
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一次使用的遥控气象站expendable remote operating weather station
一次总付递延纳税年金single-premium deferred annuity
一次还本贷款bullet loan
一般能数general performance number
一阶不定分析first-order uncertainly analysis
一阶可靠分析first-order reliability analysis
一阶可靠first-order reliability method
下四分之一分布一致lower quarter distribution uniformities
不可逆费用cost of irreversibility
不溶淀粉黄原酸盐insoluble starch xanthate
不溶高分子接触消毒剂insoluble polymeric contact disinfectant
不确定模糊多目标规划inexact fuzzy multiobjective programming
不确定系数uncertainty factor
不精确系数uncertainty factor
与酸岩浆作用共生的金属成矿作用metallization associated with acid magmatism
世纪变化secular variation
东南电力可靠委员会Southeastern Electric Reliability Council
两向小型惯导航系统dual miniature inertial navigation system
亲脂neutral lipophilic
去垢纤维neutral detergent fiber
大气温度试验neutral atmospheric temperature experiment
有机化合物neutral organic compounds
气体成分光谱仪neutral atmosphere composition spectrometer
浓度neutral density
点绝缘不接地isolated neutral system
粒子诱导电子发射neutral particle induced electron emission
粒子诱导离子发射neutral particle induced ion emission
立,和线neutral line
中东部地区可靠合作协议East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement
中国生物多样信息系统Chinese Biodiversity Information System
中子诱发伽马放射neutron-induced gamma activity
中强度放射废液medium activity liquor
中等水溶代谢moderately water soluble metabolizable
中等能量研究轻水慢化工业核反应堆medium energy research light-water-moderated industrial nuclear reactor
中等能量研究轻水慢化工业核源medium energy research light-water-moderated industrial nuclear source
中等量放射废物intermediate-level waste
能γ自回归multiplicative gamma autoregressive
传导和温度conductivity and temperature
位置尺度同变location and scale equivariance
位置属废物site qualities
能的low grade
低度放射废物low-level radioactive wastes
低度放射废物low-level radioactive waste
低度放射废物处置场low-level waste disposal site
低度放射废物管理计划low-level waste management program
低放射废物low active waste
低残留农药low-persistent pesticide
体积弹模数bulk elastic modulus
充氧活污泥厂oxygenated activated sludge plant
光传递特light transfer characteristics
能卫星扫描带full performance swath
全国放射事故协定National Arrangements for Incidents Involving Radioactivity
全国放射散落物监测网national fallout monitoring network
全球沉降global fallout
全球极倒转年表global polarity time scale
因子common factor
系数coefficient of community
关于二次损失函数的容许admissibility with respect to quadratic loss function
关于二次损失函数的非容许inadmissibility with respect to quadratic loss function
分段线烈度填图piecewise linear intensity mapping
分段线管汇piecewise linear manifold
模量系数modulus of rigidity
利弗莫尔研究实验室Livermore Research Laboratory
化学活硫化床chemically active fluid bed
化学物质毒效应登录registry of toxic effects of chemical substances
化学、生物和放射实验室Chemical, Biological and Radiation Laboratories
化学、生物和放射工程组chemical biological radiological engineering group
化学、生物学和放射chemical, biological and radiological
化学-生物学活动chemical-biological activities
化学、生物、放射中心Chemical, Biological, Radiological Center
化学、生物、放射chemical, biological, radiological agency
化学、生物、放射要素chemical, biological, radiological element
化学的、生物的和放射chemical, biological, and radiological
北半球极实验Polar Experiment in the Northern Hemisphere
区域开发合作由伊朗、巴基斯坦和土耳其组成的经济组织regional cooperation development
区域海岸信息中心Regional Coastal Information Center
区域空气污染研究regional air pollution study
区域高原regional plateau
区域酸沉积物模式regional acid deposition model
半挥发有机化合物semivolatile organic compounds
半连续活污泥semi-continuous activated-sludge
协作科学实验室Coordinated Science Laboratory
单一线水库模型single linear reservoir model
单值属数据single value attributed data
单波线化频域法single wave linearised frequency domain method
南亚、东南亚、太平洋和远东核科学技术研究、开发与培训的地区合用协定Regional Cooperation Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology in South and Southeast Asia, the Pacific and the Far East
南半球极实验Polar Experiment in the Southern Hemisphere
印度尼西亚石油研究所开发研究The Research Development of the Indonesian Petroleum Institute
印度尼西亚石油研究所开发研究Lembaga Minyak Dan Bami
危害分析hazard analysis
危害指数hazard index
废物危害评价hazard assessment
危险分析hazardous analysis
各向同重量isotropic weight
同核异nuclear isomer
同质检验homogeneity test
含有缓冲剂的中碘化钾neutral buffered potassium iodide
吸附矿物研究所Sorptive Minerals Institute
周期伽马自回归法periodic additive gamma autoregressive
周期永久磁铁periodic permanent magnets
周边营养菌根peritrophic mycorrhizae
圆二色circular dichroism spectrum
土地land property
土地land performance
土地使用引起放射物质污染调查小组pollution from land use activity reference group
土地利用可能land use capability
土地利用可行研究land use suitability study
土地可持续land sustainability
土地定评价qualitative land evaluation
土地属land attribute
土地特land characteristics
土地适宜suitability of land
土地适宜land suitability
土地适宜评价land suitability evaluation
土地适宜评价land suitability classification
土壤可压缩soil compressibility
土壤可溶soil soluble salt
土壤可蚀soil erodibility
土壤可蚀指标soil erodibility index
土壤垂直地带soil vertical zonality
土壤抗逆soil adversity resistance
土壤有机材料动态特dynamics of soil organic matter
土壤残留农药soil persistent pesticide
土壤残留活soil residue activity
土壤水解酸度soil hydrolytic acidity
土壤波谱特spectral characteristics of soil
土壤活酸度soil active acidity
土壤潜酸度soil potential acidity
土壤物理soil physical property
土壤生物活soil biological activity
土壤电soil electricity
土壤电磁soil electromagnetism
土壤盐置换salt-replaceable acid of soil
土壤磁soil magnetism
土壤缓冲soil buffering
土壤耕soil tilth
土壤适宜soil suitability
土壤适耕soil workability
土壤通气soil aeration
土壤酶活soil enzyme activity
土壤酶的稳定stability of soil enzyme
土著细菌autochthonous bacteria
地下钻掘和岩信息中心Underground Excavation and Rock Properties Information Center
地区宇宙空间搜索雷达geographic aerospace search radar
地区干旱地信息网络regional arid land information network
地心惯Earth-Centered Inertial System
地貌非线串联模型geomorphologic nonlinear cascade model
地震动物异常特seismic animal anomalous behavior
地震层序属seismic sequence attribute
均匀实验反应堆homogeneous reactor experiment
均匀试验反应堆homogeneous reactor test
坝址特site qualities
范围plasticity range
泥浆的黏度-屈服值比plastic viscosity to yield value ratio
多元风险中multivariate risk neutral
多参数线回归方程组multiparametric linear regression equations
多变量最隹强制控制算法multivariable optimal constrained control algorithm
多属折衷系统multi attribute trade-off system
多目标线规划multiple objective linear program
多输入线扰动模型multiple input linear perturbation model
多输入线模型multiple input linear model
多重准则判定法multicriterion decision making techniques
多重准则评估multicriteria evaluation
多重线判定法则multiple linear decision rules
多重输入线微分演算模型multi-input linear difference routing models
多重输入线模型multi-input linear model
大地惯测量与水平校正geodetic inertial survey and horizontal alignment
大型放射同位素热源容器large radioisotope heat source capsule
大孔隙土壤线解析解linear analytical solutions of macropore soils
大尺度海岸large scale coastal behaviour
大尺度海岸large scale coastal behavior
大气传输特characteristics of atmospheric transmission
大湖区土地使用引起放射物质污染国际调查小组国际联合委员会、 美国和加拿大International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities
大规模非线规划模型large-scale nonlinear programming model
天文极年代表astronomical polarity time scale
天然放射核素natural radioactive nuclides
太阳、异常和磁层探测器solar, anomalous, and magnetospheric explorer
季节冰层带试验seasonal ice zone experiment
季节周期正态独立分布normal independent with seasonal cycle
季节周期自回归对数正态分布log normal, autoregressive with seasonal cycle
季节土壤分层模型估计地下水污染浓度seasonal soil compartment model
季节性能因素seasonal performance factor
季节模型seasonal model
季节牧草产量模拟器simulator of seasonal forage yield
季节能源有效系数seasonal energy efficiency ratio
季节选矿厂seasonal concentrating mill
小功率实验石墨核反应堆graphite low-energy experiment pile
小规模放射观测实验pilot radioaction observation experiment
局部动力阀值非线瑞利法Local Dynamic Threshold Nonlinear Rayleigh Method
土地数据库 attribute database
布鲁克黑文研究反应堆brookhaven research reactor
布鲁克黑文研究石黑反应堆brookhaven graphite research reactor
布鲁克黑文线加速器同位素生产器源brookhaven liner isotope producer
布鲁克黑文轻便试验钯辐照装置brookhaven portable cesium developmental irradiator unit
带状灌溉优化零惯模型zero-inertia model of banded irrigation advance
干放射废物dry active waste
干硬贫混凝土dry lean concrete
开发难易 或可行性development feasibility
抗阻中心center of elastic resistance
强制标准compulsory standard
当前适宜评价current suitability evaluation
当量的放射本底background equivalent activity
能数学模型mathematical models of the performance
能模拟软件performance modeling software
能监测系统performance monitoring system
能鉴定报告系统performance evaluation reporting system
总体可行评估gross feasibility estimator
总惰total unreactive phosphorus
恢复稳定resilient stability
感应磁球磨机induced magnetic roll
减速,缓发,迟发中子delayed neutron
成岩结晶韵律diagenetic crystallization rhythmicity
成本和cost and performance
扩大的亚得里亚海区域海洋学研究Adriatic Sea Expanded Regional Oceanological Studies
指导发展研究directory development study
指示多年规划indicative multi-annual programme
挥发卤代有机化合物volatile halogenated organics compounds
挥发卤代碳氢化合物volatile halogenated hydrocarbons
挥发固体volatile solids
挥发悬浮固体物质volatile suspended solids
挥发悬浮物质volatile suspended substance
挥发有机化学物质volatile organic chemicals
挥发有机物分析volatile organic analysis
挥发有机生物物质volatile organic biogenic substances
挥发有机酸volatile organic acids
挥发氯化烃volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons
挥发液态碳氢化合物volatile liquid hydrocarbon
挥发组分more volatile component
挥发脂肪酸volatile fatty acids
挥发裂变产物volatile fission products
改善地球化学特体系的能动性capable of improving the geochemical properties system
改善地球化学特的能动性capable of improving the geochemical properties
放射分析radioactive analysis
放射原子hot atom
放射同位素radio isotope
放射同位素推动radioisotope sail
放射同位素动力装置radioisotope power devices
放射同位素含油沉积物示踪radioisotopic sediment tracing
放射同位素含油砂层示踪系统radioisotopic sand tracing (system)
放射同位素工程应用中心Center for Engineering Applications of Radioisotopes
放射同位素标记的含油砂层示踪装置radioisotope-tagged sand tracer
放射同位素源radioactive isotope power supply
放射同位素热核发生器radio isotope thermonuclear generator
放射同位素热源装置radioisotope heater unit
放射同位素示踪器radioisotope tracer
放射干扰radioactive interference
放射废物管理委员会Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
放射radioactive halo
放射标准radioactive standard
放射标准radioactivity standard
放射标准、单位和常数联合委员会Joint Commission on Standards, Units, and Constants of Radioactivity
放射核应用实验室Radionuclear Applications Laboratory
放射沾染物radioactive contaminants
放射测定年龄数据库Radiometric Age Data Bank
放射测量radiological survey
放射淀积deposit dose
放射混合废物radioactive mixed waste
放射薄层层析thin layer radiochromatography
放射薄层色谱法thin layer radiochromatography
放射蜕变热radioactive heat
放射radioactive iron
放射radioactive niobium
放射radioactive strontium
数字线图表digital line graph
数据有效data valid
数据的逻辑一致data logical consistency
数量状位quantitative trait locus
最佳可行环境方案best practicable environmental option
最佳线判别best linear discrimination
最佳线无偏估计best linear unbiased estimation
最佳线无偏估计值best linear unbiased estimators
最大允许比放射maximum permissible specific activity
最大可能估计maximum likelihood estimate
最小方差线无偏估计量minimum variance, linear unbiased estimator
有害分析hazard analysis
有害废物检查hazardous waste inspection
有害废物补救活动计划hazardous waste remedial actions program
有害指数hazard index
有效弹厚度effective elastic thickness
有效迷向辐射功率effective isotropic radiated power
有限元壳层不稳定分析finite element shell instability analysis
有限可扩充非线弹性finitely extensible nonlinear elastic
有限构型相互作用-分子轨道-原子轨道线组合limited configuration interaction-molecular orbital-linear combination of atomic orbital
未分类的超基unclassified ultrabasic rock
未鉴认的放射核素在水中的最高容许浓度maximum permissible concentration of unidentified radionuclides in water
本底当量放射background equivalent activity
机械污泥脱水mechanical sludge dewatering
机遇约束线规划模型chance-constrained linear programming model
核能放射检测系统nuclear-powered active detection system
桩完整试验仪pile integrity tester
模块堆芯非线最优化系统modular in-core nonlinear optimization system
橡树岭国立实验室研究反应堆oak ridge research reactor
欧洲大气酸沉积物模型European Acid Deposition Model
欧洲实验摄影测量研究组织European Organization for Experimental Photogrammetric Research
欧洲试验与代表研究流域站网European Network of Experimental and Representative Research Basins
正碱紫苏花岗闪长岩enderbite of normal alkalinity
气冷式实验反应堆gas-cooled reactor experiment
气团变试验全球大气研究规划air-mass transformation experimentGARP
气溶胶特实验aerosol characterization experiment
气相粒状活vapour-phase granular activated carbon
气相粒状活vapor-phase granular activated carbon
气象仪器终端和代表观测meteorological equipment terminal and representative observation
氧气活污泥处理法oxygen activated sludge process
水久水准基点permanent bench mark
水溶养分water soluble nutrient
水溶百分率water soluble fraction
水溶water soluble carbon
水溶系数water soluble fraction
水稳团聚体water stable aggregate
永久地面变形permanent ground deformation
洋岛碱玄武岩oceanic island alkali basalt
洛斯•阿拉莫斯熔融钵实验反应堆los alamos molten plutonium reactor experiment
元素类active element group
元素组active element array
养分active nutrient
和钝性地震方法在地热系统上的应用active and passive seismic methods applied to geothermal systems
成分active ingredients
指标activity index
腐蚀性气体active gas
污泥-粉末活性炭法activated sludge-powdered activated carbon process
放射性淀积active deposit
炭层activated carbon bed
炭氢化合物reactive hydrocarbon
炭组合式电解器activated carbon packed electrolyzer
烃分析器reactive hydrocarbon analyzer
流动多样化liquidity diversification
流通溢价liquidity premium
海军实验载人观测卫星naval experimental manned observatory
海岸nature of the coast
海底放射同位素电源undersea radioisotope power supply
海洋特分析ocean feature analysis
湖成碱in-lake alkalinity generation
潜在大气污染atmospheric contamination potential
潜在污染物latent pollutant
潜在适宜评价potential suitability evaluation
爱姆斯实验室研究反应堆Ames Laboratory Research Reactor
物理适应指标physical fitness index
分析character analysis
理论地球利用系统Theoretical Earth Utilization System
生物污染biological pollution
生物活过滤biological activated filtration
生物降解挥发固体量biodegradable volatile solids
由生物增加的粒状活biologically enhanced, granular activated carbon
电子能信息中心Electronic Properties Information Center
电磁气体检测器electromagnetic gas detector
研究核反应堆research nuclear reactor
研究螺旋钻土机Research Earth Borer
研究辐射作用的实验反应堆radiation effects reactor
确定反馈deterministic feedback
确定概率统计污染物质输送模型deterministic-probabilistic contaminant transport
确定规划deterministic programming
确定谱幅模型deterministic spectral amplitude model
第一世代变质基metabasites of first generations
第二世代变质基metabasites of the second generation
第二类对流的不稳定convective instability of the second kind
第二类条件的不稳定conditional instability of the second kind
等价线equivalent linear method
等价非线方程组equivalent nonlinear equations
等效迷向辐射功率equivalent isotropic radiated power
筛选复线回归模型screening multiple linear regression models
累加最优算法progressive optimality algorithm
网络线规划network linear programs
耐磨耗abrasion resistance
耐阴植物shade plant
耗竭耕作exhaustion cropping
联合荷兰-挪威核能研究中心的实验核反应堆联合设备joint establishment experimental pile
循环beneficial cycle
荧光线图像fluorescence line image
荷兰-丹麦大气变试验Dutch Danish Air Modification Experiment
萃取的活污泥extracted activated sludge
补偿生长compensatory growth
补偿遂次线规划penalty successive linear programming
分区performance zoning
表面活物质surface-active substances
表面活磨阻降低剂surface-active friction reducers
表面电surface electrical properties
褐色火山土壤brown volcanogenous soil
货币债务monetary liabilities
货币外部pecuniary externalities
质量和可靠quality and reliability year
质量-碱氧气炼钢法quality basic oxygen process
费用有效cost effectiveness
适应划分计划program of adaptive division
选择离子检测selected ion detection
选择离子监测气相色谱-质谱联用测定法selected ion monitoring gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
选择诱发 X 射线发射光谱学selectively induced X-ray emission spectroscopy
选择可用select availability
逐次线规划successive linear programming
逐次线规划综合能源管理模型general energy management by successive linear programming model
逐次线规划能源管理模型energy management by successive linear programming model
逐次舍选线规划successive linear programming with rejection
逐次逼近线二次调整算法successive approximation linear quadratic regulator method
递归线规划模型recursive linear programming model
递推线规划模型recursive linear programming model
通用非线最小二乘方曲线拟合程序general nonlinear least-squares curve fitting program
速率响应特外层光谱velocity response envelope spectrum
和中性acidic and neutral
挥发性硫化物acid volatile sulfide
挥发性硫化物acid volatile sulphide
沉淀物质acid precipitable material
矿山坑水acid-mine drainage
矿山废水acid-mine drainage
矿山水acid mine water
矿渣acid mine waste
硫酸盐土acid sulphate soil
磷酸钙acid calcium phosphate
锂冷却式实验反应堆lithium-cooled reactor experiment
镜质组到惰vitrinite to inertinite
阴离子合成剂表面活污染物anion synthetic surface-active pollutants
阿尔贡高级研究反应堆Argonne Advanced Research Reactor
土地限制limitation (of land <->)
限制商业作法restrictive business practice
限定能浮标limited capability buoys
非弹低能电子衍射inelastic low energy electron diffraction
非弹电子穿透光谱学inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy
非持久污染物nonconservative pollutant
非挥发总有机碳量non-volatile total organic carbon
非挥发悬浮固体non-volatile suspended solids
非挥发有机物质non-volatile organics
非挥发有机碳nonvolatile organic carbon
非点污染源非经常输入nonpoint-source input as nonconservative
非特异吸附nonspecific adsorption
非生产贷款nonproductive loan
非瞬变非共水系Non-transient Non-Community Water System
非破坏试验学会Society for Nondestructive Testing
非破坏试验学会Society for Nondestructive Testing
非确定谱幅模型nondeterministic spectral amplitude model
非离子表面活non-ionic surfactants
非线位势nonlinear potential
非线函数降雨径流模型nonlinear functional rainfall runoff model
非线分布函数nonlinear distribution function
非线分析反演nonlinear analytic inversion
非线分析程序研究协会Nonlinear Analysis Program Research Association
非线初始化迭代法nonlinear iteration of the initialization
非线回归分析nonlinear regression analysis
非线回归模型nonlinear regression model
非线微分方程nonlinear differential equations
非线扩散模型non-linear diffusivity model
非线放大nonlinear amplification
非线时变nonlinear time varying
非线最佳估计nonlinear optimal estimation
非线最小二乘估计量nonlinear least-squares estimator
非线最小二乘方算法nonlinear least squares algorithm
非线最小二乘法nonlinear least squares method
非线最小二乘法method of nonlinear least squares
非线模拟-数字转换器non-linear analogue-to-digital converter
非线正交模初始化nonlinear normal mode initialization
非线正规方式初值化nonlinear normal mode initialization
非线相关nonlinearity correction
非线网络模拟和分析程序nonlinear network simulation and analysis program
非线薛定愕方程Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
非线规划梯度法nonlinear programming gradient method
非线风险受益算法nonlinear risk-benefit algorithm
非结构控制实施nonstructural control measures
页岩稳定指数shale stability index
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