
Terms for subject Environment containing 形环 | all forms
吸红光形式red-absorbing form
土壤的形成soil formation The combination of natural processes by which soils are formed. It is also known as pedogenesis. The most important soil-forming factors are parent material, terrain, climate, aspect, vegetation cover, microorganisms in the soil and the age of the land surface. Some pedologists would add to this list the influence of human activities. All the factors exhibit varying degrees of interrelationship and some are more important than others, with climate often being singled out as the most important (土壤自然形成过程的结合。它也被称为成土。最重要的土壤形成因素是母质、地形、气候、坡向、植被和土壤中的微生物以及地表的年龄。有些行为也加入到这些人类活动的影响列表中。所有的因素表现出不同程度的相关性,且有些因素比其它因素更重要,气候通常被认为是最重要的。)
地形学geomorphology The study of the classification, description, nature, origin, and development of present landforms and their relationships to underlying structures, and of the history of geologic changes as recorded by these surface features (对目前地形的分类,描述,性质,起源和发展及其与底层结构的联系,和地表特征所记录的地质变化历史所进行的研究。)
地形改变landscape alteration Landscapes might change through time as a result of human activities or natural processes such as fires or natural disasters. Changes in landscape structure can be documented by using data from aerial photographs or satellite images, and new technologies, such as remote sensing and geographic information systems (由于一段时间的人类活动或自然过程,如火灾或自然灾害造成的地貌可能发生变化。地形结构的变化可以通过从空中拍摄的照片或卫星影像数据以及诸如遥感和地理信息系统的新技术得出。)
地理信息系统数字形式GIS digital format The digital form of data collected by remote sensing (通过遥感收集的数据的数字形式。)
地貌形成过程geomorphic process The physical and chemical interactions between the Earth's surface and the natural forces acting upon it to produce landforms. The processes are determined by such natural environmental variables as geology, climate, vegetation and baselevel, to say nothing of human interference. The nature of the process and the rate at which it operates will be influenced by a change in any of these variables (地球表面和作用其上的自然力之间的物理和化学交互作用。此过程由地质情况、气候、植被、基准面等自然环境变量来决定,与人为影响无关。而这些变量中任意一个的改变都会影响这个过程的本质和进度。)
多边形polygon In the vector type of GIS internal data organization spatial data are conveniently divided into point, line and polygon types. Some vector GIS store information in the form of points, line segments and point pairs; others maintain close lists of points defining polygon regions (在使用向量类型的地理信息系统(GIS)内部组织空间数据,方便区分点、线、多边形的类型。一些矢量地理信息系统(GIS)的信息储存形式,包括线、点和其它的点对点的形式定义的多边形区域。)
市场形式market form The organizational form or structure of the trade or traffic of a particular commodity (组织形式、交易结构、或某一商品的流动。)
开矿之后的地形landscape after mining The process of mining disfigures the surface of the land, and in the absence of reclamation leads to permanent scars. The process spoils the vital topsoil, disrupts drainage patterns, destroys the productive capacity of agricultural and forest land and impairs their aesthetic and social value (开采后的地形损毁了地表的外形,并在缺乏矫正的情况下导致了永久性的损害痕迹。这一过程损坏了重要的表层土壤,干扰了排水模式,破坏了农业、森林和陆地的生产能力,并损害了它们的审美价值和社会价值。)
形态学morphology The branch of biology concerned with the form and structure of organisms (与有机体的形式和结构有关的生物分支。)
形成酸性气体acid-forming gas
总溶解固形物total dissolved solid
意识形态ideology A body of ideas that reflects the beliefs and interest of a nation, political system, etc. and underlies political action (反应一个国家、政治系统等的信仰和利益的思想主体。)
政治意识形态political ideology A belief system that explains and justifies a preferred economic and governmental order for society, offers strategies for its maintenance or attainment and helps give meaning to public events, personalities and policies (一种信仰体系,社会和政府首选的经济秩序,维护或实现其战略意义,有助于让公众了解事件,人物和政策的意义。)
污染物形成pollutant formation The act or process in which polluting agents are created, produced or formed (污染代理创建、产生或形成的过程。)
海底形态学submarine morphology That aspect of geological oceanography which deals with the relief features of the ocean floor and with the forces that modify them (地质海洋学方面,处理海底的地形特征并试图修改它们。)
畸形malformation Permanent structural change that may adversely affect survival, development or function (可能影响生存、发展或功能的长期的结构变化。)
畸形形成性teratogenicity The ability or tendency to produce anomalies of formation
畸形生长teratogenesis The process whereby abnormalities of the offspring are generated, usually as the result of damage to the embryonal structure during the first trimester of pregnancy, producing deformity of the fetus (导致异形后代产生的过程,通常是由于在怀孕的头三个月胚胎结构受到破坏,导致胎儿畸形。)
畸胎形成物质teratogenic substance Substances capable of causing abnormal development of the embryo and congenital malformations (会导致胚胎发育异常和先天性畸形的物质。)
组织法律形式legal form of organisations The type, structure or purpose of an institution as arranged, required and defined by local or national laws to determine the appropriate governmental regulations, privileges and tax status applicable to that institution (由地方或者国家法律所安排、要求和确定的一个机关的类型、结构以及目的,用以确定适用于该机构的政府法规、特权、税收情况。)
细胞外冰形成extracellular ice formation
胚胎形成embryogenesis The formation and development of an embryo from an egg (由卵形成并发育成胚胎。)
能源利用形式energy utilisation pattern
需要加强攻势的情形extended attack situation