
Terms for subject Technology containing 性质 | all forms | in specified order only
一般性质general aspects
三角性质triangle property
不加热黏性物质no-heat adhesive
不可溶性物质insoluble matter
不吸收性介质non-absorbent medium
不均匀各向异性介质inhomogeneous anisotropical medium
不挥发性物质non-volatile substance
不挥发性物质involatile substance
不溶性杂质insoluble impurities
不溶性物质non-soluble substance
与时间依存的性质time-dependent property
专门性工程地质测绘special engineering geology mapping
专门性水文地质图件specific hydrogeology maps
专门性水文地质调查special hydrogeological survey
专门性水文地质调查special hydrogeologic survey
两亲性物质amphipathic substance
两性性质amphoteric character
两性型聚电解质amphoteric polyelectrolyte
两性溶质amphoteric solute
两性电解质电泳ampholine electrophoresis
个性品质individual character
性质子物种proton-neutral species
中塑性黏质土fair-plastic clay soil
中性介质中退火的钢丝lime bright annealed wire
中性悬浮物质neutral suspended substance
中性杂质neutral impurity
中性溶质neutral solute
临界性质的材料material of marginal quality
临界性质的材料marginal material
主射影性质principal projection property
二效终结性质quadratic termination property
优质弹性橡胶snappy rubber
伪临界性质pseudo-critical property
伪折减性质pseudo-reduced property
低塑性有机质粉土organic silt of low plasticity
低塑性有机质黏土organic clay of low plasticity
低塑性黏质土low-plastic clay soil
低放射性物质的或非放射性的工作cold operation
低温性质cryogenic property
使用性质会改变的土地价值speculative value
光学性质optic property
光学性质light character
光活性物质optical active substance
光活性物质optic active substance
光的量子性质quantum nature of light
全息图的组合性质associative property of hologram
典型性质representative property
养护性质curing quality
养护性质curing property
内禀性质intrinsical property
内禀性质intrinsic property
再结晶性质recrystallization behavior
分子性质molecular property
分子性质测定measurement of molecular property
分裂性物质fissible material
切线性质tangential property
刚性转子平衡品质balance quality of rigid rotor
初凝性质initial setting property
刺激性物质stimulating substance
包体性质inclusion character
化学性质chemical nature
化学性质chemical quality
化学性质chemical capacity
化学性质不稳定泥浆chemical unstable mud
化学活性物质chemically active substance
区域地球化学调査性质character of regional geochemistry survey
区域地质调査性质feature of regional geological survey
区域地质调査性质feature of regional geologic survey
区域工程地质因素分带性zonality of the factors of regional engineering geology
区域应力性质character of regional stress
区域性地质一水文地质调查regional geology-hydrogeological survey
区域性地质一水文地质调查regional geology-hydrogeologic survey
区域性水文地质调査regional hydrogeological survey
区域性水文地质调査regional hydrogeologic survey
半导体的本征性质semi-conductor intrinsical property
半导体的本征性质semi-conductor intrinsic property
半稳定性白云石质耐火材料semi-stable dolomite refractory
半质子性溶剂semi-protic solvent
单体性地质图monomer geological map
单体性地质图monomer geologic map
单轴各向异性物质uniaxial anisotropic matter
危险性质变更change in nature of risk
压光性质piezooptical property
压光性质piezooptic property
各向同性均质土homogeneous isotropic soil
各向异性介质anisotropical medium
各向异性传声介质anisotropical sound bearing medium
各向异性传声介质anisotropic sound bearing medium
各向异性取向媒质anisotropical oriented media
各向异性取向媒质anisotropic oriented media
各向异性媒质anisotropical medium
各向异性物质anisotropical material
各向异性物质anisotropical substance
各向异性电介质anisotropical dielectric
各态历程性质ergodic property
合流污水性质quality of combined sewage
同化学性质指示isochemical indication
同沉积构造类型和性质type and property of synsedimentary structure
同调性质homological property
同质性分类grouping for homogeneity
同质性系数coefficient of homogeneity
同质性试验nick and break test
含毒性污染物质toxic pollutant
含水层水力性质hydraulic property of aquifer
吸声性质sound absorption quality
吸声性质sound absorption property
吸湿性物质hygroscopic matter
周期性质periodical property
周期性质periodic property
器质性疾病organic disease
土体性质soil mass property
土体性质soil characteristic
土壤性质soil characteristic
土壤性质nature of soil
土壤性质特征soil constant
土壤性质特征soil coefficient
土壤化学性质soil chemical property
土样水理性质测定determination of hydrophysics property of soil sample
土的性质nature of soil
土的力学性质soil mechanical characteristic
土的力学性质mechanical property of soil
土的工程性质engineering property of soil
土的物理力学性质physical-mechanical property of soil
土的非线性性质non-linear behaviour
土的非线性性质non-linear behavior
地层性质nature of the ground
地方性水质标准regional standard of water quality
地球的尺度和力学性质dimensions and mechanical property of the earth
地裂缝性质feature of superficial cracks
地质不连续性geological discontinuity (面)
地质不连续性geologic discontinuity (面)
地质体含矿性定量预测quantitative prediction of ore-content of geological body
地质体含矿性定量预测quantitative prediction of ore-content of geologic body
地质同时性geological simultaneity
地质同时性geologic simultaneity
地质图性质quality of geological map
地质图性质quality of geologic map
地质年代的放射性测定radiometric age dating
地质断面的电性特征electrical parameter of layer
地质断面的电性特征electric parameter of layer
地质矿业政策性调整geological and mining for reasons of policy adjustment
地质矿业政策性调整geologic and mining for reasons of policy adjustment
地质适合性geological suitability
地质适合性geologic suitability
地质适宜性geological suitability
地质适宜性geologic suitability
地震性质seismic property
场地地质适合性geological suitability of site
场地地质适合性geologic suitability of site
均质各向同性含水层homogeneous isotropic aquifer
均质各向同性弹性体homogeneous isotropic elastic mass
均质各向同性弹性半空间homogeneous isotropic elastic half-space
均质各向异性含水层homogeneous anisotropic aquifer
均质弹性土isotropic elastic soil
均质性测定homogeneity test
塑弹性物质plastoelastic composition
塑性流动传质机理material transfer by plastic flow
塑性物质plastic mass
塑性粉质黏土plastic silty clay
塑性记录媒质plastic recoding medium
备抵账户性质nature of allowance account
多孔弹性介质porous elastic medium
多层弹性介质multilayered elastic medium
大块性质bulk property
大块性质bulk-behaviour region
大块性质bulk-behavior region
天然放射性物质naturally occurring radio active substance
天然气主要物理性质参数physical parameter of natural gas
失真性质nature of distortion
守恒性质conservative property
安定性和质量试验soundness and fineness test (水泥)
封闭性质closure property
射影性质projective property
层状各向异性介质layer anisotropic media
幕等性质idempotent property
平稳随机过程谱性质spectral property of stationary random process
应力一应变性质stress-strain property
应力依从性质stress dependent behaviour
应力依从性质stress dependent behavior
应力分布性质stress distribution property
应变状态和性质state and property of strain
异质性的方差heterogeneous variance
异质性群体heterogeneous population
张量性质tensor nature
弱碱性介质weak basic medium
弹塑性性质elasto-plastic behaviour
弹塑性性质elasto-plastic behavior
弹塑性介质elasto-plastic medium
弹性介质生物接触氧化塘biological contact oxidation pond of elastic medium
弹性介质生物接触氧化塘biologic contact oxidation pond of elastic medium
弹性均质材料elastic isotropic material
弹性物质法elastic material balance method
弹性矿质硬沥青elastic mineral pitch
强度性质strength quality
强度性质strength property
强放射性物质研究实验室hot laboratory
强放射性物质研究实验室hot lab
强放射性物质操作间hot cell
强放射性物质的操作high-level work
性质变化qualitative change
总溶性物质total soluble matter
成浆性质试验mortar-making property test
成矿构造性质nature of minerogenic tectonics
截面性质section property
截面性质property of section
扩散性电解质diffusible electrolyte
承重性质weight bearing property
持久性化学物质persistent chemicals
持久性毒性物质persistent toxic substance
持久性物质persistent material
性质分类classification by kind
挥发性悬浮物质volatile suspended solids
挥发性悬浮物质volatile suspended matter
挥发性物质volatile substance
挥发性物质的放射性volatile activity
排放性质discharge property
摩尔性质molar property
摩擦性质frictional property
收敛性物质astringent substance
改变地温性质altering the thermal property of the ground
改性木质素磺酸盐絮凝modified lignosulfonate flocculation
改性过滤介质modified filter media
改进低等级石膏性质beneficiation of low-grade gypsum
放射性质the character of radiation
放射性水文地质调査radioactive-hydrogeological survey
放射性水文地质调査radioactive-hydrogeologic survey
放射性淀质active deposit
放射性物质化学chemistry of radioactive substance
放射性物质吸收剂radiation absorber
放射性物质引起的损害radioactive damage
放射性物质污染radioactive material contamination
放射性物质的吸入inhalation of radioactive material
放射性物质运输transportation of radioactive material
放射性示踪物质radioactive tracer
散射性质scattering nature
整体性质bulk property
整体性质blocking property
显微构造类型和性质type and feature of microstructure and fabric
晶体基本性质basic property of crystal
最优方案的性质property of optimal plan
有侵蚀性的水质corrosive water
有害性物质hazardous substance
有机质粘性土sticky soil
本征性质intrinsical property
本征性质intrinsic property
机械性质engineering property
杂质活性impurity activity
杂质离子不稳定性impurity ion instability
材料力学性质mechanical property of material
材料的性质property of material
束流性质nature of beam
来源的性质nature of sources
构造的均质性uniformity of structure
标准样性质nature of standard sample
标量性质scalar nature
性质nuclear quality
核分裂性物质fissionable material
植被性质vegetation nature
概率性质probable nature
模型的估计量性质property of estimator of a model
模型的期望性质desirable property of a model
橡胶性物质rubbery substance
正则性质regularity property
正规性质regularity property
残余性质residual property
民营性质的公有制形式public ownership with a popularly-run nature
气团性质property of air-mass
氧化性质oxidizing property
氧化还原活性介质redox-active media
水力性质hydraulic property
水文性质hydrological property
水文性质hydrologic property
水文性质hydrographical feature
水文地质基础性图件basic maps of hydrogeology
水文地质特性hydrogeological nature
水文地质特性hydrogeological characteristic
水文地质特性hydrogeologic characteristic
水溶性物质water-soluble material
水溶性腐殖质water-soluble humus
水的性质water property
水的化学性质chemical properties of water
水的热性质thermal property of water
水的物理性质physical property of water
水质可修复性water quality recoverability
永磁性质permanent-magnetic property
污染性质polluting property
污染物质量连续性continuity of pollutant mass
汽油起动性质gasoline startability
沉积物物理性质physical property of sediments
沉降性质setting property
洗脱性质eluent property
性质量近似法active mass approximation
性质量部分active mass fraction
活性介质active medium
活性杂质non-inert impurity
活性污泥生物质activated sludge biomass
活性溶质reactive solute
活性溶质active solute
活性溶质浓度reactive solute concentration
活性溶质运移reactive solute transport
活性炭表面化学性质activated carbon surface chemistry
流动性质flow property
浇制永久性轻质混凝土模壳cast permanent lightweight forms
浇制永久性轻质混凝土模壳cast permanent lightweight concrete shuttering
浇制永久性轻质混凝土模板cast permanent lightweight forms
浇制永久性轻质混凝土模板cast permanent lightweight concrete shuttering
测定基岩厚度及性质的浅孔钻进testing bedrock
测温性质thermometric property
海岸性质nature of coast
海底性质quality of bottom
海洋磁场性质测试仪marine magnetic field property tester
消失性乳膏基质vanishing cream base
消费性的物质生活consumption part of material life
消费者需求表列的性质nature of schedule of consumer demand
消除放射性质removing of radiological agents
潜伏水硬性物质latent hydraulic substance
火灾性质fire property
灯光性质characteristics of light
灰泥状性质putty-like property
煤油燃烧性质kerosene burning quality
煤的物理性质physical property of coal
爆炸性物质explosive substance
物化性质physico-chemical property
物化性质physical-chemical property
物料性质材料性能material property
物理性质physical feature
物理性质physical characteristic
物理性质physical behavior
物理性质physical aspect
物理力学性质physico-mechanical property
物理化学性质physico-chemical property
物质性蓄积material accumulation
性质characteristic quality
特征性质index property
特性吸附的吸附质specifically adsorbed adsorbate
特性溶质物质specific soluble substance
特殊溶性物质specific soluble substance
瑞利波弹性品质因子Rayleigh's elastic quality factor
生物性有毒物质biological toxic material
生物性有毒物质biologic toxic material
生物活性物质biologically active substance
用硬质弹性沥青片铺盖屋面vulcanite roofing
用马歇尔法测定的沥青混凝土性质Marshall property
电光性质electrooptical property
电光性质electrooptic property
电法勘探异常性质anomaly nature of electrical prospecting
电法勘探异常性质anomaly nature of electric prospecting
电活性物质electroactive substance
电荷改性过滤介质charge modified filter media
电路性质标志信号nature of circuit indicator
真临界性质true critical property
破坏性物质destroying substance
硬化性质property of setting
硬质油性腻子hard putty
硬质油性腻子hard oil putty
确定浮土厚度和基岩性质的钻探bedrock test
碍航性质nature of navigation obstruction
稠度指数性质consistency index property
稳性腐殖质stable humus
空气的守恒性质conservative properties of air
第四系岩性地质图lithological -geological map of quaternary system
第四系岩性地质图lithologic -geologic map of quaternary system
筛选性质sifting property
粉末性质不均匀non-uniformity of powder characteristics
粒子性质particle property
粒度性质granulometric property
粒径性质nature of grains
老化性质aging property
联剖交点性质property of intersecting point in combined profiling method
聚两性电解质polyamphoteric electrolyte
脱模性质release property
腐蚀性杂质corrosive impurity
腐蚀性物质corrosive substance
腐败性物质putrefactive substance
节理性质joint nature
荷载性质nature of load
表面性质surface state
表面活性剂有机溶质surfactant organic solute
表面活性剂有机溶质surface active organic solute
表面活性杂质surface active impurity
表面活性物质surface active substance
表面活性物质的泥浆surfactant mud
表面热处理后钢中心的性质core property of case hardened steel
衰减性质attenuation property
褶皱岩层性质character of folded beds
褶皱类型和性质type and property of folds
警告性灯质cautionary characteristic of light
负质量不稳定性negative mass instability
财产关系的社会性质social nature of property relations
货物和物质性服务出口exports of goods and material services
货物和物质性服务的进口imports of good and material services
货物和物质性服务账户accounts for goods and material services
质子性介质protonic medium
质子性酸protonic acid
质的属性qualitative attribution
质的规定性qualitative prescription of
质量反应性系数mass coefficient of reactivity
质量和可靠性目标quality and reliability objective
质量属性qualitative attribυute
质量弹性特性mass-elastic characteristics
质量性状quality character
质量性状相关表contingency table
质量流量敏感性检测器mass flow rate sensitive detector
质量特性mass characteristic
质量的相对论性变化relativistic change in mass
质量的相对论性增加relativistic increase of mass
质量稳定性评价标准quality retention rating
质量致性检验inspection of quality conformity
超基性变质岩类ultra-basic metamorphic rocks
车流性质characteristics of wagon flow
软弱地层物理性质试验soft ground physical property test
辐射性质radiation property
输送液体性质pumped fluid characteristics
通用性质universal property
道路防滑性质road-skid property
酪朊质水溶性涂料casein water paint
酸性物质acid substance
酸性电解质acidic electrolyte bath
锻造性质forging property
防絮凝性质anti-flocculating property
阶段异质性phasic heterogeneity
附加的实质性测试additional substantive test
随机性地质地球物理模型random geological geophysical model
随机性地质地球物理模型random geologic geophysical model
随机性地质模型random geological model
随机性地质模型random geologic model
非固有性质extrinsic property
非地沥青质焦性沥青non-asphaltic pyrobitumen
非均匀各向异性介质heterogeneous anisotropic medium
非均匀弹性介质heterogeneous elastic medium
非均质各向同性含水层heterogeneous isotropic aquifer
非均质各向异性介质heterogeneous anisotropic medium
非均质各向异性含水层heterogeneous anisotropic aquifer
非均质塑性体non-homogeneous plastic body
非均质塑性体inhomogeneous plastic body
非均质塑性体heterogeneous plastic body
非完全弹性介质imperfectly elastic medium
非弹性性质inelastic property
非本征性质extrinsic property
非本能性质extrinsic property
非沥青质焦性沥青non-asphaltic pyrobitumen
非法性质illegal nature
非活性溶质运移non-reactive solute transport
非物质的多样性dematerialized multiformity
非磁性物质non-magnetic substance
非线性性质non-linear behaviour
非线性性质non-linear behavior
非线性性质系统system with non-linear characteristics
非线性介质non-linear dielectric
非线性地质统计学non-linear geostatistics
非线性媒质non-linear medium
非线性应力一应变性质non-linear stress-strain behaviour
非线性应力一应变性质non-linear stress-strain behavior
非线性弹性性质non-linear elastic behaviour
非线性弹性性质non-linear elastic behavior
非线性放大媒质non-linear amplifying medium
非线性电介质极化non-linear dielectrical polarization
非线性电介质极化non-linear dielectric polarization
非线性电磁媒质non-linear electromagnetic medium
非线性连续介质力学non-linear continuum mechanics
非质子性溶剂non-protonic solvent
顺磁性物质paramagnetic material
预制永久性的轻质混凝土模板precast permanent light weight concrete form work
饮用水所需化学性质required chemical characteristics of drinking water
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