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一旦亲临交易会,你将发现有很多品种可供选择Once you come to the fair personally, you'll find there is a large variety for selection
他们发现他在叙述中有很多前后矛盾的地方They found a lot of inconsistencies in his account
你方还盘比现行市价高出很多,难以接受Being much higher than the current price, your counteroffer is too difficult to accept
光顾这家百货商店的人很多The department store has a large patronage
受过很多很少教育get much less schooling
因为运输途中受损的货物箱太多,船主进行赔偿有很大困难The shipowner had great difficulty in arranging a redress because there were too many cases of goods damaged in transport
多年来棉制内衣的需求量一直很大For many years cotton underwear has been in great demands
大多数客户对接受去年的制品有很大顾虑Most clients feel great hesitancy about accepting last year's manufactures
尽管他们承接订货很多,他们仍设法及时完成我方订单In spite of heavy commitments, they managed to execute our order in time
很多scores of (customers, 顾客)
很多的钱ocean of money
我们发现这些器械有很多用途We found many uses for the machine
我们给你们造成很多不便,实在抱歉We are very sorry for having caused you a lot of inconvenience
我们花了很多精力开发此种新电脑系统We have spent a great deal of energy in developing this new computer system
我公司的供货商很多,选择范围大We have a large choice of suppliers
由于这一季节我们已接受了很多订货,不得不拒绝要求迅速交货的新订单Since we are heavily committed this season, we have to reject new rush orders
积蓄很多的钱salt a lot of money away
经济型汽车不会消耗很多汽油An economical car doesn't use much petrol
这样的安排好处很多There is much advantage in such an arrangement