
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
研究国际金融be bound up in the study of international banking
专业中specialist center
城市major city
调节centring control
中国机电设备招标中China National Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Center
企业家事业entrepreneur spirit
企业指导中enterprise directing center
信息中data bank
加工中manufacturing centre
后者侧重feel some hesitancy in accepting the invitation to tender
商业仲裁中centre for Commercial Arbitration
商业票据交换中commercial clearing house
国际专利证书中International Patent Documentation Center
国际商业中Centre de Commerce Internationale
国际解决投资争端中International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes
国际贸易中协会World Trade Centres Association
外汇管理中centre of foreign exchange control
客户消费customer mentality
亦缩为 W/C, w.c.with care
搬运Fragile goods must be handled with care
工程理学engineering psychology (主要研究环境、温度、湿度、噪音、 照明等对工作的影响)
巴黎是世界时装中Paris is the world's fashion capital
德国贸易中Deutsche Handelszentrale
成本中cost centre
批发中wholesale center
技术中technique centre
技术资料中technical data centre
技术资料中engineering data centre
服务费用中service cost centres
椰壳髓coir pith
海外投资中off-shore investment centre
消费中consumption centre
消费中centre of consumption
热闹商业中busy commercial centre
物资集散中collecting and distributing centre
生产中成本计算production center costing
由粗所引起be occasioned by carelessness
extracted honey
管理及财务费用中administration and finance cost centre (大型企业费用管理)
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纽约是世界的金融中New York is the financial capital of the world
亚太理事会经济合作中Economic Cooperation Centre
经销中distribution centre
经销中distributing centre
美国国际销售中United States International Marketing Center
联合国际贸易中Joint International Trade Center
解决投资争议国际中International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
计量中centre of measurement
请放你方订单将准时予以执行Please rest assured that the order will be punctually fulfilled
请放,我们将按商定的条款执行你方定单Please rest assured we'll execute your order as per the terms agreed
调度中dispatching centre
购买中buying center
贸易中business centre
费用中expense centre (即成本中心 (cost centre))
配销中distributing centre
配销中distribution centre
金融中Lombard Street
预测分析中centre of forecasting and analysis