
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 心白 | all forms | in specified order only
心白inverse chill
白云石离心机dolomite centrifuging machine
白心可锻铸铁欧洲式退火white-heart process
白心可锻铸铁whiteheart malleable iron (Whiteheart malleable iron is produced by packing the castings in iron boxes with iron oxide and heating them for two days at 900 ~ 950°C. 白心可锻铸铁是通过将铸件装人盛有铁氧化物的铁箱中在 900 ~ 950°C 的温度下加热两天制得的6)
白心可锻铸铁white heart malleable cast iron (【技】通过将白口铸铁在氧化介质中密封退火,降低含碳量,使其组织和含碳量与钢相接近,断口呈白色,即可获得白心可锻铸铁。由于其塑性和韧性较差,工业上较少使用。)
白心可锻铸铁white heart malleable cast iron
白心可锻铸铁European malleable iron
白心可锻铸铁退火法white-heart process