
Terms for subject China containing 形 环 | all forms
下列情形之一any of the following circumstances
中止的情形circumstance warranting the suspension of execution
丰富民主形式develop diverse forms of democracy
人民币汇率形成机制the mechanism for setting the exchange rate for the RMB
人民币汇率形成机制the mechanism for setting the Renminbi exchange rate
代表工作的形式与机制means and mechanisms for doing work related to deputies
以书面形式订立be made in writing
以书面形式通知give a written notification
以法律的形式in legal form
以货币形式in monetary terms
任何形式any form
企业形式form of enterprises
会议的形式forms of sessions
使用他人名义、形象use of the name or image of others
依法规范监督形式standardize the forms of oversight to comply with the law
公司形式company form
其他情形other content
初步形成take initial shape
2010 到 2010 年形成中国特色社会主义法律体系creat a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics by
前款所列情形行为the acts specified in the preceding paragraph
前款所列情形行为the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph
办学形式form of education
原件形式form of the original copy
反对一切形式的恐怖主义oppose terrorism in all its manifestations
反对一切形式的恐怖主义oppose terrorism of all form
反对一切形式的恐怖主义oppose terrorism in all its guises
反对形式主义oppose formalism
"台湾法理独立"等任何形式的分裂活动all forms of secessionist activities such as calls for Taiwan independence through legislation
各种途径和形式various channels and various ways
合法形式legitimate form
名义和形象title and image
国际形势international situation
基本形成中国特色社会主义法律体系give a basic shape to the Chinese-style socialist legal system
基本形成中国特色社会主义法律体系basically complete establishment of a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics
多种就业形式diversified forms of employment
多种形式的合作cooperation in diverse form
存在主观主义、形式主义和官僚主义作风have a subjective, formalistic and bureaucratic style of work
完善监督形式和程序improve the form and procedures for oversight
实行各种形式的社会主义责任制institute the socialist system of responsibility in various forms
将..... 以法律形式固定下来establish the legal framework for (smth)
工资形式forms of wage
开展形式多样的执法检查conduct various types of examinations of law enforcement work
形势发展development of situation
形变测量deformation measurement
形式审査formalities examination
形式审査formal examination
形成中国特色社会主义法律体系establish a Chinese-style socialist legal system
形成提请大会审议的法律草案hence the present draft submitted to the Seston for the deliberation
形成较为一致意见reach a relative consensus
教育形式mode of education
新形势下under the new circumstances
旅游形象tourism image
无形财产intangible assets
普通合伙形式form of general partnership
有下列情形之一的under any of the following circumstances
有下列情形之一的be involved in any of the following circumstances
有下列情形之一的be involved in either of the following circumstances
有利形势vantage point
有形地表现give visible expression to
有形载体visible carrier
有形载体concrete carrier
有形载体tangible medium
树立中国和平、民主、文明、进步的形象develop the image of China as a peaceful, democratic, culturally advanced and progressive country
法定形式statutory form
消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约International Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination
特定形式particular form
特殊的普通合伙形式form of specialized general partnership
监督形式和程序forms and procedures for oversight
监督的基本形式the basic forms of oversight
相应的情形corresponding situation
相应的情形necessary conditions
禁止和立即行动消除最恶劣形式的童工劳动公约Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention
纸面形式in paper form
组织形式form of organization
经历了长期的艰难曲折的武装斗争和其他形式的斗争waged protracted and arduous struggles, armed and otherwise, along a zigzag course
经济形势好the vibrant state of the Chinese economy
经济形势好vibrant economy
综合运用各种监督形式use a combination oversight means
综合运用各种监督形式a combination of forms of oversight should be applied
规定情形circumstances specified
规定的情形之一one of the circumstances prescribed
责任形式form of liability
进行各种形式的经济合作enter into various forms of economic cooperation (with)
适应新的形势adapt to the new situation
适当形式appropriate form
适当形式appropriate capacity
通过召开座谈会、报告会,举办学习班等形式through forums, seminars, study classes and other means
采取多种形式employ various steps (to do)
面对复杂多变的国际形势in the face of a complicated and fluid international situation