
Terms containing 忙时 | all forms | in specified order only
el.一致忙时时间time-consistent busy hour
econ.业务最繁忙时the peak hour
securit.业务繁忙时peak hour
tech.业务繁忙时heavy traffic period
agric.忙时rush hours
telecom.天与忙时day to busy hour ratio
gen.对忙于接听其他呼叫者电话或解决其他问题的人来说,时间过得很快,但对于等待的人来说时间就过得很慢了Time passes quickly for the person who is busy with other callers or issues, but for the person on hold, time creeps by
proj.manag.对、现如今每个人都很忙、没人有时间再去写 "蜗牛邮件" 了Yes, everyone is so busy nowadays, no one seems to have time to write snail mail anymore
el.忙时office busy hour
manag.工作最忙时peak workload period
econ.工作最忙时peak load period
interntl.trade.市场、生意、事务、交通等最繁忙的时刻rush hour
telecom.平均忙时time consistent busy hour
IT平均忙时time-consistent busy hour
telecom.平均忙时mean busy hour
telecom.平均忙时呼叫两分钟通话equated busy-hour call
telecom.平均忙时呼叫equated busy-hour call
el.平均忙时时间time-consistent busy hour
el.忙季忙时平均值average busy season busy hours
telecom.忙态防护时间busy guard period
el.忙时peak hours
el.忙时busy hours
telecom.忙时busy time
telecom.忙时heavy hour
telecom.忙时busy hour
telecom.忙时与天比1 天= 24hday to busy hour ratio
telecom.忙时业务量busy-hour traffic
commun., railw.忙时串杂音busy hour crosstalk and noise
gen.忙时串杂音busy-hour crosstalk noise
el.忙时呼叫busy hour call
IT忙时呼叫尝试busy hour call attempt
IT忙时呼叫转移call forwarding when busy
el.忙时平均值average busy hours
telecom.忙时平均话务量busy hour average traffic
IT忙时用户的再呼叫completion of call to busy subscribers
telecom.忙时电流busy hour current
el.忙时试呼busy hour call attempt
telecom.忙时试呼busy hour call attempt
el.忙时试呼季节平均值average season busy hour call attempts
telecom.忙时试呼次数busy hour calling amount
telecom.忙时负荷busy hour load
el.忙时负载busy hour load
telecom.忙时集中系数day to busy hour ratio
telecom.忙时集中系数busy-hour to day ratio
gen.早上都很忙,有些人根本没时间吃早点People are busy in the morning. Someone even doesn't have time to enjoy breakfast
manag.最繁忙时期运输絮统的负担peak period demand on the transportation system
busin.市场、商店业务最繁忙时rush hours
gen.最繁忙的时刻at peak periods
el.百万次忙时试呼million busy hour call attempt
telecom.等效忙时equated busy hour call
space等效忙时呼叫equated busy hour call
telecom.等效忙时呼叫equated busy-hour call
auto.交通高峰busy period
tech.忙时busy period
tech.忙时busy time
tech.线路繁忙时busy time of line
telecom.网络忙时network busy hour
IT忙时group busy hourGBH
IT忙时group busy hour
tech.忙时呼叫group busying hour call
el.被呼移动用户忙时的呼叫转移call forwarding on mobile subscriber busy
tech.道路繁忙时busy time of line
tech.非紧忙时slack hour
tech.非繁忙时off-peak hours
telecom.高峰忙时peak bust hour