
Terms for subject Finances containing 形 的 | all forms | in specified order only
以按金形式缴付的期权金margined premium
企业组织的形态forms of organization
企业组织的形态form of organization
债务重组取得的无形资产intangible assets acquired from debt recombination
再保险合同形成的或有事项contingencies formed by reinsurance contracts
制造形成泡沫的风险create the risk of the formation of bubbles
反对各种形式的保护主义oppose protectionism in all forms
反对各种形式的保护主义reject all forms of protectionism
反对各种形式的保护主义oppose all forms of protectionism
可摊销的无形资产amortizable intangibles
各种形式的保护主义various forms of protectionism
坚决抵制各种形式的保护主义resolutely boycott all forms of protectionism
存款的形式form of deposits
对外提供担保形成的或有负债contingent debts arising from guarantees provided for the debts of other enterprises
已贴现商业承兑汇票形成的或有负债contingent debts arising from discounted commercial acceptance bills of exchange
形成优势互补、分工协作、均衡协调的区域开放新格局form a complementary, coordinated, balanced and coordinated regional opening a new pattern
形成统一开放、竞争有序的全国大市场form a unified, open, competitive and orderly market nationwide
成本表列的图形表示tabular presentation of cost schedules
成本表列的图形表示cost schedules tabular presentation
资产成本cost of intangible
混乱的全球经济形势chaotic global economic conditions
用于担保的无形资产intangible assets used for guaranties
资产的预计有形损失expected tangible loss of asset
资产负债表的列呈形式balance sheet of presentation
非货币性资产交换取得的无形资产intangible assets acquired from non-monetary assets transaction
预防资产泡沫的形成prevent formation of an asset bubble