
Terms containing 很重要 | all forms | in specified order only
bridg.constr.很重要的桥梁bridge of somewhat less importance
dentist.为了保留这颗牙,根管清洗和消毒是很重要It is important to clean and disinfect the root canal in order to save the tooth
econ.为了竞争,供应商按时交货是很重要In order to compete, it is very important for suppliers to deliver on time
dentist.前牙的美观很重要The appearance of the front teeth is very important
econ.包装很重要,因顾客很容易从外观上判断Packaging is very important because customers are likely to judge by appearance
gen.化学上原子的概念是很重要the idea of atoms means a great deal in chemistry
econ.因这些空调器都相当昂贵,我希望你在为家里选购时要很慎重As these air conditioners are very expensive, I wish you choose for your family with much discretion
gen.在小疼痛变得严重之前重视它,是很重要Trying to ignore a small ache until it grows into a pain is just pointless
gen.对…很重be not of great concern to
gen.M 对 M 很重要be material to
gen.M 对M很重要具有重大意义be fundamental to
gen.对…很重<#0>be valuable for
gen.对…很重<#0>be valuable to
gen.很重要make a great difference
gen.很重要mean much
tech.很重要make a difference
gen.很重要make a vast difference
gen.很重要be not of much concern
gen.我朋友伤得很重,需要紧急输血My friend is seriously injured and needs blood transfusion right now
busin.投保海运险是很重要的,货物在海上可能遭遇各种风险,例如火灾、暴雨、碰撞、偷窃、泄漏、爆炸等Ocean shipping cargo insurance is important because goods run the risk of different hazards such as fire, storm, collision, theft, leakage, explosions, and etc
dentist.每天刷牙的习惯对维持牙周健康很重要Daily brushing habit is important to maintain the periodontal health
dentist.牙周袋的探诊对评价您的牙周状况很重要Probing the pockets is important to evaluate your periodontal condition
econ.现金收支预算在现金流动的管理中很重要Cash budgets are important to the management of cashflows
gen.电可以在相隔一段距离的地方显示各种测量结果,这在许多场合都是很重要electricity permits indication of measurements at a distance, which is very important in many fields
gen.M 认为M不很重要价值不大think little of
gen.M 认为M不很重要价值不大think light of
gen.认为…不很重<#0>think little of
gen.认为…不很重<#0>make little of
gen.认为…不很重<#0>make light of
gen.购买家纺用品时,要清楚它们的填充物是什么。这对健康很重要When you buy home textiles, you should be clear about the fillers which is very important for your health
expl.这个问题看上去对很多人异常重要、但对新的工作委员会来说可能是小事一桩This problem, which is seemingly important to many others, is likely to be a minor concern to the new working committee
expl.这种解释对我们了解他的生平故事很重要This explanation is of concern to our understanding of his lifetime story
econ.这笔订货对我公司的未来业务很重要,因为本公司的有赖于它的完成情况This order is important for our company's future, because our business depends on it