
Terms containing 总 产 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.世界总产gross world product
fin.世界总产world output
busin.世界总产gross world production
tech.世界生产总值gross world product
busin.业主产权资本对资产总额比率owner's equity to total assets ratio
econ.业主产权资本对资产总额比率owner equity to total assets ration
busin.业主产权资本对资产总额比率owner equity to total assets ratio
earth.sc.中国五金矿产品进出口总公司China National Metals and Minerals Import and Export Corporation
econ.中国五金矿产进出口总公司China National Metals and Minerals Import and Export Corporation
commer.中国五金矿产进出口总公司China National Metals & Minerals Import & Export Corporation
anim.husb.中国土产畜产进出口总公司China National Native Produce and Animal By-products Import and Export Corporation
commer.中国土产畜产进出口总公司China National Native Produce and Animal Byproducts Import & Export Corporation
comp.name.中国土产畜产进出口总公司China National Native Produce and Animal By-Products Imp. and Exp. Corp.
commer.中国土畜产进岀口总公司China National Produce and Animal By products Import and Export Corporation
commer.中国轻工业产品进出口总公司China National Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corp
avia.Procurement中航技总公司转包生产部Supply-Chain Management and (成立于2004年7月 1日,其前身是中航技工贸公司的一部分,是直属于中国航空技术进出口总公司的一个主要业务单元)
avia.中航技总公司转包生产部Supply Chain Management and Procurement
busin.产业部门总产gross output of industries
busin.产业部门汇总表industry tabulation
agric.一只鸡产卵总数egg deposit
econ.产品总价值total value of products
busin.产品总数sum of products
econ.产品总量product population
econ.产品总额quantum of output
tech.产地总储量total reserves of the production area
busin.产岀总额aggregate output
commer.产岀物总量sum of outputs
busin.人均总产per capita gross product
tech.人均总产per capita gross product
busin.人均国内总产per capita gross domestic product (GDP)
China, polit.人均国内生产总值per-capita gross domestic product (GDP)
busin.人均国民总产per capita gross national product (GNP)
tech.人均国民生产总值per capita gross national product
econ.人均国民生产总值GNP per capita
econ.人均国民生产总值per capita gross national product (GNP)
tech.人均国民生产总值gross national product per capita
econ.人均生产总值gross per capita
econ.人均生产总值gross national product per capita
econ.企业资产分别出售总值break-up value
fin.债务对国内生产总值比率debt-to-gross domestic product ratio
tech.债务对资产总额比率debt-to-total assets ratio
fin.债务总额对总资产比率total debt to total assets ratio (通过计算公司资产中资金来自债务融资的比例来衡量公司的财务风险,其计算方法为:(短期债务+长期债务)一公司的总资产)
fin.储备资产总额stock of reserve assets
commer.充分就业下的国民生产总值full-employment GNP
fin.全年国内生产总值full-year GDP
fin.全球国内生产总值global gross domestic product
busin.全部生产总估计法method of overall evaluation of the whole production
agric.农业总产gross output value of agriculture
anim.husb.农业总产gross agricultural output value
busin.农业总产Gross Agricultural Product
anim.husb.农业总产gross agricultural production value
econ.农业总产农产品总价值total value of farm products farm output
econ.农业总产total value of farm output
econ.农业总产total value of agricultural production
econ.农业总产农业增加值gross agricultural product value added in agriculture
tech.农业总产total output value of agriculture
anim.husb.农业总产aggregate agricultural production
anim.husb.农业总产gross agricultural production
tech.农业总产total agricultural output
anim.husb.农业总产gross farm product
commer.农业生产总值total value of agricultural production
econ.农业生产总值gross farm production or value added of farm
econ.农业生产总值gross agricultural production
busin.农业生产总值gross farm production
agric., econ.农场总生产函数whole-farm production function
agric., econ.农场总资产total farm capital
agric., econ.农场总资产total farm assets
busin.净产量总价值aggregate value of net output
tech.净产量的总价值aggregate value of net output
econ.净值与资产总额或负债之比ratio of net worth to total capital (liabilities)
tech.净值对资产总额比率ratio of net worth to total capital
busin.净收益与资产总额比率ratio of net income to total assets
commer.制成产品成本汇总表summary of cost of finished products
tech.副产品总产total by-products
econ.劳动在总生产中所占的份额labour share of output
busin.单位产品平均总成本average total cost per unit
China, polit.单位国内生产总值能耗energy consumption per unit of GDP
commer.占国民生产总值比重share in gross national product
busin.占国民生产总值的百分比as percentage of gross national product
tech.原矿总产total ores
busin.可能达到的国民生产总值potential gross national product
tech.可达国民生产总值potential gross national product
fin.名义国内生产总值nominal gross domestic product
fin.名义美元国内生产总值nominal US dollar GDP
tech.商业总产gross business product
tech.商业总产gross output of trade
busin.固定资产与资产总额比率ratio of fixed assets to total assets
securit.固定资产对总资产比率ratio of fixed assets to total assets
econ.固定资产对资产总额及净值比率ratio of fixed assets to total asset and net worth
tech.固定资产对资产总额比率ratio of fixed assets to fixed liability
econ.固定资产形成总值gross fixed asset formation
busin.固定资产总值gross fixed asset
tech.固定资产总折价率rate of cost reduction to total assets
busin.固定资产总折旧率rate of depreciation to total assets
busin.固定资产总结构gross fixed asset formation
busin.固定资产总量年限构成age composition of the gross stock of fixed assets
tech.固定资产投资总额gross fixed assets formation
econ.固定资产折旧汇总表depreciation summary
econ.国內生产总值gross domestic product
econ.国内总产gross domestic output
anim.husb.国内总产一国国内生产的产品和劳务的货币价值,不包括海外净收益gross domestic product
econ.国内总产gross domestic output
tech.国内产品总值gross domestic product
econ.国内产品总值之支出expenditure on gross domestic product
econ.国内人均生产总值per capita gross domestic product
busin.国内人均生产总值per capita gross domestic product
busin.国内固定资产总额gross domestic fixed capital formation
econ.国内固定资产投资总额gross domestic fixed capital formation
tech.国内年生产总值gross domestic product per year
busin.国内总生产净值net national domestic product
econ.国内总生产净额net national domestic product
econ.国内生产总值gross national product
ecol.国内生产总值gross domestic productGDP
econ.国内生产总值指数index number of gross domestic production
gen.国家生产管理总局美,负责分配工业原料National Production Authority
econ.国民总产值中的消费支出consumption expenditure in GNP
tech.国民农业生产总值gross national farm product
busin.国民平均生产总值gross national product per capital
anim.husb.国民总生产gross national production
econ.国民收入生产总额amount of national income produced
agric.国民生产总产gross national product
busin.国民生产净值与总值net and gross national product
busin.国民生产总值aggregate gross domestic product
desert.国民生产总值gross national output (GNO)
busin.GNP国民生产总值gross national product
busin.国民生产总值aggregate GNP
anim.husb.国民生产总值gross national output
China, polit.国民生产总值gross national product (GNP)
econ.国民生产总值gross national product
econ.国民生产总值total GNP
earth.sc.国民生产总值gross domestic product
ecol.国民生产总值growth national productGNP
econ.国民生产总值之支出expenditure on gross national product
earth.sc.国民生产总值内含物价减缩指数gross national product implicit price deflator
econ.国民生产总值和国民收入gross national product and national income
econ.国民生产总值增长率GNP growth rate
econ.国民生产总值差距gross-national-product gap
econ.国民生产总值差距gross national product gap
commer.国民生产总值平衡水准equilibrium level of GNP
econ.国民生产总值快速估报quick estimate of GNP
econ.国民生产总值指数index number of gross national production
econ.国民生产总值指数gross national product index number
econ.国民生产总值消价指数G.N.P deflator
econ.国民生产总值消除物价波动指数gross national product deflator
busin.国民生产总值消除物价波动指数gross national product implicit price deflator
econ.国民生产总值的估算estimation of GNP
busin.国民生产总值的估计estimation of GNP
econ.国民生产总值的平衡水准equilibrium level of GNP
busin.国民生产总值的支出expenditure on gross national product
econ.国民生产总额gross national product by industry
econ.国民生产货币总值value of the national product
econ.国民生产货币总值money value of the national product
tech.境内生产总值gross domestic product
fin.外汇资产的保险总额coverage of foreign exchange assets
econ.她写辞职信给总经理,要求辞去生产部经理之职She wrote her letter of resignation to the managing director, asking for resigning from her post as production manager
fin.实际国内生产总值real gross domestic product
commer.实际国内生产总值real GDP
fin.实际国民生产总值actual gross national product
commer.实际国民生产总值real GNP
commer.实际国民生产总值GNP in real terms
busin.工业总产value of total output of industry
busin.工业总产total value of industrial production
busin.工业总产general value of industry
econ.工业总产gross industrial output (value)
busin.工业总产gross industrial production
busin.工业总产total output value of industrial production
busin.工业总产值构成composition of gross industrial output
busin.工业总产值的生产费用production expenses of gross industrial output
busin.工业总产量指数index of the total industrial output
commer.工业产出总值total industrial output value
econ.工业生产总额total industry volume
econ.工业生产总额output of industry
busin.工农业总产value of total output of industry and agriculture
busin.工农业总产total value of industrial and agricultural output
tech.工农业总产total value industrial and agricultural production
tech.工农业总产total value industrial and agricultural output
econ.工农业总产gross value of the output of industry and agriculture
econ.工农业总产gross output value of industry and agriculture
tech.工农业总产total industrial and agricultural output
tech.工农业总产gross industrial and agricultural value of output
busin.已拨款债务占国民生产总值的…%disbursed debt as a... % of GNP
agric.已知小区的总产total yield of known plots
econ.平均国民生产总值表的上部upper end of per capita GHP scale
econ.平均国民生产总值表的上部upper end of per capita GNP scale
tech.总产水量revenue-producing water
tech.总产total annual yield
tech.总产total yearly output
tech.总产gross annual production
tech.总产gross annual output
tech.年人均国民生产总值annual per capita gross national product
China, polit.2006 年单位国内生产总值能耗降低4%reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP in 2006 by 4 percent
econ.年度总产gross annual value
busin.应计折旧固定资产总值total value of fixed assets to be depreciated
fin.应计折旧的固定资产平均总值average total value of depreciable fixed assets
fin.应计折旧的固定资产总值total value of fixed assets to be depreciated
railw.建筑业总产total output of building industry
agric.total production
agric.gross output
construct.总〔大量〕生产面积gross commercial area
anim.husb.总产overall production
tech.总产gross output (value)
securit.总产创最高历史记录total output value hit a record high
busin.总产gross yield
tech.总产total values of output
tech.总产total output value
econ.总产value of gross output
econ.总产gross value of output
econ.总产total value of products
busin.总产gross output value
busin.总产total value of manufacture
busin.总产gross product value
busin.工业总产value of gross output
avia.总产gross of output
busin.总产值、商品产值和净产值gross, commodity and net output
railw.总产冷量condensing unit capacity
refrig.总产冷量overall refrigerating effect
busin.总产General Output
tech.总产total yield
econ.总产aggregate output
anim.husb.总产gross output
tech.总产total output
busin.总产出规模size of gross outputs
zool.总产卵群total spawners
econ.总产the output aggregate
econ.总产total product
commer.总产gross production
tech.总产gross product
econ.总产品值gross product worth
tech.总产品率percentage of pass
commer.总产total output
tech.总产gross product
horticult.总产total products
earth.sc.总产total yield
tech.总产overall yield
tech.总产gross production rate
tech.总产total generation
tech.总产total production
tech.总产overall production
busin.总产aggregate output
busin.总产gross yield
chem.总产total make
busin.总产aggregate yield
busin.总产gross product
tech.总产full production capacity
econ.总产gross output
econ.总产total capacity
econ.总产gross produce
shipb.总产quantum of output
commer.总产over-all yield
commer.总产over-all yield
agric.总产lifetime production
earth.sc.总产total gross output
agric.总产gross harvest
busin.总产General Output
horticult.总产total products
econ.总产量函数aggregate production function
commer.总产量曲线total product curve
securit.总产量的价值value of gross output
busin.总产量计划production planning for aggregate output
econ.总产total yield
busin.总体生产经营综合化comprehensive groups in terms of their overall production and business
securit.总债务与总资产比率total debt to total assets
securit.总债务与有形资产净值之比total debt to tangible net worth
agric.总光合产量gross photosynthetic yield
busin.总再生产率gross reproduction rate
tech.总初级生产力gross primary productivity
desert.总初级生产率gross primary productivity (单位面积单位时间内光合作用生产有机物质的速度,单位g/(m² • a))
econ., agric.总初级生产量gross primary production (PPg)
desert.总初级生产量gross primary production
agric.总干物质产量total dry-matter production
busin.总恒久性资产total permanent assets
anim.husb.总投人-产出模型global input-output model
earth.sc.总投入产出模型global input-output model
commer.总投入产岀模式global input-output model
busin.总投资与国民总生产之比ratio of gross investment to gross national product
busin.总括性财产转让general devise
econ.总括财产floating property
tech.总日产量total daily production
econ.总生产total produce
econ.总生产aggregate production
horticult.总生产性能total performance
anim.husb.总生产性能指数total performance index
econ.总生产成本total work cost
commer.总生产成本total production costs (指制造总成本 (manufacturing costs),包括:营业成本 (operating costs)、财务费用 (financial costs)、折旧 (depreciation))
busin.总生产成本total production cost
anim.husb.总生产指数general production index
econ.总生产率total productivity
tech.总生产率total output
busin.总生产率模型Total Productivity Model
busin.总生产线total production line
econ.总生产维修total productive maintenance
econ.总生产维修制total productive maintenance
expl.总生产能力throughout production capacity
commer.总生产能力overall capacity
tech.总生产能力total productive capacity
tech.总生产规划aggregate production planning
tech.总生产计划aggregate production planning
tech.总生产赢利total operating profit
busin.总生产进度表total product schedule
tech.总生产进度表master production schedule
commer.总生产量gross production
busin.总生产量aggregate production
tech.总生产量total growth
tech.总生产量预测total-products forecast
tech.总生产面积gross commercial area
econ.总生产额aggregate output
tech.总的产生速度total generation rate
econ.总的国内生产值 GDPgross domestic product
econ.总的国民产值 GNPgross national product
busin.总的联机生产系统total online production system
econ., agric.总第一性生产量gross primary production
tech.总第一级生产量gross primary production
econ.总系数生产率所有生产系数的平均生产率的一种量度total factor productivity
busin.总经营资产周转数turnover of total operating asset
commer.总营业资产周转额turnover of total operating assets
securit.总营运资产周转额turnover of total operating assets
tech.总裂变产物gross fission product
fin.总财产gross property
econ.总资产gross assets
busin.总资产gross estate
securit.总资产交易额/周转额total asset turnover
securit.总资产净值total net asset value
commer.总资产周转率total asset turnover
tech.总资产周转率turnover of total assets
securit.总资产周转额turnover of total assets
tech.总资产报酬率rate of return on total assets
securit.总资产收益return on total assets
fin.总资产收益率return on total assets
fin.总资产收益率all capital earnings rate
busin.总资产收益率rate of return on total assets
securit.总资产收益率all capital earning rate
commer.总资产负债表aggregate balance sheet
econ.总遗产税estate duty;estate tax
econ.总量生产函数aggregate production function
tech.总链产额total chain yield
tech.成品总产total products
earth.sc.房地产总收入aggregate income of the estate
econ.投人产出之总量生产函数aggregate production function
busin.投资总额与国民总产值比率ratio of gross investment to gross national product
busin.拆散出售的资产总值breakup value
commer.按不变价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at constant price
econ.按人口平均的国民生产总值per capita gross national product
econ.按人口平均计算的全国总产gross national product per capita
econ.按人口平均计算的国内总产gross domestic product per capita
commer.按人口平均计算的国内生产总值per capita GDP (gross domestic product)
busin.按人口计算的总产per capita gross product
econ.按固定价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at constant price GNP at constant price
busin.按固定价格计算的国民生产总值at constant prices
econ.按固定价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at constant price
busin.按固定价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at constant price
busin.按市场价格计算的国民生产总值at market prices
econ.按市场价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at market price GNP at market price
econ.按市场价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at market price
busin.按市场价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at market price
fin.按总体结构百分比编制的比较资产负债表comparative common-size balance sheet
econ.按成本要素计算的国民生产总值gross national products at factor costs
commer.按现时价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at current price
econ.按现行价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at current price
econ.按经济活动种类分列的国内生产总值gross domestic product by kind of economic activity
busin.按要素成本计算的国内生产总值gross domestic product at factor cost
busin.按要素成本计算的国民生产总值at factor costs
econ.按要素成本计算的国民生产总值GNP at factor cost
busin.按要素成本计算的国民生产总值gross national product at factor cost
econ.按购买者价格计算的国内生产总值gross domestic product in purchaser's values
tech.提高总产increasing the total yield
econ.未扣除债务的遗产总额gross estate
agric.未知小区的总产total yield of unknown plots
China, law本地生产总值local gross domestic product
anim.husb.母牛总生产性能指数total performance index for cow
busin.每百元工业总产值占用的流动资金current fund employed per 100 yuan of gross industrial output
tech.每种商品的产业部门总需求total industrial demand for each commodity
fin.永久性资产总额total permanent assets
econ.汇总资产债表consolidated statement
econ.汇总资产负债表consolidated balance sheet
econ.汇总资产负债表consolidated statement of resources and obligations
securit.汇总资产负债表consolidated statement of resources
busin.流动资产与总资产之比ratio of current assets to total assets
earth.sc.流动资产与总资产比率ratio of current assets to total assets
busin.流动资产与负债总额比率ratio of current assets to total liabilities
econ.流动资产对资产总额或固定资产比率ratio of current assets to total fixed assets
fin.流动资产对资产总额比率ratio of current to total assets
fin.流动资产对资产总额的比率ratio of current assets to total assets
fin.流动资产总额aggregate liquid assets
busin.流动资产总额total current asset
busin.流动资产总额aggregate liquid asset
econ.消除国民生产总值通货膨胀因素指数GNP deflator
fin.潜在国内生产总值underlying GDP
busin.潜在国民生产总值potential GNP
tech.潜在国民生产总值potential gross national product
econ.潜在的国民总产potential gross national product
econ.潜在的国民生产总值potential gross national product
econ.潜在的国民生产总值gross national product potential
fin.物价指数国民生产总值gross national product implicit price deflator
econ.王先生和李女士分别是我公司的总经理和生产部经理Mr Wang and Ms Li are respectively managing director and production manager of our corporation
econ.现金与总资产比率cash-to-total assets ratio
busin.现金与总资产比率cash to-total assets ratio
fin.现金对总资产比率cash to total assets ratio
tech.现金对总资产比率cash-to-total assets ratio
agric.甘蔗总产gross cane yield
busin.生产工人动力装备总水平aggregate horsepower per production worker
commer.生产工艺一次总购买outright purchase of technology
econ.生产性固定资产总值gross book value
tech.生产总值total value of production
busin.生产总成本total cost of production
busin.生产总经理top manufacturing executive
fin.生产成本汇总表cost of production report
busin.生产批次直接人工汇总数production order direct labor cost summary
busin.生产、核算、控制用总分析系统total analysis system for production, accounting and control
avia.生产管理总账production control ledger
tech.生产费用和总运输费production cost and freight
busin.生产费用汇总表summary of production expenses
econ.生产间接费明细总账manufacturing overhead ledger
shipb.电子产品在外贸总值中所占比重share of electronic products in the total value of foreign trade
tech.畜牧业总产gross output of cattle breeding
agric.相对总产relative yield total
geol.沙特阿拉伯石油矿产总局服务部Petromin Services Development
comp.name.沙特阿拉伯石油矿产总组织Petroleum and Mineral Organization
tech.矿产资源总量total mineral resources
desert.矿产资源总量total amount of mineral resources
tech.矿产资源总量预测total mineral resources prediction
econ.社会总产gross social production value
tech.社会总产total production of society
econ.社会总产aggregate social product
econ.社会总产gross social product
agric.社会总产gross national product
tech.社会总产total social product
busin.社会总产aggregate social product
busin.社会总产total products of society
tech.社会总产total product of society
econ.社会产品总值gross value of social products
busin.社会总生产aggregate social production
econ.社会总生产资金的平均利润率average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital
econ.社会总资本的再生产和流通the reproduction and circulation of aggregate social capital
busin.社会生产总值Gross Social Product
econ.私人财产总括保险单personal property floater policy
securit.管理的总资产total assets managed
commer.粮食总产aggregate food production
tech.精矿总产total concentrates
busin.累积总产出额aggregate output
tech.累计工业总产total cumulative output value of industry
tech.经营资产总额周转率turnover of total operation assets
ecol.绿色国民生产总值green gross national product
ecol.绿色国民生产总值green GNP
econ.职员薪金在产品总额中占的比重product salary
busin.联邦储备银行汇总资产负债表consolidated statement of condition of all federal reserve banks
fin.股东权益对资产总额比率ratio of stockholders' equity to total assets
busin.营运资产总额周转率turnover of total operation assets
tech.融资总额与资产价值之比total financing-to-value ratio
tech.裂变产物的放射性总强度inventory of fission product radioactivity
busin.计提大修理基金固定资产全年平均总值total average value of fixed assets subject to overhaul amortization for the year
busin.调整后总地产adjusted gross estate
busin.调整的国民生产总值adjusted GNP (gross national product)
fin.负债和净资产总计total amount of liabilities and net assets
fin.负债对总资产比率debt-to-total assets ratio
fin.负债对资产总额比率liabilities to total assets ratio
econ.负债对资产总额比率debt-to-total assets ratio
tech.负债总额对资产总额的比率total debt to total assets
busin.负债—资产总额比率debt-to-total assets ratio
econ.财产例如土地总收入gross yield of the property
tech.财产估价总值gross assessed value of property
econ.财产商品总分类账general ledger for properties and commodities
tech.财产商品总分类账general ledger for property and commodities
fin.财源负担总表资力负担汇总表;预算帐用资产负债总表summary statement of resources and obligations
securit.资产与负债总额aggregate assets and liabilities
fin.资产总计total amount of assets
fin.资产总额total equity
tech.资产总额利润报酬率rate of return on total assets
econ.资产总额利润率rate of return on total assets
earth.sc.资产总额利润率rate of returns on total assets
commer.资产总额周转率total asset turnover
tech.资产总额周转率turnover of total assets
fin.资产总额报酬率return on gross assets
econ.资产总额报酬率rate of return on total assets
busin.资产总额收益利润return on gross assets
econ.资产总额收益率all capital earnings rate
commer.资产总额收益率all capital earnings rate (企业税后净利与资产总额比率)
busin.资产总额收益率return on gross assets
econ.资产总额收益率报酬率return on gross assets
busin.资产总额收益率return of total assets
fin.资产负债变动汇总表summary of balance sheet change
busin.资产负债总表summary statement of resources and obligation
busin.资产负债总表general balance sheet
securit.资产账面总额gross book value
fin.资本对资产总额的比率owner's equity to total assets ratio
tech.运营资产总额周转率turnover ratio of total operating assets
tech.运输总产transport gross output
tech.金属总产total metals
tech.铁路运输总产total value of production of railway transportation
tech.铁路运输业总产gross output of railway transport industry
econ.销售净额与资产总额比率ratio of net sales to total assets
tech.销货净额对资产总额的比率ratio of net sales to total assets
econ.长期劳动在总生产中所占的份额labour share of output for long run
avia.陆军总资产可视性army total asset visibility
securit.集团总资产负债表group consolidated balance sheet
busin.非工业总产值的生产费用production expenses of gross nonindustrial output
fin.非总帐之资产保险公司用non-ledger assets
econ.项目区人均国内生产总值/国民生产总值GNP/GDP per capita income in project area
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