gross weight
tech.机车平均牵引总重average gross haul tonnage of locomotive
tech.机车每万总重吨公里平均燃料电力消耗量average fuel electric power consumption of locomotive per 10000-gross weight-ton-kilometer
IT条件信息量总平均equivocation (aequivocatio)
busin.样本总平均grand mean of sample
interntl.trade.每人平均国民生产总值GNP per capita
railw.用户平均总停电时间average interruption hours of customer
railw.用户平均总停电次数average interruption times of customer
el.电站平均总效率average overall plant efficiency
econ.社会总生产资金的平均利润率average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital
ecol.臭氧平均总量average total ozone
ecol.臭氧平均总量average total amount of ozone
busin.计提大修理基金固定资产全年平均总值total average value of fixed assets subject to overhaul amortization for the year
textile计提折旧固定资产全年平均总值total average value of depreciable fixed assets for the year