
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing 性状 | all forms | in specified order only
动力性状dynamic behavior
土的性状behaviour of soil
实际性状actual behaviour
实际性状actual behavior
岩体性状rockmass performance
岩体性状behaviour of rock mass
应力-应变性状stress-strain behaviour
应力-应变性状stress-strain behavior
应力-应变-时间性状stress-strain-time behavior
弹塑性性状elastic-plastic behavior
弹性平衡状态elastic state of equilibrium
弹性应力状态〔条件〕elastic stress condition
弹黏性性状elastoviscous behavior
性状保证guarantee of performance
性状模型behavioural model
水井性状well performance
渗透性楔状带wedge belt of permeability
物理性状physical behavior
瞬时性状transient behavior
短期性状short-term performance
离散岩性状discrete lithologic state
粒状黏性土granular-cohesive soil
耐久性极限状态serviceability limit state
胀缩性状swell-shrinking behaviour
脉动性状microtremor behaviour
脉动性状microtremor behavior
被动塑性平衡状态passive state of plastic equilibrium
贯入性面状不连续体penetrative planar discontinuity
长期性状long-term performance
长期性状long-term behaviour
非弹性性状inelastic behavior
黏土工程性状engineering behavior of clay
黏弹性性状viscoelastic behavior
黏弹性性状elastoviscous behavior
黏滞性状viscous behavior