
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一维地垂向模型one-dimensional topographic vertical model
一维地水平模型one-dimensional topographic horizontal model
三斜双棱锥trigonal bipyramidal
三角面积加权平均法triangular area weighted mean
世界粮农势展望委员会World Food and Agricultural Outlook and Situation Board
两三角模型double triangle model
中肯情critical conditions
二-十进制编码binary coded decimal
交互式图解资源地信息系统the interactive graphic resource information topographic system
人字迷宫式密封chevron seal
任意状的随机走动法arbitrary-shaped random walk procedure
修正多边modified polygon method
假复六方密集堆积模式图pseudo-doubly-hexagonal close packing scheme
元素分子式地质找矿法method of molecular form of elements
元素分子式法method of molecular form of element
全地一种轻便、坚固、供崎岖地势行走的汽车all-terrain vehicle
全天候地测绘系统topographic all-weather mapping system
六角密集hexagonal close-packed
金属轧制时的内变internal flow
内曼-斯科特矩脉冲模型Neyman-Scott Rectangular Pulse Model
军用地理地记录资料military geographic documentation
作用ice formation
净塑性变时间free yield time
布朗运动fractal brownian motion
分布distribution shape
分离的离子成和漂移separate ion formation and drift
前陆变foreland deformation belt
力三角triangle of force
北极可控刚度钢质锥钻头controlled stiffness steel arctic cone
北极锥勘探结构物arctic cone exploration structure
区域采样框测量area sampling frame survey
半圆底唇细粒金刚石钻头single-round nose
金刚石钻头半圆底唇medium round nose
半新月half round
膜孔fenestra ovalis
原始式的布莱尼-克里德尔法估计蒸散发的方法blaney-criddle method in the original form
参数构parameter configuration technique
体稳定度三维线性理论three-dimension linearized theory of deformable bodies stability
成像存储显象管deformographic storage display tube
可控浮力抑制环空间系统controlled buoyancy restrained annulus system
可编程序图处理机programmable graphics processor
同质异变化allotropic transformation
唇部半圆金刚石钻头medium round nose
国家地测绘系统美国地质调査局National Topographic Mapping System USGS
国家地系统加拿大national topographic system Canada
国家地系统加拿大national topographic system
国家水下地数据中心National Underwater Accident Data Center
国防测绘局水道/地测量中心Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center
国际不连续变分析会议International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation
国际海底地命名委员会International Committee on the Nomenclature of Ocean Bottom Features
交互式网络分析与模拟程序graphical interactive network analysis and simulation program
交互水泵优化与调度graphical interactive pump optimization and scheduling
交互水泵分析与模拟程序graphical interactive pump analysis and simulation program
信息graphic information
元素graphic elements
存取方法graphic access method
数据graphic data
数据处理系统graphic data handling systems
数据库graphic database
数据输出系统graphical output system
显示器graphic display
显示处理机graphics display processor
符号graphic symbol
算法软件包graph algorithm software package
自动选择法graphics automated selection process
记号graphic sign
评审法graph evaluation and review technique
输出语言graphical output language
渐变滤光片circular variable filter
cylindrical tubes
土地测量与地学学士Bachelor of Science in Surveying and Topography
土壤态特征soil morphological characteristics
土壤成因素soil forming factor
土壤成物pedological features
土壤养分form of soil nutrient
土壤变soil deformation
土壤微态学soil micromorphology
分析中心Terrain Analysis Center
图资料目录控制点topographic map inventory control point
学检索与数据显示系统topographic retrieval and data presentation system
对空气污染影响的分析研究系统topographic air pollution analysis system
数据库系统topographic data library system
气候单位水位过程线geomorphoclimatic unit hydrograph
测绘系统ground mapping system
测量处topographic survey division
测量大队topographic survey battalion
测量开发实验室Topographic Developments Laboratory
测量指挥部topographic command
测量、理论与应用委员会Commission on Measurement, Theory and Application in Geomorphology
测量雷达surface contour radar
等高线terrain contour
等高线绘制terrain contour mapping
等高线绘制飞机定位系统TERCOM aircraft positioning system
罗斯比波Topographic Rossby Waves
/障碍物回避terrain/obstacle avoidance
地壳的Earth crust formation
地球成过程和全球变化Earth Process and Global Changes
地球地照相机Earth terrain camera
地球观测图分析系统terra observation pattern analysis system
地理信息和地系统geographic intelligence and topographic system
地震构造变seismotectonic deformations
地面位移状矢量ground displacement shape vector
基色三角colour triangle
复杂地大气研究atmospheric studies in complex terrain
复杂地的大气研究计划美国能源部atmospheric studies in the complex terrain program DOE
多元态统计分析方法multivariate statistical analysis method
多线单multistart simplex method
多谱段扫描仪检验图发生器MSS test pattern generator
多边信息叠加系统方案 IIPolygon Information Overlay System Version II
多边公海动态实验polygon midocean dynamics experiment
奇颚牙石属-卷颚牙形石属idiognatodus-streptognathodus (C₁-P₁)
实用显系统application visualization system
X 射线地测量学X-ray topography
Yamagata (日本)
列岛island arcs
变取向deformation orientation
态发生分类morphogenetic classification
态土壤指数morphoedaphic index
态指数morphology index
态诊断法morphological diagnosis
成玻璃的氧化物glass forming oxide
成电子对pair creation
U 接头double tilted U-joint sub 双斜
V 接法open delta connection
X cross-member
U shackle
面阻力profile drag
态特征micromorphological features
微影像显示与图增强器micro-based image display and graphics enhancement tool
微波特征波在遥感上的应用microwave signature in remote sensing
变率constant rate of deformation
回归constant shape
波束散射计fan beam scatterometer
边界推移sector boundary passage
摄影光学地模拟器photo-optical terrain simulator
数字地数据收集系统digital topographic data collection system
数字地模型digital ground model
数字地矩阵digital terrain matrices
数学态学mathematical morphology
新月陆地下沉Lansdown Crescent
交易委员会Committee for Invisible Transaction
贸易和贸易贷款委员会Committee on Invisibles and Financing Related to Trade
月球地摄影机lunar topographic camera
月球地测量系统lunar terrain measuring system
有效变模数effective deformation modulus
有限差分finite-difference forms
机载地分析传感器sensor for airborne terrain analysis
标准状函数typical shape function
格拉茨地模型Graz Terrain Model
法则trapezoid rule
英制螺纹顶角为29。acme screw thread
椭圆偏振波elliptically polarized wave
椭圆轨道地质观测卫星elliptical orbiting geological observatory
角度块规wedge block gauge
筛条wedge bar
正负电子偶的pair creation
水下地bottom contour chart
水力学图程序包hydraulics graphics package
水文和地中心Hydrographic and Topographic Center
水文地质变场hydro geological deformation field
水文时间波hydrologic time waveform
水道实验站地分析雷达waterways experiment station terrain analyzer radar
永久性地面变permanent ground deformation
河底地channel bottom relief
泊松矩脉冲模型Poisson Rectangular Pulse Model
系数form factor
记录仪waveform recorder
逐次逼近法waveform relaxation method
波程标准化图wave action standardized history
泥炭作用peat formation
活动变坐标系moving, deforming coordinate system
流域地起伏率relief ratio
流线(机)身streamline body
海冰与地评价雷达sea ice and terrain assessment radar
海岸地测量coast topographic survey
海底地勘测系统bottom topography survey system
滤波楔光谱仪filter wedge spectrometer
漏斗喇叭口tulip valve
激光地跟踪装置laser terrain follower
井眼声波成像circumferential borehole acoustic image
井眼声波电视circumferential acoustic scanning tool
企口连接ring tongue joint
压力响应钻具annulus pressure responsive
压力损失annulus pressure loss
坝位移动传感器circular-displacement transducers
堆芯脉冲反应堆annular core pulse reactor
声波扫描仪circumferential acoustic scanning tool
电流ring current
环境environmental situation
环境畸学信息中心Environmental Teratology Information Center
理查德方程的柯克霍夫变换Kirchhoff-Transformed Form of Richards'Equation
电爆electro spark forming
电磁波electromagnetic waveform
生物量指数disk biomass index
响应rectangular response
波频率响应square wave response
网格rectangular grid
脉冲图rectangular pulses model
调查法rectangular survey method
矿物变mineral deformation facies
砂质介虫鲕粒亮晶灰岩sandy ostracodal oosparite
砂质底床sandy bedform
离散模拟discretely analogous form
离散重合discretely coincident form
科里状系数corey shape factor
立体地测量stereo-topographic survey
端部半磨圆底唇细粒金刚石钻头semi-round nose
第四纪扇quaternary fans
等价球直径equivalent spherical diameter
精密图记录仪precision graphic recorder
系统校正图system corrected images
约束单constrained simples approach
级差地租第一fertility or site-quality rent and location rent
级差地租第一differential rent I
级差地租第二improvement rent
级差地租第二differential rent II
综合地气流扩散模式complex terrain diffusion model
综合性世界地系统integrated worldwide topographic system
美国国防测绘局地测量中心Defense Mapping Agency Topographic Center (USDOD)
美国地质调查局地测量处topographic division (USG S)
美国陆军地测量指挥部U.S. army topographic command
联机图分析和识别系统on-line pattern analysis and recognition system
脉冲成线路pulse former
脉冲驱动环反应器pulse-driven loop reactor
自动地辨认与识别设备automatic terrain recognition and identification device
花杯,止推轴承footstep bearing
航测地剖面法aerial profiling of terrain
航空地断面测量系统aerial profiling of terrain system
切面rhombic section
视频图结合器video graphics adapter
计算机图图元文件computer graphics metafile
连续条航空摄影机continuous-strip camera
连续波continuous waveform
选区通道图selected area channelling pattern
钢筋混凝土矩涵洞reinforced concrete box culvert
钻杆外围环空间的压力损失pressure loss in the drill pipe annulus
钻铤外围环空间的压力损失pressure loss in the drill collar annulus
接头hush coupling
碎岩裂隙penetrating cone fracture
Howell Bunger Valves
频率 δ-k 雷达stepped-frequency delta-k radar
阶地状符号terrace-shape index
紫苏花岗岩incipient charnockite
雷达地测绘仪radar mapping set
非对称晶体地测量法asymmetric crystal topography
非连续变分析仪tool of discontinuous deformation analysis
卷边偏转线圈saddle coil
高温X射线地测量法high-temperature X-ray topography
高级地跟踪测高仪advanced terrain tracking altimeter
高能成high-energy forming
高速波采样器high speed waveform sampler