
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
中国长江三峡工程开发公司China Three Gorges Project Corporation
低限热阻minimum thermal resistance
关贸协定与环境GATT and the Environment
固体如水中含量total solids
国内生产gross domestic productGDP
国民生产growth national productGNP
土壤碱度total alkalinity of soil
太阳辐射solar total radiation
室内排水管house drain
年度成本total annual cost
建筑物内污水building drain
建筑物外污水house sewer
建筑物外污水building sewer
供水量total supply
供热系统total energy system
允许渔获量total allowable catch
发热量total calorific value
可溶物total soluble matter
吸声率total absorption of sound
吸收量total absorption
吸收量gross absorption
吸音能力total absorption
噪声暴露指数composite noise exposure index
固体含量total solids content
固形物total solids
大肠杆菌群total coliform group
平均发病率incidence to total average
库容水库level-full capacity
径流量yielding flow
悬浮颗粒物total suspended particulate matter
悬浮颗粒物total suspended particles
排放控制total emission control
排放标准total emission standard
排放量管理规则regulation of total emissions
放射性测量gross activity measurement
有机氮Kjeldahl nitrogen
残氯量total residual chlorine
氧化total oxidation
氧化剂total oxidant
氨氮total ammonia nitrogen
氮氧化物total nitrogen oxide
氮氧化物量total oxides of nitrogen
氯需要量total chlorine requirement
汞量total mercury
污染gross contamination
污染系数gross contamination factor
溶解固体total dissolved solid
环境total environment
硫量total sulfur
硬度水质total hardness
碳酸total carbonic acid
total phosphorus
磷酸盐total phosphate
空气污染total air pollution
蓄水量gross reservoir capacity
部经济headquarters economy
酸值total acid value
量控制total quantity control
量监测total quantity monitoring
铬量total chrome
除尘效率overall collection efficiency
需氧量自动记录仪total oxygen demand automatic recorder
需水量total water requirement
悬浮固体total suspended solid
悬浮颗粒量指数total suspended particulate index
排水main drain
有机碳量分析仪total organic carbon analyzer
量控制权national control of water resources
污染物排放量控制计划Plan of Total Amount Control of Pollutant Discharge
灼烧残渣total residue on ignition
目标量控制total amount control based on environmental target
石油total petroleum hydrocarbons
绿色国民生产green gross national product
绿色国民生产green GNP
耕地量动态平衡dynamic equilibrium of farmland
能源回采率overall recovery rate of energy resources
臭氧平均average total ozone
臭氧平均average total amount of ozone
草地营养物质nutritional gross of rangeland
蒸发残渣total residue on evaporation
调节水total regulating water content
重金属毒性单位estimated sum of the toxic unit