
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
或者少征应征税款fail to collect or undercollect the tax payable
税收入untaxed income
严格依法collecte taxes in strict accordance with the law
临时temporarily requisition
书面求法律草案的意见solicit written opinions on bills
事先得同意obtain approval in advance
体现本质特represent its essential character
依法用财产lawful deprivation of property
依法levy tax according to law
信贷信机构credit information service
cease to collect
tax exempted
军事requisition for military purposes
决定减或者免征tax reduction or exemption decided on
duty reduction
土地收征用land expropriation and acquisition
土地收征用expropriated or requisitioned land
土地收征用land expropriation and requisition
土地用补偿费用compensation paid for the land requisitioned
对土地实行requisition land
对非国有财产的requisition of non-State-owned property
法律草案公布求意见a legislative bill be published for soliciting opinions
或者漏征short-levied or not levied
广泛求社会各方面意见、尤其是基层群众的意见obtain a wide range of opinions from all sectors of society, especially from the general public
公民citizen eligible for enlistment
税款tax payable
延缓postpone the collection of
start the collection
地补偿安置方案plan for compensation and resettlement subsidies for requisitioned land
得同意obtain consent
收农用地expropriation of land for agriculture
收决定decision on expropriation
收投资requisition the investments
收税款collecting tax
收管理administration of the levying and collection
收耕地expropriation of farmland
收补偿compensation for expropriation
收补偿make compensation for expropriation
收财物demanding money or materials
听取意见listen to opinions (from)
听取意见seek their comments
听取意见solicit opinions (from)
求意见solicit opinions
求意见solicit their suggestions
求意见稿version for comments
requisition for one's use
用单据receipt of the thing requisitioned
用土地requisition land
用或者使用be requisitioned or used
用房屋requisition of houses
用财产deprivation of property
levy tax on
拒绝军事reject requisition for military purposes
提前collect in advance
收入collection and management of revenue
海关代税收tax collected by the customs
深刻认识中国经济社会发展的阶段性特obtain a deep understanding of the characteristics of the current stage of China's economic and social development
税收收管理法税收征管法the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection
税收收管理法税收征管法the Law on Tax Collection and Management
经批准可以减reduce upon approval
defer the enlistment
collect the amount of tax should been collected
collect the money payable
税款levy additional tax
用财产expropriated property
和标志symbol and hallmark
走上一条与中国国情和时代特相适应的和平发展道路embark on a road of peaceful development compatible with China's national conditions and characteristics of the times
collect the unpaid amount
time limit for pursuing the collection of the tax in arrear
逃避escape enlistment
阶段性特characteristics of the current stage (of)