
Terms for subject Technology containing 总力 | all forms | in specified order only
一次总体薄膜应力primary general membrane stress
出口总压力total discharge head
列车总制动力total train braking force
列车总阻力total train resistance
力的总和summation of forces
动力总工程师chief motive power engineer
劳动力总数total labour force
压力总管pressure header
压力总管force main
压力管道排水总管penstock drain header
压力表板总成pressure gauge dash unit
压力表板总成pressure gage dash unit
可支配资力总量total disposable means
土壤水分总应力total soil-moisture stress
垂直总应力vertical total stress
宏观总人力预算macroaggregate manpower budgets
室内总吸声力total absorption
总上覆压力total overburden pressure
总主应力total active soil force
总体应力反应gross stress reaction
总供电能力total capability for load
总冲力total reactive force
总初级生产力gross primary productivity
总制动马力gross brake horsepower
总剪切力total shearing force
总剪切应力total shearing stress
总剪力total shear
总力resultant couple
总力resultant couple
总力gross torque
总动力total output
总动力出流水头total dynamical discharge head
总动力出流水头total dynamic discharge head
总动力厂central power plant
总动力厂central plant
总动力密度total power density
总动力水头total dynamical head
总动力水头total dynamic head
总动力的压头 TDHtotal dynamic head
总升力overall lift
总升力面积total lifting area
总压力传感器total pressure probe
总压力减小stagnation pressure reduction
总压力恢复系数total-pressure recovery coefficient
总压力损失loss of total pressure
总压力探头total pressure probe
总压力测管total pressure probe
总反作用力total reactive force
总发射能力total emissive power
总受压应力main compression stress
总合成力generalized force
总吸收能力total absorption capacity
总吸附能力total adsorption capacity
总周围压力total confining pressure
总土压力gross earth pressure
总外力功total work of external force
总应力total stressing force
总应力强度参数total stress strength parameter
总应力强度指标total stress strength index
总应力损失loss of total stress
总应力法total stress approach
总应力法method of resultant stress
总应力盒total stress cell
总应力盒法total stress cell method
总应力集中系数gross stress concentration factor
总承载能力aggregate resistance
总抗剪力total shearing resistance
总抵抗力aggregate resistance
总拉伸力total stretching force
总推力total impellent force
总有效马力effective horsepower
总水力坡降线total hydraulic gradient
总水力梯度total head gradient
总水力比降total head gradient
总水平水压力total horizontal water pressure
总法向力total normal force
总波力total wave load
总波浪力total wave force
总浮力total buoyancy
总浮力gross buoyancy
总牵引gross tractive force
总牵引gross tractive power
总牵引gross tractive effort
总生产能力total productive capacity
总的净提升能力total net lifting capacity
总的合压力total resultant pressure
总的应力状态general state of stress
总磁力total magnetic force
总磁力强度total magnetic intensity
总纵向力main longitudinal force
总能力total capacity
总行驶阻力total motion resistance (车辆)
总装式蒸气动力装置integrated steam power plant
总设备马力total installed horsepower
总负载能力total capability for load
总轴马力total shaft horse-power
总输沙能力total sediment transport capability
总还原能力total reduction capacity
总通风压力total ventilation pressure
总铁结合力total iron combining power
总铁结合力total iron binding capacity
总阻力total draft
总阻力total resistance
总阻力drag overall
总静力高差total static head
总预应力total pre-stressing force
总额定出力gross rated capacity
总风力total wind force
操纵助力器总成operating booster assembly
支柱总承载力aggregate resistance of support
机车总阻力total resistance of locomotive
水头测量总单位压力total water gauge
水头测量总单位压力total water gage
水平总应力horizontal total stress
法向总压力total normal pressure
液力离合器总成hydraulic clutch assy
混凝土总应力total concrete stress
相对总基点重力差gravity difference to main base station
破口总水压力total hydraulic head on damaged part
财力负担汇总表summary statement of resources and obligations
车辆总阻力whole resistance of cars
车辆总阻力total resistance of wagon
重力仪观测总精度total observation accuracy of gravimeter
重力总基点gravity main base station
重力总管gravity main
重力测量总精度total accuracy of gravity survey
钢丝拉力总和aggregate breaking force
钢轨内部最大总应力maximum overall stress in rail
风机总压力fan total pressure