
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
液体上升rising main
上升rising main
世界产量total world production
世界钢产量world's total steel output (In fact, the developing countries produce 29 percent of the world's total steel output, which surpasses the goal announced at the 1975 Lima Conference for Developing Countries. 事实上,发展中国家的钢产量已占世界钢总产量的29%,超过了 1975年发展中国家利马会议宣布的目标。)
世界钢产量total world steel production
世界钢的生产能力total world steel capacity
价电子total valence population
供暖central heating plant
供暖heating main
保护渣消耗量total powder consumption
保护渣消耗量total consumption of flux
全世界钢的生产能力total world steel capacity (Total world steel capacity for the early part of the twenty-first century will be in the area of 800-850 million tonnes. 21世纪初,世界钢的总生产能力将介于 8.00 ~ 8.50 亿 t 之间。)
冷风cold blast main
冷风cold-blast main
分配distributing main
功率消耗total power consumption
动力消耗total power consumption
双联排气double off-take main
反向inverse population
变形total work of deformation
名义破断载荷nominal aggregate breaking load
吸风suction main
国家标准State Bureau of Standardization
国民生产gross national product
高度overall column height
大修工程进度表master schedule for relining project
夹持段长度total containment section length
孔洞体积与体积之比void ratio
实测破断荷载measured aggregate breaking load
富煤气rich gas main
封炉焦比total coke rate for banking
封炉焦比total banking coke rate
工艺水process water main
工艺水process water main
平面布置key plan
应变total work of deformation
废汽exhaust steam main
废钢total weight of scrap-steel
循环circulation flow
交换能力total exchange capacity
产量overall yield
产量ultimate production
产量total output
产量gross production
产额overall yield
会计师chief accountant
传热系数total heat-transfer coefficient
传热系数overall heat transfer coefficient
伸长overall elongation
伸长general extension
伸长general elongation
布置general layout
总平面布置图general arrangement plan
体尺寸overall size
体工程systems engineering
体布置图general arrangement plan
体积overall volume
体腐蚀total corrosion
体规划设计general planning
体规划设计阶段general planning period
体设计system design
余量total allowance
使用寿命entire life
grand total
共经过的时间total elapsed time
共过去的时间total elapsed time
冷凝器main condenser
几率total probability
利用率overall utilisation
吸收剂量integral absorbed dose
剂量accumulated dose
功率消耗total power consumption
加热面积total heating area
动力消耗total power consumption
gross head
main pressure drop
压下量cumulative reduction
压下量total reduction (几个道次的)
压下量overall reduction
压力overall pressure
压力降main pressure drop
压差total differential pressure
反应summary reaction
反应overall reaction
反应速率overall reaction rate
发射率total emissivity
变度total variance
变形total strain
变形total deformation
变形overall deformation
变形功total work of deformation
吨数gross ton
含氧量total oxygen
含氨量total ammonia
含碳量overall carbon content
吸收total absorption
吹炼时间total blowing time
回收收得gross recovery
回收率overall recovery
overall view
general view
assembly drawing
图布置general layout
场地面积gross site area
增益overall gain
增长overall gain
孔隙度overall porosity
孔隙度total porosity
孔隙度general porosity
孔隙度general porosity
安全系数overall safety factor
容差total allowance
高炉容积total volume (自大钟关闭位置的下端至铁口水平的高炉内容积)
容积total volume
容积overall volume
容积overall vessel volume
燃料箱容量total tankage
容量total capacitance
尺寸full size
工长chief foreman
平衡overall balance
平面布置general arrangement
平面布置图general arrangement plan
平面设计site planning
应变total strain
应变法total strain method
废气阀main exhaust valve
延伸total extension
延伸overall elongation
延伸率general elongation
延伸系数total coefficient of elongation
延伸量total elongation
建筑占地面积gross building area
建筑师chief architect
建筑面积overall floorage
建筑面积gross floors area
开关main switch
强度total intensity
悬浮固体total suspended solid
成本overall cost
成本assembling cost
截面bulk cross-section
扬程落差,位差gross head
抽风管suction main
损失total losses
排气阀main exhaust valve
排水管main sewer
控制室main control room
控制盘general control panel
控制计数器total control counter
收入overall gain
收得overall gain
收缩量gross shrinkage
放大系数overall amplification
效应gross effect
效率overall efficiency
效率gross efficiency
敏感度overall sensitivity
lump sum
数是account for
本征函数total eigenfunction
gross sample
概率total probability
气孔率total porosity
气孔率overall porosity
水管water main
污水管main sewer
污水管线main sewer line
沉积overall deposition
综合流程图general flowchart
流程图general flowchart
流量total flow rate
溶解固体total dissolved solids
炼焦时间gross coking time
烟道common stack
烟道main flue
烟道common duct
烧熔量total flash-off
烧结透气性overall sintering permeability
热传导系数total heat-transfer coefficient
热传导系数overall heat transfer coefficient
热值overall heating value
热值gross heating value
热值gross calorific value
热函total heat content
热平衡total heat balance
热平衡overall heat balance
热能total heat energy
热能gross calorific power
热量total heat
total heat content
焦化时间gross coking time
煤气道common duct
熔化时间overall melting time
燃烧热gross heat of combustion
生产能力total capacity
的不清晰度total unsharpness
的系统误差total systematic error
total sulphur
碱浓度total soda concentration
total carbon
碳量overall carbon content
master station
main pipe
line pipe
线收缩linear total shrinkage
线主控bus master
线配置bus-bar arrangement
经理managing director
经理general manager
经营成本overall operating cost
结焦周期gross coking time
能耗overall energy consumption
能量total energy
节气阀main throttle valve
节流阀main throttle valve
荷载gross load
营业费overall operating cost
落差overall drop
蠕变变形total creep
表面积total surface area
衰减overall attenuation
衰耗overall attenuation
角动量total angular momentum
major total
计划general plan
计卡片summary card
计穿孔机summary punch
设计师chief designer
试样general sample
试样bulk sample
调度chief dispatcher
调节阀main governor valve
负荷total load
负载total load
贮槽贮量total tankage
跨度total span
输出total output
还原度total amount of reduction
还原率overall reduction
还原量total amount of reduction
透光度total transmittance
透射比total transmittance
速度常数overall rate constant
反应速度常数total rate constant
total weight
铁心损失total core loss
镦粗量total upset
overall length
长大overall growth
master valve
集料带式输送机main gathering belt
集料皮带机main gathering belt
风管primary air main
风管main blast line
风管main blast pipe
风管blast main
高度overall height
高度total height
高度height overall
抽风suction main
排出offtake main
排出蒸汽exhaust steam main
排气offtake main
排气exhaust main
控制control total
放出offtake main
数字传送线digit transfer trunk
数字传送线digit transfer bus
无用数据gibberish total
有机碳total organic carbon
校验线check trunk
核定投资capitalized total cost
电解反应overall cell reaction
电阻overall cell resistance
每浇次历时total cast time per sequence
气体煤气gas main
hydraulic main
水平段长度total horizontal length (连铸机的)
污水sewage conduit
炉气stove gas main
热量损失overall heat loss
热风hot-blast trunk
热风hot-blast main
热风hot-blast main
热风管内衬hot blast main lining
热风炉煤气stove gas main
熔剂含量total flux content
生铁产量total pig iron production
生铁产量total pig iron output
电子electron population
电弧炉能量输人total energy input to the EAF (It is now common for 30-40% of the total energy input to the EAF to come from oxy-fuel burners and oxygen lancing. 现在氧-燃烧嘴配合氧枪吹氧所提供的能量通常占电弧炉总能量输人的30% ~ 40%。)
中央电话central telephone office
砖砌热风brick-lined hot blast main
砖砌热风brick lined hot blast main
空气air main
矿浆管道pipeline terminal
粗钢产量total raw steel output
粗钢产量total crude steel production (Total crude steel production reported by 67 steel producing nations to the International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI) through Nov. 1996 was 61.3 million tones, 2. 1% higher than 1995's November output level. 67 个产钢国向国际钢铁协会报告的1996年11月的粗钢总产量为6130万 t, 比1995年11月的粗钢总产量提高 2.1%。)
系统误差total systematic error
结晶器mold assembly
能耗gross energy consumption
衬砖热风brick-lined hot blast main
谱线增宽total line broadening
贫煤气lean gas main
.路面体设计overall pavement design
轧机体布置mill general layout
轧机体布置general layout of mill
轧机设备布置mill general layout
轧材和冷拔产品wrought products
轧辊备品roll inventory
转炉容积overall vessel volume
输入-输出线input/output trunk
还原炉assembly of reduction furnace
进矿ore reception terminal
连铸机产量total caster production
连铸机产量total output of caster
连铸机产量total production of continuous caster
连铸机产量total caster output
连铸机general layout of continuous caster
连铸车间图布置general layout of continuous casting shop
金属回收率overall metal recovery
金属对轧辊的压力total rolling pressure
钢丝破断拉力钢丝绳内的aggregate breaking force
钢丝破断拉力aggregate breaking force
钢中氧含量total oxygen content in steel (High levels of FeO and MnO in the ladle slag will result in high total oxygen contents in steel as shown in Figure 1. 如图 1 所示,钢包渣中 FeO 和 MnO 含量高会导致钢中全氧量提高。)
钢中铝量total aluminium content in steel
钢厂布置图general layout of steel plant
锻件、轧材和拉制产品的wrought products
闷炉焦比total coke rate for banking
闷炉焦比total banking coke rate
降尘collecting main
恒量lumped constant
集气collecting main
集气collector main
集气collector main
集气collecting main
集气管压力collecting main pressure
风口有效截面积total effective tuyere sectional area
风口有效截面积total tuyere area
风口有效截面积total tuyere area
风口有效截面积total blast nozzle area
高炉容积total volume of blast furnace
高炉炉顶煤气total top gas of BF
高炉煤气blast furnace gas main