
Terms containing 总 图 | all forms | in specified order only
navig.世界大洋水深总图general bathymetric chart of oceans
econ.中国国际图书贸易总公司China International Book Trading Corporation
comp.name.中国图书进出口集团总公司China National Publications Imp. and Exp. Corp.
gen.назв.комп. 中国图书进出口总公司China National Publications Import & Export Corporation
busin.二元总体散布图bivariate population scattergram
tech.二元总体条形图bivariate population bar graph
chem.二元系的全总相图global phase diagrams of binary system
hydroel.st.充水阀总图General drawing of filling valve assembly
hydroel.st.全厂接地系统总图General earthing system layout
el.内部图像总线internal image bus
oil总图unit assembly drawing
busin.制图总管chief draftsman
tech.区域总平面图general location plan
hydroel.st.升船机总图General drawing of shiplift
nucl.pow.厂房总布置图general arrangement
hydroel.st.启闭机总图General drawing of hydraulic hoist (gantry crane)
earth.sc.国际世界地图总局Central Bureau of International Map of the World
libr.图书馆总馆main library
libr.图书馆总馆central library
el.图形外围接口总线graphic peripheral interface bus
earth.sc.土地利用总体规划图【土】master map of integrated land-use plan
tech.城市发展的总图master plan for development of city
tech.城市规划总图general plan
tech.城市规划总图master plan
hydroel.st.城市集镇迁建规划总体布置图General layout of urban and towns resettlement works
libr.大学图书馆馆长大学总馆长dean of university library
libr.大学图书馆馆长大学总馆长university librarian
tech.大洋水深总图general bathymetrical chart of the oceans
tech.大洋水深总图general bathymetric chart of the oceans
earth.sc.太阳后向散射紫外线和臭氧总量测图系统光谱仪solar backscattering ultraviolet/total ozone mapping system
manag.奥林匹克公园总体规划图General Plan of the Olympic Green
hydroel.st.定轮总图General drawing of wheel assembly
refrig.室外总平面布置图plot plan
tech.室外管线总平面图general plan of outdoor pipelines
refrig.室外管道总干面图general plan of outdoor pipelines
tech.室外给排水总平面图general layout of outdoor water supply and drainage system
manag.工厂总体设计图general layout scheme
earth.sc.工程总平面图project master plan
exhib.布展总图master map
met.平面布置总图key plan
tech.平面布置总图general plan
tech.平面布置总图layout plan
tech.平面布置总图general layout
tech.建筑总平面图site plan
nautic., tech.B-δ 式设计图谱 C总燃油Taylor's design charts
nautic., tech.B-δ 式设计图谱 C总燃油B-δ design charts
tech.线路complete schematic diagram
tech.平面master plan
econ.装配assembly drawing
auto.布置general arrangement
auto.工作,纲要,索引key diagram
archit.全,概general drawing
auto.装配assembling drawing
mater.sc.平面plan view
construct.全,概(要)general drawing
construct.skeleton diagram
construct.平面,布置master plan
construct.布置general plan
construct.装配,组装assembly drawing
gen.配置general arrangement
tech.布置图general arrangement drawing
met.总〔综合〕流程图general flowchart
tech.总位置图general location sheet
met.总体〔总平面〕布置图general arrangement plan
archit.总体总平面布置图general arrangement plan
manag.总体图overall pattern
hydroel.st.总体图式overall pattern
avia.总体布置图layout drawing
tech.总体布置图general arrangement diagram
tech.总体布置图general drawing
proj.manag.总体布置图general arrangement drawings
el.mach.总体布置图outline drawing
el.mach.总体布置图general arrangement (drawing)
el.mach.总体布置图general layout (drawing)
oil总体布置图general arrangement drawing
oil总体布置图general layout
met.总体布置图general arrangement plan
tech.总体布置图master plan
tech.总体布置图general plan
tech.总体布置图general diagram
avia.总体布置图overall arrangement
plast.总体布置示意图rough package drawing
telecom.总体平面图general lay-out
oil总体曲线图cumulative plot
space总体框图overall block diagram
archit.总体规划图master plan
busin.总体计划图解法graphic method of aggregate planning
busin.总体设计图overall design diagram
space总体配置图general-arrangement drawing
avia.总体配置图general-arrangement drawing (通常为三面图)
compr.总切向力图total tangential force diagram
el.总功率消耗图total power consumption pattern
tech.总和图summation graph
avia.总图genera plan
tech.总图general map
busin.总图master chart
busin.总图master drawing
busin.总图master diagram
tech.总图overall drawing
met.总图general view
oil总图general arrangement drawing
el.总图overall perspective
el.总图plan view
space总图key map
el.总图general layout drawing
eng.geol.总图general chart
eng.geol.总图skeleton diagram
eng.geol.总图key diagram
telecom.总图general arrangement
hydroel.st.总图master plan
hydroel.st.总图general drawing
hydroel.st.总图general diagram
hydroel.st.总图general plan
met.总图overall view
met.总图assembly drawing
tech.总图plot plan
tech.总图general surface plan
tech.总图general arrangement (layout)
construct.总图site plan
CNC总图complete schematic diagram
desert.总图general layout
gen.总图plain view
tech.总图图册booklet of general drawing
met.总图布置general layout
tech.总图布置general arrangement
gen.总图布置工程学layout engineering
space总图overall scheme
textile总图master schedule
tech.总图布置设计layout plan
busin.总图误差whole-plot error
tech.总图运输layout for road and transportation in plant area
tech.总安装图general installation drawing
commer.总安装图general arrangement
tech.总安装图general assembly drawing
manag.总布亶图plan of site
auto.总布置平面general layout
tech.总布置图general outline
oil总布置图master plan
bridg.constr.总布置图general plan
bridg.constr.总布置图general arrangement plan
bridg.constr.总布置图general layout
eng.geol.总布置图layout sheet
commer.总布置图master layout
proj.manag.总布置图lay out
hydroel.st.总布置图principle layout
hydroel.st.总布置图plan of site
proj.manag.总布置图general arrangements
tech.总布置图site drawing
shipb.总布置图general arrangement
auto.总平面设计site plan
tech.总平面设计site plan
tech.总平面图plot plan
commer.总平面图general arrangement plan
tech.总平面图layout drawing
tech.总平面图general outline
compr.总平面图site plan
tech.总平面图layout plan
tech.总平面图general arrangement drawing
bridg.constr.总平面图general layout plan
space总平面图overall plot plan
oil总平面图general plan
eng.geol.总平面图layout sheet
eng.geol.总平面图plan of site
hydroel.st.总平面图master plan
hydroel.st.总平面图general layout
eng.geol.总平面图location plan
eng.geol.总平面图key plan
tech.总平面图block plan
tech.总平面图site plan jot plan
el.总平面图general layout drawing
met.总平面布置图general arrangement plan
tech.总平面布置图layout drawing
tech.总平面布置图plot plan
oil总平面布置图general layout
oil总平面布置图site plan
archit.总平面布置图plan of site
tech.总平面布置图block plan
tech.总平面设计图layout drawing
tech.总平面设计图plot plan
tech.总平面设计图layout plan
tech.总平面设计图block plan
tech.总平面设计图site plan
auto.总成部件装配图package drawing
tech.总接线图general connection diagram
tech.总操作程序图general flow chart
tech.总施工图general engineering set
tech.总框图general flow chart
interntl.trade.总流程图general flow chart
met.总流程图general flowchart
el.总流量图master flow diagram
tech.总浓度分布图total concentration distribution graph
tech.总热熵图total heat-entropy diagram
tech.总略图general sketch
earth.sc.总碱硅量图total alkalies-silica diagram
geol.总碱硅量图total alkali-silica diagram
tech.总磁强图total magnetic intensity chart
textile总示意图overall scheme
tech.总离子流剖面图total ion current profile
tech.总离子流色谱图total ions chromatogram
earth.sc.总离子色谱图色谱-质谱联用total ions chromatogram
geol.总离子色谱图total ion chromatogram
el.总线图highway diagram
el.VME 总线视频图形适配器VMEbus video graphics adapter
construct.总线路〔完整原理〕图complete schematic diagram
space总线路图overall scheme
commer.总组装图assembly diagram
commer.总组装图assembly drawing
tech.总结构图scantling plan
econ.总网图master network
mech.总装general assembly drawing
gen.总装〔配〕图general assembly drawing
earth.sc.总装图general arrangement
auto.总装图assembly diagram
space总装图general assembly drawing
space总装图final assembly drawing
el.mach.总装图general assembly drawing
el.mach.总装图complete drawing
compr.总装图total assembly
textile总装图general arrangement drawing
avia.总装图top assembly drawing
auto.总装草图package drawing
manag.总装配图assembly drawing
el.总装配图general assembly drawing (GAD; g.a.d.)
tech.总装配图general assembly drawing
eng.geol.总规划图layout sheet
tech.总计数率标准偏差图total count rate standard deviation map
tech.总设计图master design
tech.总设计图master design drawing
oil.proc.总设计图master layout
telecom.总设计图site plan
gen.空防总配备图general situation map
shipb.总配电盘图main switchboard plan
oil总配置图general layout
consult.总配置图general arrangement
tech.房屋建筑设计总体规划图grid plan
tech.施工总平面布置图general layout of construction
tech.施工总布置图overall construction site plan
hydroel.st.施工总布置图General construction layout plan
tech.施工总布置图construction site general layout
eng.geol.施工总平面图construction general layout
bridg.constr.施工总平面图lay-out sheet of construction
bridg.constr.施工总平面图overall construction site plan
oil施工总平面图total square area chart for construction
expl.施工总平面图对主体工程及其施工辅助企业、交通系统、各类房屋及临时设施等作出全面部署和安排的图纸construction general layout
tech.施工总平面图over construction site plan
proj.manag.施工总平面图overall construction plan
tech.施工总平面图general arrangement plan of construction
tech.施工总平面图construction general plan
hydroel.st.施工总进度图Chart of general construction schedule
tech.施工现场总体布置图overall layout of construction
eng.geol.施工现场总平面布置图overall site layout
hydroel.st.枢纽总布置图project layout
railw.枢纽总布置图general layout of terminal
hydroel.st.水封总图General drawing of seal details
tech.水质脆弱带总图general water quality vulnerability zone map
hydroel.st.水轮机总体布置图Turbine general arrangement
auto.汽车总装配图automobile assembly drawing
tech.沿海总图general chart of coast
tech.海区总图general chart of sea
tech.海图总图general chart
tech.海岸总图general chart of a coast
hydroel.st.液压缸总图General drawing of hoist cylinder assembly
tech.混合水质脆弱区总图composite general water quality vulnerability zone map
tech.港口总图规划general plan of port
tech.港口总图规划general layout of port
hydroel.st.环境保护措施总体布置示意图General layout of environmental protection works
nucl.pow.电厂总平面布置图plant layout drawing
tech.矿山总体性地质图mine totality geological map
tech.矿山总体性地质图mine totality geologic map
tech.研究总蓝图research master blueprint
tech.竣工总平面图general plan of as-built works
tech.竣工总平面图general plane of finish construction
tech.给水加热器总图general arrangement of feed water heater
tech.绿化区总平面图green area plan
el.网络总设计图network master plan
space臭氧总量图示系统total ozone mapping system
UN, clim.臭氧总量绘图系统Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
shipb.船厂总布置图shipyard general arrangement drawing
tech.街道总图master street plan
tech.规划总图master plan
tech.规划总图principal plan
tech.规划总图main plan
tech.连续污染物负荷总图overall picture of continued pollutant loading
met.连铸机总图general layout of continuous caster
met.连铸车间总图布置general layout of continuous casting shop
met.钢厂总布置图general layout of steel plant
hydroel.st.门叶总图General drawing of gate leafs
hydroel.st.门槽总图General drawing of gate slots
hydroel.st.闸门总图General drawing of gates