
Terms containing 心部 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.上部控制中心upper control center
avia.下部中心lower center
earth.sc.东部中心East Center
earth.sc.东部中心地区East Center
org.name.东部和中部欧洲鱼品销售信息中心Fish Marketing Information Centre for Eastern and Central Europe
earth.sc.东部地区遥感应用中心美国航宇局哥达德空间飞行中心Eastern Regional Remote Sensing Applications Center
avia.东部地区遥感应用中心eastern regional remote sensing application center
space东部地区遥感应用中心Eastern Regional Remote Sensing Applications Center (美国国家航空航天局)
avia.东部地区遥感应用中心eastern regional remote sensing applications center (美国航空航天局)
mil., air.def.东部太空和导弹中心eastern space and missile center
space东部空间和导弹中心Eastern Space and Missile Center (美国,前称东部试验靶场,发射场位于佛罗里达州东海岸卡纳维拉尔角)
space东部航天与导弹中心eastern space and missile center (美国空军)
avia.东部航天与导弹中心eastern space and missile center
IMF.东部非洲技术援助中心East AFRITAC
IMF.东部非洲技术援助中心East Africa Regional Technical Assistance Center
tenn.心部home position
auto.心部central portion
tech.心部central part
tech.中心木质部juvenile wood
el.中心气象服务部门center weather service unit
cytog.中心球中心部entosphere (entosphaera)
tech.中心管的根部root of a central tube
bot., anat.中心髓部central core (cora centralis)
tech.中线面浸水部分中心center of submerged lateral area
earth.sc.中西部质谱中心Midwest Center for Mass Spectrometry
genet.中部核心central croe
genet.中部核心结构central core structure
IMF.中部非洲地区技术援助中心Central AFRITAC
IMF.中部非洲地区技术援助中心Central Africa Regional Technical Assistance Center
econ.亚洲内部清算中心Clearing Centre for Intra-Asia
tech.亚洲内部清算中心Clearing Center for Intra-Asia
corp.gov.以总部为中心的方法HQ-centric approach
corp.gov.以总部为中心的方法Headquarters centric approach
avia.任务管理中心-国防部mission control center-DOD
cosmet.使用方法:洁肤后,取适量于掌心,加清水揉起泡沫,均匀轻抹于脸部并充分按摩,再用清水冲洗干净Usage: After facial cleansing, dispense proper amount onto the palm, foam it with fresh water, evenly apply onto the face and completely massage, and then rinse it
interntl.trade.促进发展中国家间合作的部门中心sectoral center for co-operation among developing countries
bridg.constr.全部外力对基础底面中心的总力矩total moment of all external forces about centre of base of foundation
proj.manag.公共部门的工会也意识到、 普通民众对它们的同情心是有限的Also the public sector unions realise that sympathy with their cause among the general public is limited
archer.六黄心射箭俱乐部Six Golds Club
tech.内部核心internal core
interntl.trade.内部核心贸易internal core trade
avia.军用飞机储存和部署中心military aircraft storage and disposition center
genet.分部离心分离fractional centrifugation
tech.分部离心分离法fractional centrifugation
space加拿大工业部通信研究中心Industry Canada-Communications Research Centre
el.北美防空司令部作战指挥中心NORAD Combat Operations Center
avia.北美防空联合司令部作战指挥中心美国、加拿大North American Air Defense Combat Operations Center
earth.sc.北部地区电力负荷调度中心印度Northern Regional Load Dispatch Centre India
earth.sc.南部大平面农业区研究中心Southern Great Plains Watershed Research Center
org.name.南部非洲信贷培训中心Southern Africa Centre for Credit Training
org.name.南部非洲农业研究合作中心Southern African Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research
IMF.南部非洲技术援助中心AFRITAC South
IMF.南部非洲技术援助中心South AFRITAC
IMF.南部非洲技术援助中心South Africa Regional Technical Assistance Center
dril.取心钻具部件core drill fittings
mil., air.def.司令部情报资料中心command information center
telecom.司令部通信中心command signal center
China, polit.司法部法律援助中心the Legal Aid Center of the Ministry of Justice
auto.车辆后部侧倾横摇中心rear roll center
auto.车身后部电子中心rear electronic center
agric.向心木质部centripetal xylem (xylema centripatala)
tech.国家遥感中心地面部ground department/national remote sensing centre
tech.国家遥感中心地面部ground department/national remote sensing center
tech.国家遥感中心资料部information department/national remote sensing center
el.国防部国家通信控制中心美国Defense National Communication Control Center
avia.国防部国家通信控制中心defense national communication control center
telecom.国防部技术情报中心Defense Technical Information Center
tech.坝心顶部crest of core
tech.外部中心exterior core
org.name.外部低投入和持续农业信息中心Centre for Information on Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture
tech.外部圬工空心砖砌筑external masonry wall of double-leaf cavity construction
tech.外部心板external core
USA, space太平洋司令部电子情报中心Pacific Command Electronic Intelligence Center
lat., dermat.婴儿腹部远心性脂肪营养不良lipodystrophia centrifugalis abdominalis infantilis
tech.心部solid section
auto.实心轮胎基部宽度solid tyre base width
auto.射束心部spray kernel
auto.射束心部spray core
oil局部反循环取心coring with local inverse circulation
chess.term.局部封闭中心partly blocked centre
chess.term.局部封闭中心partly blocked center
sport., med.局部心肌缺血regional myocardial ischemia
el.局部网络控制中心partial network control center
otorhinol.岩部骨化中心opisthotic center
avia.底部中心bottom center
avia.底部中心线bottom centricity
tech.底部卸料离心机basket type centrifuge
chem.底部卸料离心机basket type centrifugal (separator)
tech.底部卸料离心机basket type centrifugal separator
archer.弓中心撒放部分centre-shot section
met.心部余热回火法tempcore process (【技】由比利时冶金研究中心开发成功的一种自热回火法。世界首台工业规模的心部余热回火设备于1975年在卢森堡阿尔贝德公司埃施希夫朗日厂投人运行。其主要原理是:当轧件离开热轧机后,即进人专用冷却系统,使轧件表面淬火成马氏体,而心部仍为奥氏体。轧件离开冷却系统后,其心部余热开始向表层扩散,使表层马氏体产生回火。因此,该工艺的完整名称应是:利用心部余热使表层马氏体回火的工艺。)
met.心部余热回火设备tempcore installation
met.心部余热回火钢筋tempcore bar
met.心部回火装置tempcore installation
met.心部强度core strength
met.心部晶体cored crystal
met.心部晶粒细化处理core refining
met.心部淬透性core hardenability
met.work.心部硬度core hardness
met.心部组织core structure
met.心部缺陷core defect
met.心部裂纹heart check
econ.我公司还在市中心设立一个门市部,直接向公众零售我方产品Our company also has a department in the centre of the city to retail our goods directly to the public
gen.我知道个叫“优特价俱乐部”的购物中心,有时他们会有大促销I know a place called Price Club. They have great deals occasionally
archit.把.... 安放在中心部heart
gen.把全部信心寄托于pin one's faith upon
gen.把全部信心寄托于pin one's faith to
gen.把全部信心寄托于pin one's faith on
oil抗震心部shock resistant core
securit.押汇部/中心bills department/center
securit.文莱财政部国际金融中心Brunei International Financial Center of the Ministry of Finance
met.断口心部core of fracture
agric.木排路中心部corduroy road core
met.未淬硬心部unhardened core
tenn.本场区的中心部home position
gen.机场工程部队训练中心engineer aviation unit training center
met.【压】 板带材中心凸厚部分crown
tech.柱的核心部core of column (混凝土)
mil., air.def.心部件干扰机central component jammer
tech.核工业部地质遥感应用中心centre for geological remote sensing applications/ministry of nuclear industry
tech.核工业部地质遥感应用中心centre for geologic remote sensing applications/ministry of nuclear industry
comp.核心窗口部件core widget
avia.核心能力有限部署的用户请求评估工具user request evaluation tool core capability limited deployment (用户要求的核心极限部署能力的评估工具,是在所选的航路设施中每个与雷达有关位置提供的一种自动化工具。这种工具利用飞行和雷达数据,为所有的现有和将来要飞来的飞机确定现在和未来的轨迹,并提供增强的、自动化的飞行数据管理)
el.欧洲盟军最高司令部防空技术中心SHAPE Air Defense Technical Center
USA, space武装部队文献情报中心Armed Services Documents Intelligence Center
gen.武装部队文献情报中心Armed Services Documents Intelligence Center
avia.武装部队航空情报培训中心armed forces air intelligence training center
auto.气门心部中心部位valve inside
tech.水线面浸水部分中心centre of water plane
auto.活塞销孔中心线至裙部下沿距离piston-pin center line to open end
earth.sc.海军东部海洋中心Naval Eastern Oceanography Center
el.海军指挥、控制和海洋监视中心研究开发部NCCOSC Research and Development Division
avia.海军航空兵作战中心武器分部naval air warfare center weapons division
avia.海军航空兵作战中心训练系统分部naval air warfare center training system division
avia.海军航空兵作战中心飞机分部naval air warfare center aircraft division
gen.海军部实验研究中心Admiralty Experimental Research Establishment
gen.海军部科学情报联络中心英;N.S.T.I.C. 的前身Admiralty Centre for Scientific Information and Liaison
USA, space海军部队指挥中心Naval Force Command Center
tech.照准部偏心eccentricity of alidade
tech.照准部偏心差eccentric error of alidade
anim.husb.牛奶部分脱脂离心机standardizing centrifuge
proj.manag.现在您应该清楚了、恰当的密钥管理规程应该成为任何加密实现的核心设计部分As should by now be obvious, appropriate key management procedures should be part of the core design of any encryption implementation
auto.离心式离合器旋转部分running clutch
agric.离心木质部centrifugal xylem (xylema centrifuga)
gen.空军武器中心总部Headquarters, Air Force Armament Center
gen.空降部队实验研究中心Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment
avia.空降部队试验中心airborne forces experimental establishment
tech.端部结构空心砖end construction tile
earth.sc.等离子板中心部central part of the plasma sheet
agric.纤维中心髓部fibrous central core
met. 细化的心部组织refined core structure
met.细化的心部组织refined core structure
mil., air.def.美国欧洲司令部联合情报中心EUCOM joint intelligence center
earth.sc.美国海军东部海洋中心Naval Eastern Oceanography Center
space美国空军航天司令部空间分析中心AFSPC Space Analysis Center
mil., air.def.美国陆军通信电子司令部信号战中心US army CECOM center for signal warfare
org.name.联合国经济和社会事务部住宅、建筑和城市规划中心Department of Economics and Social Affairs
org.name.联合国经济和社会事务部住宅、建筑和城市规划中心United Nations-Centre for Housing, Building and Planning
gen.联合国经济和社会事务部住宅、建筑和城市规划中心United Nations-Centre for Housing, Building and Planning, Department of Economics and Social Affairs
el.联合部队战术作战中心joint force tactical operations center
USA, space联合部队空军指挥中心Joint Force Air Command Center
oil美国能源部巴特尔斯维尔能源技术中心Department of Energy Bartlesville Energy Technology Center, (U. S.)
oil美国能源部摩根顿能源技术中心Department of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center
met.腹部中心web center (工字形坯的)
tech.航道偏离中心部off-center portion of channel
avia.英国航空俱乐部/中心协会Association of British Aero Clubs and Centres
avia.英国航空俱乐部和航空中心协会Association of British Aero Clubs and Centre
el.薄层等离子体中心部central part of the plasma sheet
earth.sc.西部地区气候中心Western Regional Climate Center
gen.西部技术发展中心美国Western Technical Development Center
earth.sc.西部技术开发中心Western Technical Development Center
el.西部数据处理中心美国Western Data Processing Center
USA, space西部数据处理中心Western Data Processing Center
earth.sc.西部数据处理中心Western Data Processing Center
earth.sc.西部测绘中心美国地质调查局Western Mapping Center
el.西部电气工程研究中心美国Western Electric Engineering Research Center
USA, space西部空间和导弹中心Western Space and Missile Center
space西部航天与导弹中心Western space and Missile Center
avia.西部航空救援中心Western Air Rescue Center
IMF.西部非洲技术援助中心West AFRITAC
IMF.西部非洲技术援助中心AFRITAC West
IMF.西部非洲技术援助中心West Africa Regional Technical Assistance Center
sport.跑步不仅能加强你的腿部肌肉、更重要的是能提高你的心、肺功能Running makes your heart and lungs strong, not merely improve your legs
el.mach.转子中心部rotor center
repr.biol.精子心部axial core
mil., air.def.通信电子司令部信号战中心CECOM center for signal warfare
surg.部分左心转流partial left heart bypass
expl.部分抛掷和重力中心运动percent cast and center-of-gravity movement
space部分网络控制中心partial network control center
avia.部队空援中心force air support center
avia.部队训练中心unit training center
tech.铁道部运输指挥中心Ministry of Railways Traffic Management Center
mil., air.def.陆军部通信中心department of the army communications center
auto.零部件分配中心parts distribution center
busin.零部件可靠信息中心Parts Reliability Information Center
el.零部件可靠性信息中心Parts Reliability Information Center
gen.零部件可靠性情报中心Parts Reliability Information Center (NASA 所属的)
dart.靶心较小的中心部double bull
dart.靶心较小的中心部double cork
dart.靶心较小的中心部black bull
auto.发动机/活塞顶部中心head center
avia.顶部中心线top centricity
chem.顶部驱动离心机top-driven centrifugal
tech.顶部驱动离心机top-driven centrifuge
surg.颈胸部异位心cervicothoracic ectopia cordis
textile颈至腰部前中心neck to waist front centre
auto.人体颈部回转中心点neck point