
Terms for subject Economy containing 得分的 | all forms
为了使你方的服务得到充分报酬,我们将付总价 10%的佣金In full settlement of your services we will pay you 10% of the total price as commission
任何人不得将本协议任何部分用于不道德或非法的目的No one can use any part of the agreement for any immoral or illegal purpose
分摊所得税的延期概念deferred concept of income tax allocation
多退缴纳的部分所得税refund of a part of the income taxes already paid
如果承租人有意把房产的一部分转让给别人,须首先得到业主的同If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner
客商将所得利润用于在特区内进行再投资为期5年以上者,可申请减免再投资部分的利润所得税An investor who reinvests his profits in the Special Economic Zones for 5 years and longer may claim exemption of income taxation on profits from such reinvestment
得到部分担保的债权人partly secured creditor
我们对分公司的财务状况了解得很清楚We know very well about the financial affairs of the affiliated company
所得收入分配与要素定价的关系relation of distribution of income to factor price
所得分配的不均inequality of income distribution
所得的大部分high share of income
最佳的所得分配optimum distribution of income
未经担保一方书面同意,你方不得利用附属担保品或其中的任何部分You cannot use the collateral or any part of it without written consent of the secured party
未经许可证方的事先书面同意,受让方不得授予任何第三方出售许可产品的分项许可证License mustn't grant to any third party sublicences to sell the licensed products without the licensor's prior written consent
消费所得的分配allocation of consumer income
消费者所得的分配allocation of consumer income
消费者所得的分配consumer allocation of income
该公司只得到货物损坏的部分赔偿The company has only got partial compensation for the damage to its cargo
这些雇员的优质服务使得他们有资格分享公司各种福利计划The brilliant service of these employees qualifies them for participation in the company's various benefit plans