
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一意be dedicated to
一个中,两个基本点one focus, two basic points
万众一let us work together with one heart and one mind
致志be dedicated to
中国法律质询中Chinese Legal Consultancy Centre
中国特色社会主义事业的领导核the leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics
中国笔会中Chinese Pen Centre
亚洲和太平洋发展中章程Charter of the Asian and Pacific Development Centre
亚洲-太平洋水产养殖中网协议Agreement on the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia & the Pacific
以宪法为核的中国特色社会主义法律体系a socialist legal system having Chinese characteristics and centered on the Constitution
以经济建设为中take economic development as the central task
以经济建设为中focus on economic construction
信息中the Information Center
全国人大信息中the Information Center of the National Peopled Congress
全国人大培训中the Training Center of the National Peopled Congress
全国人大常委会办公厅会议中the Conference Center of the General Office of the Standing Committee of the National Peo-ple's Congress
共同common desire
共同common wish
共同common aspiration
共同关的国际和地区问题international and regional issues of mutual concern
共同关的问题question of common concern
共同关的问题questions of common interest
和支持残疾人事业show concern for and support programs for physically and mentally challenged persons
危害人民身健康endanger the people's physical and mental health
危害未成年人身健康impair the physical and mental health of juveniles
反洗钱信息中anti-money laundering information center
司法部法律援助中the Legal Aid Center of the Ministry of Justice
围绕中concentrate on the core tasks
国务院发展研究中Development Research Centre of the State Council
国际遗传工程和生物技术中章程Statute of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
国际金融中地位status as an international financial centre
坚定信shore up our confidence
培训中the Training Center
就双边关系和共同关的国际和地区问题交换意见exchange views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of mutual concern
广大群众关的问题an issue of common concern
弘扬以爱国主义精神为核的民族精神vigorously promote national spirit centred on patriotism
理健康辅导give guidance in mental health
理援助psychological assistance
理特点psychological characteristics
战时造谣惑众,扰乱军spread rumors to create confusion among the troop and disturb their morale during wartime
扰乱军disturb morale of the troop
拥有自主知识产权和核技术的产品products with registered Chinese intellectual property rights using core Chinese technologies
按照围绕中、突出重点、讲求实效的监督工作思路follow an approach to oversight work that requires concentrating on the core tasks, identifying priorities and striving for substantive results
搜寻援救协调中search and rescue coordination centre
摧残妇女身健康和尊严ruin women's physical and mental health and their dignity
有益身健康conducive to the physical and mental health
机关服务中the Service Center of the Organizations
机关key organs
思想深入人ideas become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people
调解dedicate to the mediation work
置于中be put at the center
协商patient negotiation
疏导patiently persuade
聚精会神搞建设, 一一意谋发展concentrate on our own construction and whole-heartedly seek development
英国中国中The Great Britain China Center
感谢大家extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you
解决广大人民群众最关、最直接、最现实的利益问题promptly solve practical problems concerning public interests that the people are most concerned about and that effect them most directly
健康mental and physical health
健康发展sound development in body and in mind
健康成长grow up healthy both physically and mentally
发展physical and mental development
特性physical and mental conditions
补偿physical and psychological compensation
协力act in concert