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中国货在旧金山受用户欢迎Chinese goods are quite popular with users in San Francisco
交易少的债券inactive bond
交易少的股票inactive stock
交易少的证券inactive securities
交易会出席人数There is a large attendance at the fair
交易金额The transaction involves a large sum
他们想买一批样货They are keen on trying out a sample shipment
他未买进大批期货是明智的He is best advised not to buy large quantities of forward goods
价格有可能下跌The prices are much more likely to come down
你方市场报告有作用The report on the market situation at your end is a great help
卖方与买方之间价格差距There is a wide difference between the seller's price and the buyer's
发展快的公司growth company
发展快的新型行业growth industry
发展希望大的公司所发行的股票growth stock
发票重量与卸岸重量差距There is a great difference between the invoice weight and the landed weight
可能性虽然小但不是不可能be unlikely but not impossible
图案色彩相配The design is well matched in colour
在消费者中享有高信誉command a high respect and goodwill of consumers
声称新推广的产品有多优点claim many advantages for a newly introduced article
复制的样品与回样相似The re-made sample is a close match for the counter sample
大量购买大程度上影响了市场价格Considerable buying affected the market prices to a large extent
它对国内市场影响It has a remote bearing on the domestic market
安装这套大型机器代价高,但长远来看还是会赚钱的It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run
对经营此类货物内行be well experienced in this line
对进口者有好处be of great advantage to the importers
幅度大的浮动汇率制度wide band
低估价low valuation
市场坚挺very firm
市场坚稳very steady
大数量huge quantity
好利用现有设备make good use of existing equipment
抱歉We regret that we have to decline your offer dated the 18th instant
遗憾We regret to say that we cannot oblige you in this respect
遗憾We regret to say that the quality of the goods does not measure up to the standard stipulated in the contract
难答应你方要求It is difficult to grant your request
难订到舱位It is difficult to book freight space on account of heavy congestion
高对价valuable consideration
我们高兴We're glad the dispute has been brought to a satisfactory termination
我们的价格算是公道的Our prices are moderate in comparison with those of competitors
我方高兴接受你方1,000公吨花生的订货We're pleased to have booked your order for 1,000 M/T peanut
我方产品质量与包装已有大改进Much improvement has been made in the quality and packing of our products
我方感到遗憾We regret to say that you failed to establish the L/C in time
易坏鲜货变质Perishable goods deteriorate quickly
精确的be of great precision
此批到货时的情况令人满意The outturn of shipment is quite satisfactory
此类货物的贸易额自去年以来有了大增加The volume of trade in this line has greatly increased since last year
此项商品销路There is a good market for this article
由于我公司经营的化工产品种类多,没有具体询盘无法报盘As our company handles a large variety of chemicals, we can not offer without specific enquiry
船位难获得Freight space is difficult to secure
货物销路These goods are in large demand
质量与价格不相称The quality is. not quite consonant with the price
这一商品仅有窄的销路There is only a narrow outlet for this article
这些商品在冬季昂贵These articles are dear in winter
这些货物销售量These goods have a large circulation
这些资料对我们的实验有价值These data will be of great value to us in our experiment
这家百货商店有多种电视机可供选择This department store has a good selection of television sets
门槛精的讨价还价交易horse trade
香蕉市场相当平静,上市量不The market for banana is rather quiet, offerings are not very plentiful