
Terms for subject Technology containing 急救 | all forms | in specified order only
伤员急救first-aid to the injured
卡车急救车库emergency truck garage
国际救援与急救协会International Rescue and First Aid Association
失事紧急救援处emergency office
急救助气垫船air cushion crash rescue vehicle
急救援操作emergency rescue operation
急救生浮标emergency buoy
急救生艇emergency life boat
急救生艇accident boat
应急离机救生包escape kit (内装地图)
急救first-aid treatment
急救中心emergency aid center
急救中心标志emergency aid center sign
急救创伤first-aid injury
急救包扎first aid dressing
急救医疗和技术援助服务计划emergency medical services and technical support services programme
急救医疗和技术援助服务计划emergency medical services and technical support services program
急救医疗器具first-aid outfit
急救医疗系统emergency medical system
急救医院emergency hospital
急救医院accident hospital
急救发电机stand-by generator
急救first aider
急救工作emergency works
急救手术室emergency operating room
急救护理员emergency treatment person
急救措施emergency treatment
急救措施emergency measures
急救方法emergency measures
急救材料first-aid supply
急救氧气袋emergency oxygen pack
急救洞室leading room
急救用品first-aid appliance
急救emergency aid center
急救aid station
急救first-aid kit
急救组织first-aid organization
急救药品first-aid medicine
急救莲蓬头emergency shower
急救装置survival kit
急救设备first-aid equipment
急救设备first-aid apparatus
急救emergency ambulance
急救breakdown van
急救车服务emergency ambulance service
急救车站accident ambulance station
急救车站accidental ambulance station
急救breakdown gang (火场失事)
救急emergency rope
救急机车emergency engine
救急车emergency car
断轨救急接头emergency rail-joint
气垫应急救助船air cushion crash rescue vehicle
急救first aid
急救护器材emergency first-aid kit
急救护用具emergency first-aid kit
急救护箱emergency first-aid kit
急救援任务emergency rescue mission
急救援医疗服务emergency medical service
急救援无线电信标emergency beacon
急救援系统设计院Design Institute for Emergency Relief System
急救济行动专家咨询小组Expert Advisory Panel on Emergency Relief Operations
急救emergency survival
紧急急救处理指南emergency first aid treatment guide
紧急呼救信号emergency message
紧急抢救收留站emergency and accident department
紧急用救援车rescue truck
紧急着陆救生事故emergency landing survival accident
紧急补救工作urgent remedial work
联邦紧急救济法Federal Emergency Relief Law (美国)
船舶应急救捞器材系统emergency ship salvage materials system
认可的急救approved first-aid outfit