
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一级差别first degree discrimination
一般最惠国general MFN most favoured nation treatment
不准停车等no waiting
解决的press for solution
享受平等和公正遇权利right to equal and fair treatment
介绍新货优价格introductory price
介绍新货优发盘introductory offer
价格因人而异差别对price discrimination
价格区别对模式model of price discrimination
courtesy card
小盒deal pack
旅行车船票减价从优excursion at reduced rates
游览名胜地减价票excursion ticket
票价excursion fare
票价列车excursion train
优厚liberal wages and benefits
优惠favourable treatment
优惠遇限制limitation of preferential treatment
保险费另议premium to be arranged
停靠等装货idle waiting to load
免税遇冻结zero-duty binding
免税遇的冻结指某些免税商品不再改为完税商品zero-duty binding
公平equitable treatment
公平商务equitable treatment of commerce
公平对fair play
公费招entertainment on the expense account
关税遇约束binding of duty treatment
具有工业培基础的学员industry based student
再度减价优fill in privilege
出口许可证指货物发运须以领到出口许可证为条件subject to approval of export licence
劳保labor insurance benefit
区别对differential treatment
区别对措施differential measurement
协助接ancillary receiver
发盘买方验看满意后订货offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval
取得减税遇的登记手续procedure for registering for eligibility
取消优惠cut-off of preferential treatment
取消优惠cut-off preferential treatment
受优recipient of favour
同权证同same paper, same treatment
国际邮件复函免费优reply coupons
好酒好菜款某人wine and dine sb.
存栈提单即美国特有的"棉花提单":棉花装提单custody bill of lading
安装修装配in-place repairable assembly
对关税免税遇的约束指不得将免税商品改为纳税商品binding of duty treatment
考虑ad referendum
百货商店内的巡视接floor walker
差别unjustifiable discrimination
差别discriminatory treatment
差别遇措施measure of discrimination
差别遇销售discriminatory selling
已核准尚生效的贷款loan approved but not yet effective
平均等时间mean waiting time
awaiting employment
交订货order backing
价出售的股票nurse stock
催缴金额amount subject to call
冲转工程支出project expenditure pending offsetting
决诉讼pending legal proceedings
制货物goods to be manufactured
协商to be agreed
卸载船idle ship
发文件document for service
发文件架out tray
发股利stock dividend to be issued
发行钞票bank notes to be issued
be advised
awaiting order
命休职制awaiting order system
命时间工资on-call time pay
for order
售商品goods available for sale
售商品forward stock
商运费率open freight rate
处理固定资产损失fixed asset loss in suspense
处理固定资产盘盈surplus fixed assets in suspense
处理存货短缺及毁损shortage and spoilage of inventory to be written off
处理流动资产损失current asset loss in suspense
处理物资损失physical assets loss in suspense
处理财产损失property loss awaiting handing
处理财产损失property loss in suspense
处理财产盘点increment of properties to be setted after approval
处理财产盘盈property over awaiting handing
处理资产盘盈surplus assets in suspense
完成to be done
保税仓货物完税的债务准备reserve for bonded debts
数额pro memoria
定乘子undetermined multiplier
定决策结构undeterministic decision structure
定分级undetermined class
定拉格朗日乘子undetermined Lagrange multiplier
定种类undetermined class
履行合同executive contract
执行协议executory agreement
执行合约executory contract
执行订单order awaiting execution
执行财产权executory estate
批请单pending requisition
报关商品goods to declare
摊费用余额residual expenses
due in
收材料stock due in
收款比率receivable ratio
有需要…if such a demand arises...
核销基建支出construction expenditure to be written-off against profit
洽定to be agreed
清账户clearing account
生产货物供应合同contract for the supply of goods to be manufactured or produced
用性测试inactivity test
签发许可证pending the issuance of license
签署合同executory treaty
缴股金账户项下付款payment on account of pending subscription
positions wanted
job wanted
装船on berth
装货物运输traffic on hand to be loaded
装货船spot ship
解决运费freight pending
议事项调用卡agendum call card
议合同ad referendum contract
诀诉案lawsuit pending
证事实factum probandum
调整的临时价格temporary price pending adjustment
转固定基金fixed fund source in suspense
转运on carriage
买方未按期派船装运,卖方要求支付运保存费carrying charge
运货物merchandise awaiting transportation
运货物hold cargo
运货物back log
运货物traffic for clearance
通知be advised
酉斗酌的合同ad referendum contract
销存货trading stock
领信件letter to be called for
领邮件general delivery
决定await a decision
慷慨的招ungrudging hospitality
所得税income tax treatment
所管理hospitality management
津贴entertainment allowances
hospitality expense
entertaining allowance
交际entertainment expenses
交际费账户entertainment account
持货证券,股票涨价的市场long of the market
按亏损结算与转回规定的税收抵免loss carry back-carry forward credits
损害赔偿费等待法院裁决damages at large
interviewing room
收买股票等涨价long of stocks
集装箱整装货物折扣优FCL discount
旅客接人次visitor arrivals
旅游接tourist receiving country
无优ex coupon
无差别遇条款non-discrimination clause
无条件最惠国unconditional most-favoured-nation treatment
无须等委托without waiting orders
日期同意date to be agreed
普遍性,非歧视性,非互惠性generalized non-discriminatory, nonreciprocal preferential treatment
最惠国most favoured nation treatment
批准subject to approval
签字to be endorsed
有条件的最惠国conditional most-favoured-nation treatment
bargain on
中的遗产estate in expectancy
expected form
结果:预期结果expected outcome
金融缓和expectation of monetary relaxation
来者排队平均等时间mean waiting time of an arrival in the queue
标价invitation to treat
"核定筹经费"项目noted project
求职广告栏situation wanted
注册附优券债券registered coupon bond
清算结账户clearing account
特别优courtesy card
特殊special amenities
现场用材料materials on site
理货人时记录stand-by time record
货到hold for arrival of goods
命令for order
或暂时存储delay or temporary storage
指令for order
损失制call delayed system
时机watch on one's time
时间alert time
服务系统mass service system with delay
cooling-off period
指:1.失业者申请津贴等待期; 2.患病或工伤保险津贴等待期; 3.〈美〉企业申请在证交所挂牌发售新股票等待期, 一般须候 20 天waiting period
期间cooling period
系统waiting system
线问题waiting-line problem
请示for order
雇用awaiting employment
顾客费用cost of waiting customer
累计cumulative treatment
累计原产地cumulative origin treatment
组成卡form cartel
维修收数due-in from maintenance
自不go without saying
装备停用等备件equipment deadlines for parts
货物扣存关栈以完税的债款准备reserve for bonded debts
费率商定rate to be agreed
运费freight forward
运输中的差别discrimination of traffic
退休优惠retirement privilege
退休特别retirement privilege
钞票型优dollar-bill size coupon
长期优折扣long term discount
隐藏着的优hidden offer
零件等number of units waiting
非业务直接有关的招associated entertainment
非互惠nonreciprocal treatment
非互惠性优待遇non-reciprocal preferential treatment
项目申请核书project proposal for approval