
Terms for subject Environment containing 形的 | all forms
土壤的形成soil formation The combination of natural processes by which soils are formed. It is also known as pedogenesis. The most important soil-forming factors are parent material, terrain, climate, aspect, vegetation cover, microorganisms in the soil and the age of the land surface. Some pedologists would add to this list the influence of human activities. All the factors exhibit varying degrees of interrelationship and some are more important than others, with climate often being singled out as the most important (土壤自然形成过程的结合。它也被称为成土。最重要的土壤形成因素是母质、地形、气候、坡向、植被和土壤中的微生物以及地表的年龄。有些行为也加入到这些人类活动的影响列表中。所有的因素表现出不同程度的相关性,且有些因素比其它因素更重要,气候通常被认为是最重要的。)
开矿之后的地形landscape after mining The process of mining disfigures the surface of the land, and in the absence of reclamation leads to permanent scars. The process spoils the vital topsoil, disrupts drainage patterns, destroys the productive capacity of agricultural and forest land and impairs their aesthetic and social value (开采后的地形损毁了地表的外形,并在缺乏矫正的情况下导致了永久性的损害痕迹。这一过程损坏了重要的表层土壤,干扰了排水模式,破坏了农业、森林和陆地的生产能力,并损害了它们的审美价值和社会价值。)
需要加强攻势的情形extended attack situation