
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
夏科-马里-图Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
强迫性穷竭虑obsessive rumination
形象thinking in images
维不连贯incoherence of thought
维化声audible thought
维品质trait of thinking
维奔逸flight of ideas
维异化thought alienation
维插人thought insertion
维播散thought broadcasting
维显形visible thought
维松弛looseness of thought
维松散looseness of thinking
维破裂splitting of thought
维被夺thought withdrawal
维贫乏poverty of thought
维过程thinking process
维迟缓retardation of thought
维障碍disturbance of thinking
维黏滞viscosity of thinking
里试验Guthrie test
法恩斯沃色相配列试验Farnsworth dichotomous test
矛盾thought ambivalence
诡辩性sophistic thinking
象征性symbolic thinking
逻辑倒错性paralogic thinking