
Terms containing 征 收税 | all forms | in specified order only
China, law不征税收入untaxed income
el.中国税收征管系统China tax administration information system
interntl.trade.为保护本国产品的进口货所征收的税countervailing duty
busin.估计无法征收的滞纳税款estimated uncollectible delinquent taxes
securit.公司收益复征税corporate gain recapture
interntl.trade.关税征收customs collection
interntl.trade.关税征收collection of customs duty
busin.关税的征收imposition of duty
fin.加强税收征管strengthen tax collection
IMF.单一征收环节的税收single-stage tax
textile单一征收环节税收single stage tax
econ.单一征收环节税收single-stage tax
tech.变动进口税征收额variable import levy
proj.manag.可予征收印花税的买卖协议chargeable agreement for sale
proj.manag.可予征收印花税的无偿买卖协议voluntary chargeable agreement for sale
tech.可变动的进口税征收额variable import levy
interntl.trade.可征税收入taxable income
fin.可征税的收入assessable income
econ.向…征收捐税levy toll on
expl.向…征收特别税lay under contribution
proj.manag.含征税成分的收费tax-loaded fee
econ.周转税的目的地征收原则destination principle of turnover taxes
brit., busin.增值税征收员vatman
econ.多阶段征收的交易税a cascading transaction tax
busin.多阶段征收的交易税cascading transaction tax
econ.多阶段征收的税收a cascaded tax
IMF.对不动产征收的经常性税收recurrent taxes on immovable property
econ.对交易往来额课征的税收tax based on transactions
econ.对产品征收的一切税款都是制造商承担的All levies imposed upon the output were borne by the manufacturer
fin.对从中国进口的商品征收报复性关税impose retaliatory tariffs on imports from China
busin.对公司的未分配收益征税taxed on corporation's undistributed earnings
IMF.对净财富征收的经常性税收recurrent taxes on net wealth
busin.对…征收关税levy customs duty upon
busin.对…征收消费税levy excise duty upon
econ.对…征收附加税surtax (或超额累进所得税)
econ.对生产要素征收的税收factor tax
busin.州政府征收的所得税state income tax
anim.husb.应征税的农场收益taxable farm income
proj.manag.开征物业税将有助于降低房价、 并为地方政府提供可持续的收入来源A property tax -would help bring down prices and provide local governments with a sustainable revenue stream
econ.征收提高所得税raise income tax
econ.征收所得levy tax on (income)
busin.征收国内货物税levy excise duty
busin.征收企业税taxes on enterprise
econ.征收企业资源差别费税levy a raw materials differential tax on enterprises
econ.征收关税customs collection
econ.征收关税collection of custom duty
logist.征收关税levy collect customs duties
textile征收关税impose duty
textile征收关税collection of customs duty
busin.征收关税levy customs duty
interntl.trade.征收商品进口税put a tax on imports
econ.征收地产税charge on real estate
busin.征收地方税collection of rates
busin.征收奢侈品税tax luxuries
busin.征收实物土地税land tax collected in kind
busin.征收所得税raise income tax
econ.征收所得税the progressive taxation
interntl.trade.征收所得税tax income
econ.征收所得税the income taxation
busin.征收所得税levy tax on income
oil征收所得税levy taxes on in comes
tech.征收所得税income taxation
tech.征收排污税imposing discharge fee
busin.征收烟酒税tax tobacco and wine
interntl.trade.征收的紧急进口税emergency import duties imposed
busin.征收税印花tax stamp
busin.征收税collection of tax
IMF.征收税revenue collection
busin.征收税raise a tax
busin.征收税tax levy
China, law征收税collecting tax
busin.征收税或罚款amount assessed
busin.征收糖税impose a tax on sugar
busin.征收紧急进口税emergency import duties imposed
busin.征收营业税taxes on business
busin.征收进口税import levy
econ.征收酒税tax wine
busin.征收附加税imposition of surcharge
busin.征税工作中的没收处理confiscatory tax treatment
econ.征税收入revenues from the levy
interntl.trade.总的可征税收total taxable income
econ.总的可征税收人total taxable income
econ.总的可征税收入total taxable income
busin.所得税征收特别专员special commissioners of income tax
busin.按一定比例征收国有企业所得税income tax on state-owned enterprise in proportion to their profits
econ.按单位征收的税收unit tax
econ.按差别税率征收的税graded tax
tech.按营业额征收之税项turnover tax
proj.manag.按营业额征收的税项turnover tax
econ.政府已征收5%的盐税The government has imposed a 5% tax on salt
econ.政府应对进口汽车征收关税The government should impose tariffs on imported motorcars
textile政府征收的所得税state income tax
econ.政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement
fin.无法征收的滞纳税款uncollectible delinquent taxes
textile无法征收的税款uncollectible tax
interntl.trade.最低可征税收入minimum taxable income
econ.最低征税收入minimum taxable income
tech.最高地方税征收额maximum rating
China, law海关代征税收tax collected by the customs
anim.husb.租税征收tax collection
econ.租税的征收levy of tax
econ.税收包征farming of taxes
econ.税收及政府课征tax and public imposition
busin.税收征收清册collector's roll
China, polit.税收征收管理法税收征管法the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection
China, polit.税收征收管理法税收征管法the Law on Tax Collection and Management
IMF.税收征管tax administration function
IMF.税收稽征tax collection
busin.税收稽征assessment and collection
textile税收稽征处tax collection office
econ.税收稽征清册the assessment roll
IMF.税收稽征清册assessment roll taxation
IMF.税收稽征清册assessment list
econ.税收稽征清册assessment rolls
busin.税收稽征费用compliance and collection cost of taxes
busin.税收稽征额amount assessed
econ.税收补征tax supplements
econ.税收起征限度tax threshold
busin.税款征收collection of tax
tech.税款的征收collection of tax
busin.稽征税收清册assessment rolls
econ.美国州政府征收的所得税state income tax
econ.英国对住宅征收的地方税domestic rates
econ.该国所征收的各种税款和关税不包括在上面所报的价格内The taxes and duties which may be levied in the country are not included in the price quoted above
busin.象征性税收nominal tax
securit.资产收益征税capital gain levy
commer.通行税征收关卡toll gate
commer.通行税征收关卡toll bar
commer.通行税征收员toll man
commer.通行税征收员toll keeper
tech.通行税征收所toll house
econ.遇有政府向承包商征收税款,关税等情况时,雇主应向承包商补偿全部金额When the government imposes on the contractor taxes, levies and duties, the employer shall reimburse the contractor the full amount
interntl.trade.非征税收入non-tax receipts
interntl.trade.非征税收入non-taxable income
econ.非征税收入the non-taxable income