
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不公平raw deal
价格差别price discrimination
老客户discriminate in favour of old customers
证券gilt securities
证券gilt-edged securities
低价优bargain offer
卖主宁可等价格趋稳时再出售The sellers prefer to wait until the prices harden
卖方正急切地等着该笔购货的有关信用证The seller is anxiously waiting for the relative L/C covering the purchase
差错errors and omissions expected
交货订单back order
售商品目录catalogue of articles for sale
批准subject to approval
指示for order
申报to be declared
遇平等parity of treatment
销密to be declassified
我们将等该买主的递盘We'll wait for a bid from the buyer
我们期我们之间的生意迅速发展We look forward to the rapid development of the business between us
我们期贵方继续友好合作We look forward to your continued friendly cooperation
我方正期着你方的装船通知We're looking forward to your shipping advice
把货物扣于海关仓库以完税place goods in bond
费用reception expenses
最大期时间storage cycle time
最惠国nación mas favorecida
最惠国most favourable national treatment
输岀值desired output
特殊和差别对简写为SDTspecial and differential treatment
留局领邮件poste restante
福利遇条款fringe clause
税收协定规定的特惠concessions under tax treaties
买方通知wait for advice from the buyer
你方取得进口许可证We have earmarked 100 MT for you pending the insurance to you of the import licence
计划申请核准书project proposal for approval
货已备妥The goods are all ready for shipment
这一遇只适用老客户This treatment only applies to old customers