
Terms for subject Law containing | all forms
拉丁语不在法范围以内ultra vires
具有法效力的legally-binding effect
具有法效力的binding legal effect
具有法约束力的legally-binding effect
具有法约束力的binding legal effect
具有法约束力的文书legally binding instrument
农业法agricultural act
师费的裁定award of attorney's fees
成文法codified law
按照法of right
无效法行为nullity of juristic act
有法约束力公约legally-binding convention
根据法本身ipso jure
拉丁语根据法本身ipso jure
框架性法framework law
框架法framework law
de jure
de jure
依据legal authority
制度legal system
地位legal status
意见legal opinion
授权legal empowerment
支助legal aid
支助legal assistance
文书legal instrument
术语juridical terms
权限juridical powers
的条文letter of the law
的理想成分ideal element of law
程序legal proceeding
诉讼administrative proceedings
诉讼legal proceedings
责任legal obligation
问责legal accountability
法院临时法顾问amicus curiae
硬法hard law
财产法property law