
Terms for subject Technology containing 循环 | all forms | in specified order only
一个循环的进度advance per round
一个循环的进度advance per attack
一次循环流程图once-through flowsheet
一次掘进循环进度length of one round (长度)
一次水循环管路primary flow-and-return pipe
一次水循环管路primary flow-and-return piping
一次水循环管路primary circulation pipe
一次爆破循环进尺depth of round
一次通过非循环系统once-through system
一次铀燃料循环once-through uranium-fuel cycle
一维循环one-dimensional cycle
循环ternary cycle
三方式循环three-way circulation
三次循环ternary cycle
三程循环观测three-way loop observation
三级泄压循环three-step decompression cycle
三通循环three-terminal circulator
三通路循环three-terminal circulator
循环信用证non-revolving letter of credit
循环信用证non-revolving credit
不可逆循环irreversible cycle
不可逆循环irreversible circulation
不可逆热循环irreversible heat cycle
不完全双循环incomplete double circulation
不完全膨胀循环incomplete expansion cycle
不排水循环荷载undrained cycle load
不排水荷载循环undrained load cycle
不膨胀循环non-expansion cycle
专用循环直达列车company train
两段加压循环dual-pressure cycle
两气循环高温级冷凝器top-fluid condenser
热压两级循环two-stage cycle
两级泄压循环two-step decompression cycle
中央循环central down-comer
中央循环central circulating tube
中央循环管蒸发器standard vertical tube evaporator
中央循环管蒸发器central well down take evaporator
中央循环管蒸发器central downcomer evaporator
中子循环neutron cycle
中子寿命循环neutron life cycle
冷藏库中止循环法除霜off-cycle defrosting
中止循环法除霜off-cycle defrosting
中间循环冷却器intercycle cooler
中间冷却循环intercooled cycle
丹麦式循环曳绳钓Danish running line trolling
循环primary cycle
循环main cycle
循环发送main dispatch loop
循环main circulation pump
循环main circulating pump
主冷却剂循环primary coolant pump
主程序循环main programme cycle
传热循环heat-transfer cycle
传统外循环流化床traditional exterior circulation fluidized bed
循环等应变速率试验low-cyclical loading constant strain rate test
循环等应变速率试验low-cyclic loading constant strain rate test
循环等荷载幅值试验low-cyclical loading constant amplitude test
循环等荷载幅值试验low-cyclic loading constant amplitude test
低倍循环low circulation
低倍率循环low-power circulation
低浓燃料循环low enriched fuel cycle
低温循环cold cycle
低温再循环cryogenic recycling
低温冷冻循环over refrigerating cycle
低硬度循环冷却水系统low hardness circulating cooling water system
低频循环等应变速率试验low-frequency cycle constant-strain-rate test
低频循环等荷载幅值试验low-frequency cycle constant-load-amplitude test
低频循环荷载low-frequency cycle
倒虹吸管循环cycling zone of siphon
元素地球化学循环diagram showing the geochemical cycle of elements
充填循环filling cycle
充水循环cycle of storage
光合循环photosynthetical cycle
光学循环周期period of optical cycle
光学循环周期period of optic cycle
光学循环optical circulator
光学循环optic circulator
光解循环photolytic cycle
克拉克循环Clark cycle
分批循环batch cycle
分批循环真空过滤器batch cycle vacuum filter
分批成本循环job order cost cycle
分批称量循环proportioning cycle
分散循环形态divergent cyclical pattern
分组循环近似法block circulant approximation
分置式威勒米尔循环制冷机separate VM cycle refrigerator
分置式斯特林循环制冷机separate Stirling cycle refrigerator
分解循环cycles of decomposition
切换循环switching cycle
初次循环primary circulation
初级水循环primary water circulator
初级煤气循环primary gas circulator
制冷循环refrigerating circuit
化学品循环清洗chemical circulation cleaning
区域水文循环regional hydrological cycle
区域水文循环regional hydrologic cycle
循环运转制【铁half circular system of locomotive running
半封闭循环semi-closed cycle
半封闭循环燃气轮机semi-closed-cycle gas turbine
半自动循环semi-automatic cycle
半自动循环semi-automatic circulation
半闭循环semi-closed cycle
半闭式循环燃气轮机semi-closed-cycle gas turbine
半闭式再循环潜水系统semi-closed recirculating diving system
后期循环secondary cycle
吸收循环absorption cycle
吸收式制冷循环adsorption refrigeration cycle
商业循环business cycle
商业循环分析business cycle analysis
商业循环周期business cycle
商业循环序列cyclical sequence
商业循环序列cyclic sequence
商业循环指示数字business cycle indicators
商业循环模型business cycle model
商业循环波动business cycle fluctuation
循环流动疲劳模型fatigue model of soil cyclical mobility
循环流动疲劳模型fatigue model of soil cyclic mobility
土壤中氮循环模拟modelling of the soil nitrogen cycle
土壤中氮循环模拟modeling of the soil nitrogen cycle
在地球上循环circulation on the earth
地下水循环water circulation in the ground
地下水涨落循环phreatic cycle
地下水循环周期cycle of ground water circulation
地下水循环成矿模式groundwater circulation metallogenic model
地下水循环系统groundwater circulation system
地文循环physiographical cycle
地文循环physiographic cycle
地热循环系统geothermal circulation system
地热系统的地质循环geological environments of geothermal system
地热系统的地质循环geologic environments of geothermal system
地球化学循环geochemical cycle
地理循环及地文期geographical cycle and physiographical stage
地理循环及地文期geographic cycle and physiographic stage
地貌循环geographic cycle
地貌循环geomorphical cycle
地貌循环geomorphic cycle
地貌循环geographical cycle
地貌循环cycle of erosion
地质循环geological cycle
地质循环geologic cycle
地质大循环geological megacycle
地质大循环geologic megacycle
处理循环processing cycle
循环地形composite topography
复制循环replication cycle
复合循环作业方式compound cycle operation
复合循环锅炉combined circulation boiler
复合作业循环compound operation cycle
复杂循环complex cycle
循环outside loop
循环extrinsic cycle
循环三相流化床external loop three phase fluidized bed
循环三相流化床反应器external loop three phase fluidized bed reactor
循环升流式厌氧污泥床反应器exterior circulation upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor
外水分循环external water circulation
外燃循环external combustion cycle
外部循环系统external circulating system
循环取样polycyclic sampling
循环取样polycyclical sampling
循环取样polycycle sampling
循环地形polycyclical landform
循环地形polycyclic landform
多变循环polytropical cycle
多变循环polytropic cycle
多变循环曲线polytropical curve
多变循环曲线polytropic curve
多支循环控制器multidrop loop controller
多效循环multiple effect cycle
多效冷冻循环multi-effect ive refrigerating cycle
多效制冷循环multi-effect ive refrigerating cycle
多次循环干燥窑recirculating dry kiln
多水少水年循环cycle of dry-and-wet years
多级内循环厌氧反应器multistage internal circulation anaerobic reactor
多轴自动循环车床multiple spindle automatic cycle lathe
多部位微循环显微镜multilocation microcirculation microscope
循环systemic circulation
循环general circulation
大振幅循环变形large amplitude cyclical deformation
大振幅循环变形large amplitude cyclic deformation
大气循环general circulation of atmosphere
大气循环atmospheric cycle
大气循环式水冷却器atmospheric circulation type water cooler
大气总循环general atmospheric circulation
大气总循环atmospheric general circulation
大气质量循环air quality cycle
天气循环weather cycle
奇异边缘循环singular boundary cycle
封闭循环closed cycle
封闭循环冷却closed cycle cooling
封闭循环循环冷却closed-cycle cooling
封闭循环系统closed recirculation system
封闭循环系统closed-cycle system
封闭式循环水处理系统water treatment system of closed loop
封闭式循环系统closed recirculation system
封闭式循环系统冷却水处理cooling water treatment of closed recirculation system
封闭式水循环closed water circuit
射流反循环钻进jet reverse circulation drilling
循环运行partial circulation operation
小数循环period of repeating decimal
小数循环period of circulating decimal
小数的循环recurring period
循环oligomictic lake
尚可优化循环still optimizable loop
局部循环local loop
局部循环通风local circulation ventilation
局部反循环partial reverse circulation
局部重力循环local gravity circulation
嵌套循环方式nested loop mode
布雷顿循环complete-expansion diesel cycle
布雷顿循环Joule cycle
布雷顿循环Brayton cycle
循环装置的搅拌机circulating mixer
带旋风筒的循环空气选粉机closed circuit cyclone separator
循环open loop
循环open cycle
开关操作循环switching cycle
开底循环open-ended circulation
开式循环冷却系统open system of recirculated cooling water
开式循环反应堆系统open cycle reactor system
开式循环发动机open cycle engine
开式循环燃气涡轮机open cycle gas turbine
开式循环燃气透平open cycle gas turbine
开放循环open circulatory system
开敞式循环冷却方式open circulation cooling system
开敞式再循环冷却水处理treatment of open circulation cooling water
开路循环机理open cycle mechanism
开路破碎循环open circuit column
异养循环heterotrophic cycle
强制循环mechanical circulation
强制循环positive circulation
强制循环controlled circulation
强制空气循环forced air circulation
强制循环induced circulation
强制循环assisted circulation
强制循环再沸器forced circulating reboiler
强制循环干燥窑forced draft kiln
强制循环干燥窑forced draught kiln
强制循环干燥窑forced circulation kiln
强制循环式干燥窑forced recirculating dry kiln
强制循环式热水采暖forced mechanical circulation hot water system
强制循环式蒸发器forced circulation type evaporator
强制循环润滑self-contained lubrication
强制循环润滑系统pressure lubricating system
强制循环的热处理炉forced circulation furnace
强制循环直管式锅炉forced circulating boiler
强制循环空气冷却器force circulation air cooler
强制循环蒸发forced circulation evapouration
强制循环蒸发forced circulation evaporation
强制循环蒸汽发生器forced circulation steam generator
强制循环调风器forced circulation register
强制循环锅炉forced circulation boiler
强制循环锅炉assisted-circulation boiler
强制水循环forced water circulation
强制油循环forced-oil circulation
强制油循环forced-oil-air circulation
强制油循环吹风冷却forced-oil-air cooling
强制油循环式变压器forced-oil transformer
强迫循环系统forced circulation system
总体循环integrated cyclical process
总体循环integrated cyclic process
指数循环index cycle
挖掘循环digging cycle
挖掘剥离循环excavator pass
挖掘机作业循环时间cycle time of excavator
挠曲循环flex cycle
振动式循环管线vibrating circular pipeline
搅拌循环mixing cycle
改进型循环式活性污泥系统modified cyclic activated sludge system process
春季循环spring circulation period
最内层循环innermost loop
最大循环剪应力maximum cyclical shearing stress
最大循环剪应力maximum cyclic shearing stress
循环拖拉装置的牵引体系haulage system with endless pulling device
有效循环effective circulation
有效循环时间effective cycle time
有毒物质生物循环biologic cycle of toxic substance
有烟囱管的循环vented circulator
有理循环rational cycle
有限循环finite cyclical group
有限循环finite cyclic group
朗肯循环steam cycle
朗肯循环Rankine's cycle
朗肯循环发动机Rankine's cycle engine
机器工作循环machine cycle
机械循环mechanical cycling
机械循环forced circulation
机械循环mechanical circulation (作用)
机械强制循环mechanical circulation system
机械循环式蒸汽供暖steam-heating with mechanical circulation
机械循环热水供暖mechanically circulated hot water heating
机械循环特检special periodical survey of machinery
机械循环特检special periodic survey of machinery
机械循环系统forced circulation system
标准循环standard rating cycle
标准循环时间normal cycle time
标准冷冻循环standard freezing cycle
标量积循环scalar product cycle
循环nuclear cycle
椭圆循环elliptical cyclic group
椭圆循环elliptic cyclic group
模式重复循环pattern repeat cycle
横桥循环学说cross-bridge cycle theory
循环secondary cycle
欧拉循环Euler's loop
欧拉循环Euler's cycle
气举反循环钻进airlift reverse circulation drilling
气体循环gas recirculation
气体循环gas cycle
气体循环gas circulation
气体循环gas-cycle reactor
气体循环gas recycle pump
气体循环gas circulator
气体循环系统gas-circulating system
气体循环装置gas-recycling plant
气体循环装置gas-circulating plant
气体压缩循环gas compression cycle
气候循环climate cycle
气态组分的循环recycle ratio of gaseous constituents
气提式循环反应器airlift type circulating reactor
气泵循环gas pump cycle
气涡轮机循环Brayton cycle
气温日循环daily air temperature cycle
气相循环冷却vapour cycle cooling
气相循环冷却vapor cycle cooling
气相循环致冷vapour cycle cooling
气相循环致冷vapor cycle cooling
循环cycle of oxygen
氧化再循环沟槽oxidizing recirculation channel
循环ammonia circulating pump
循环系统ammonia recycle system
氨再循环ammonia recirculation
氮元素转化与循环nitrogen transformation and cycle
氮化循环nitriding cycle
氮的循环nitrogen cycle
循环water recycle
循环water cycle
循环moisture cycle
循环circulation of water
循环供暖系统drop system
循环冷却处理系统cooling treatment system for water circulation
循环water cycle area
循环water circulator
循环检测器water circulation detector
循环water circulation pump
循环water circulating pump
循环water circulating pipe
循环管线water circulation pipe
循环系数water circulation coefficient
循环系统water-cycling system
循环系统water circulation system
重力循环系统water circulation gravity system
水再循环处理系统water treatment system by recirculation
水冷强制油循环式变压器water-cooled forced-oil transformer
水分内循环internal water circulation
水力循环澄清池hydraulically circulated clarifier
水力循环澄清池circulator pressure type clarifier
水力循环澄清池circulator clarifier
水力循环给水器hydraulic circulating head
水压循环疲劳试验hydrostatic cyclic fatigue test
水域污水循环recycling of water or sewage
水外冷空气循环式电机water-air-cooled machine
水文循环hydrologic circle
水文循环hydrological circle
水文循环circulation of water
水文内循环internal water circulation
水文地球化学循环hydrogeochemical cycle
水汽循环circulation of water vapor
水流循环回路water flow circuit
水流循环系统water flow circulation system
水流循环系统water circuit
水的循环recycling of water
已处理的水的循环使用water recycling
水的循环利用率rate of water circulation and water utilization
水解一好氧循环序批间歇式反应器工艺hydrolysis-aerobic loop sequencing batch reactor process
洗提循环elution cycle
流动资产循环current assets cycle
循环turbid circulating water
清水循环时间time for fresh water circulation
温差热流循环thermosiphon circulation
温度循环变化thermal cycling
温湿循环temperature humidity cycling
港口循环port circulating pump
焊接循环welding cycle
焊接循环周期welding period
焊接热循环weld thermal cycle
焊接热循环模拟装置synthetical apparatus for weld thermal cycle
焊接热循环模拟装置synthetic apparatus for weld thermal cycle
焊接的热循环heat cycle of a welding operation
爆破循环cycle of blasting
爆破循环blasting round
理想冷冰循环ideal refrigeration cycle
理想冷冻循环ideal efficiency
理想制冷循环ideal refrigerating cycle
理想发动机循环ideal engine cycle
理想回热循环ideal regenerative cycle
生态循环ecologic cycle
生态系的物质循环material cycle in ecosystem
生态系统中生物地球化学循环biochemical cycle in ecosystem
生物循环biologic cycle
生物循环流化床biological circulating fluidized bed
生物循环流化床biologic circulating fluidized bed
生物地球化氮循环biogeochemical nitrogen cycle
生物处理一催化铁内循环工艺biological treatment-catalytic iron inner cycle process
生物处理一催化铁内循环工艺biologic treatment-catalytic iron inner cycle process
生物小循环small biologic cycle
用水再循环系统water recycle system
用泵加速循环accelerated circulation by pump
用泵生产强迫循环forced circulation by pump
电子恒温热循环electronic therm static heat circulator
电解液的循环circulation of electrolyte
看管循环machine-tending cycle
真空循环vacuum circulation system
真空循环脱氧法circulation degassing process
研磨循环grinding cycle
循环arsenic cycle
社会再生产的良性循环beneficial cycle in reproduction
程序循环programme loop
程序再循环programme recycling
程序再循环program recycling
稳定循环cycle of stabilization
稳定极限循环stable limit cycle
第一循环primary circulating pipe
第一循环管系primary circulating pipe system
第二循环secondary circulation
第二循环水管系统secondary circulating water system
第二循环管系secondary circulating system
第二个循环second DO
循环constant volume cycle
循环作用次数equivalent number cycles
等压循环equipressure cycle
等压回热循环constant pressure regenerative cycle
等定容循环Otto cycle
等容循环发动机Otto cycle engine
等容循环发动机constant volume cycle engine
等待循环waiting loop
等温等容循环Stirling cycle
累加循环accumulation cycle
缓慢交替循环circulating zone of slow replacement
缓解循环release cycle
耐干湿循环endurance to alternate wetting and drying
脉冲驱动循环反应器pulse-driven loop reactor
脉动循环pulsation cycle
脉动循环荷载pulsating cyclic load
脉动循环遥测rapid cycle telemetry
船体循环特检special periodical survey of hull
船体循环特检special periodic survey of hull
营业循环earning cycle
营养物循环nutrient cycle
萨金特循环Sargent cycle
调整循环modification loop
循环negative cycle
循环negacyclical code
循环negacyclic code
负载循环load repetition
负载循环duty cyclometer
质能循环mass-energy cycle
质量循环速度mass circulation velocity
质量再循环mass recirculation
适合于循环操作的suitability for cycle operation
适度循环优化moderate loop optimization
循环inverse cycle
循环reverse circulation
循环cross-over circulation
循环供热reverse cycle heating
循环reverse circulation method
循环钻进岩心管reverse circulation core barrel
逆卡诺循环reverse Carnot cycle
逆布雷顿循环reverse Brayton cycle
逆布雷顿循环dense air refrigeration cycle
逆流循环counter-current circulation
逆流循环counter-current recycling
逆流循环counter-current circuit
逆行卡诺循环reversed Carnot cycle
透平循环压缩机circulating turbocompressor
逐次循环successive cycles
通风再循环recirculation of air
造山循环tectonic cycle
造山循环orogenic cycle
配料称量循环proportioning cycle
销售循环market cycle
锅炉循环回路boiler circuit
锅炉循环boiler circulation pump
锅炉水循环boiler water circulating pump
锤头循环打击圈hammer circle
循环cadmium cycle
附带预支条款的循环信用证extended credit
鼓风冷却循环系统forced circulation air cooler
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