
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
与联合国合办国际人口与发展训练研究中International Centre for Training and Research in Population and Development in Association with the United Nations
世界养护监测中World Conservation Monitoring Centre
世界环境中World Environment Centre
中国国际经济信息中China International Economic Information Centre
亚太信息交换中Asia Pacific Information Exchange
亚太发展中亚太经济2000年展望会议APDC Conference on Asia-Pacific Economy towards Year 2000
亚太经社会人力资源开发国家协调中ESCAP Network of National Focal Points for Human Resources Development
亚太经社会-人口信息网发展国家人口信息中和网络专家工作组ESCAP-POPIN Expert Working Group on the Development of National Population Information Centres and Networks
亚太经社会区域国家遥感中/方案主任会议Meeting of the Directors of the National Remote Sensing Centres/Programmes in the ESCAP Region
亚太经社会/国贸中/贸发会议/PRODEC亚洲发展中国家进口管理讨论会ESCAP/ITC/UNCTAD/PRODEC Seminar on Import Management for Developing Asian Countries
亚太经社会国际商业仲裁中ESCAP International Commercial Arbitration Centre
亚太经社会太平洋活动中ESCAP Pacific Operations Centre
亚太经社会航运信息和咨询服务中ESCAP Centre for Shipping Information and Advisory Services
亚太经社会贸易促进中ESCAP Trade Promotion Centre
亚太网络信息中Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
亚洲及太平洋农村综合发展中Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋发展中Asian and Pacific Development Centre
亚洲及太平洋发展事务行政中Asian and Pacific Development Administration Centre superseded
亚洲及太平洋妇女与发展中Asian and Pacific Centre for Women and Development superseded
亚洲及太平洋技术转让中Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology
亚洲及太平洋湿热带粗粮、豆类、根茎和薯类作物研究和发展区域协调中Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tubers in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋防治荒漠化研究和训练中区域网Regional Network of Research and Training Centres on Desertification Control in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲社会福利和发展训练研究中Asian Centre for Training and Research in Social Welfare and Development superseded
亚洲蔬菜研究和发展中Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre
亚洲防灾中Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
亚远经委会国际商业仲裁中ECAFE Centre for International Commercial Arbitration superseded
亲核中nucleophilic center
人居中United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
人居中Habitat superseded
人权和环境中Centre for Human Rights and Environment
信息、训练和分析中United Nations Information, Training and Analysis Centre
全球径流数据中Global Runoff Data Centre
全球环境监测系统方案活动中Global Environment Monitoring System Programme Activity Centre
六项核方案core programmes
地球Earth care
农业研究促进发展国际合作中Agricultural Research Centre for International Development
农村中规划指导方针Guidelines for Rural Centre Planning
刑警组织国家中Interpol national central bureaus
加勒比共同体气候变化中Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre
区域人口信息中Regional Population Information Centre
区域住房中Regional Housing Centre
区域矿物资源开发中Regional Mineral Resources Development Centre
南盟结核病中SAARC Tuberculosis Centre
危机纾解中Risk Reduction Agreement on the establishment of nuclear risk reduction centres
反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外理和有关不容忍行为世界会议World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
国家人力资源开发协调中Network of National Focal Points for Human Resources Development
国家协调中national focal point
国家洁净生产中National Cleaner Production Centre
国际供水和卫生中International Water and Sanitation Centre
国际干旱地区农业研究中International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
国际干旱地区农业研究中International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas
国际残疾人核小组International Disability Caucus
国际气候变化中International Centre for Climate Change
国际水生物资源管理中International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management
国际水资源管理训练中International Training Centre for Water Resources Management
国际潜毒化学品登记处方案活动中International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals Programme Centre
国际环境信息来源查询系统方案活动中International Referral System for Sources of Environmental Information Programme Activity Centre
国际环境技术中International Environmental Technology Centre
国际环境法中Center for International Environmental Law
国际环境科学训练中International Centre for Training in Environmental Sciences
国际环境联络中Environment Liaison Centre International
国际社会老年学中社会老年学中心Centre international de gerontologie sociale GIGS
国际科学和技术中科技中心International Science and Technology Centre
国际项目中Centre for International Projects
国际预防犯罪中International Centre on Crime Prevention
国际预防犯罪中Centre for International Crime Prevention
图象分析中imagery analysis centre
土著营养和环境中Centre for Indigenous Peoples' Nutrition and Environment
在日本设立国际环境技术中技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for the Establishment of the International Environmental Technology Centre in Japan
基准geocentric datum
数据geocentric datums
外国恐怖分子资产跟踪中Foreign Terrorist Asset Tracking Center
外联宣传中Outreach centers
太平洋海啸警报中Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
山区综合发展国际中International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
样本core sample
工业与环境方案活动中Industry and Environment Programme Activity Centre
工业于环境中Industry and Environment Centre
常见血管疾病common cardiovascular conditions
干地发展中Drylands Development Centre
干地生态系统和防治荒漠化方案活动中Drylands Ecosystems and Desertification Control Programme Activity Centre PAC
1999年联络中1999 liaison centres
建立区域农业机械中政府间会议Intergovernmental Meeting for the Establishment of the Regional Centre for Agricultural Machinery
建立区域防治荒漠化研究训练中网络政府间会议Intergovernmental Meeting on a Regional Network of Research and Training Centres on Desertification Control
开发计划署支助的水资源管理中科学咨询委员会Advisory Scientific Committee of the UNEP-supported Centre for Water Resources Management
微生物资源中Microbial Resources Centre
理医生stress counsellor
电图仪ECG machine
肺复苏cardio pulmonary resuscitation
扶贫中Poverty Centre
技术转让区域中Regional Centre for Technology Transfer
拉加经委会/人类住区中人类住区联合股Joint ECLAC/UNCHS Unit on Human Settlements
排雷行动协调中Mine Action Coordination Centre
排雷防护背/夹克demining protective vest/jacket
排雷防护背/夹克或排雷保护围裙/裤二选一demining protective vest/jacket or demining protective apron/trousers alternatives
接受理治疗和患者和生存者世界网络World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
新能源和可再生能源协调中会议Meeting of Focal Points on New and Renewable Sources of Energy
日本日本老龄研究中Japan Ageing Research Centre
旱情监测中Drought Monitoring Centre
气体离Gas centrifuge
水和环境合作中Collaborating Centre on Water and Environment
沙漠研究中Desert Research Centre
海洋和沿海区方案活动中Oceans and Coastal Areas Programme Activity Centre
海洋和沿海区方案活动中Ocean and Coastal Areas Programme Activity Centre
海洋和沿海地区方案活动中Programme Activity Centre for Oceans and Coastal Areas
灾害管理训练中Disaster Management Training Centre
牛津大学贫困与人类发展研究中Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
环境法中Environmental Law Centre
环境法和机构方案活动中Environmental Law and Institutions Programme Activity Centre
环境联络中Environment Liaison Centre
生物技术安全信息交换中Biosafety Clearing-House
生物技术安全信息交换中网站门户BCH Central Portal
监测和评价研究中Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre
精神病医生或理医生psychiatrist/ psychologist
综合供应中Integrated Supply Centre
美洲发展和环境土地研究中Inter-American Center for Development and Environmental and Territorial Research
老年人日间照料中day-care centre for the elderly
联合国人类住区中United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
联合国人类住区中Habitat superseded
联合国区域发展中United Nations Centre for Regional Development
联合国区域发展中UNCRD =United Nations Centre for Regional Development
联合国和平与裁军区域中United Nations regional centres for peace and disarmament
联合国国际弹道学中International Trajectography Centre
联合国紧急环境援助中United Nations Centre for Urgent Environmental Assistance
联合国联合后勤中United Nations Joint Logistics Cell
联合国阿富汗业务中United Nations Operations Centre in Afghanistan
联合国预防犯罪中United Nations crime prevention centres
联合安全行动中Joint Security Operations Centre
联合数据交换中Joint Data Exchange Centre of GCS
能源和环境合作中Collaborating Centre on Energy and the Environment
自然保护联盟环境法中IUCN Environmental Law Centre
航运信息和咨询服务中Centre for Shipping Information and Advisory Services
mass centre
贸易促进中Trade Promotion Centre
费用中cost centre
资料中网址clearinghouse sites
跨区域运输基建中Trans-regional Centre for Transport Infrastructure
防治石油污染区域中Regional Oil Combating Centre
防治荒漠化方案活动中Desertification Control Programme Activity Center
TCDC-ECDC项目活动审查和制定国家协调中会议Meeting of TCDC-ECDC National Focal Points on Review of Activities and Formulation of a Programme