
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 形成的 | all forms | in specified order only
位错上割阶的形成jog formation in dislocations
冷轧织构的形成formation of cold rolled texture
初凝形成的壳层initially formed skin
初次形成的断面形状first shape
初次成形的断面形状first shape
固体桥的形成solid bridging
定向凝固原位成形的复合材料directionally solidified in-situ composites
形成小钢锭结构的倾向tendency to form mini-ingot structure
形成磁脉冲的扁平线圈flat magnetic pulse forming coil
成分三角形的边edge of composition triangle
接近成品形状的连铸near-net-shape casting (【技】传统连铸生产的铸坯,常常与成品钢材尺寸相差悬殊,后续加工量大、能源消耗高、生产周期长、金属损耗大。针对以上情况开发出来的近终形连铸工艺所生产的铸坯,在尺寸上尽量接近最终产品的形状。因而后续加工量大幅度降低,工艺流程明显缩短,是当前世界钢铁界研究的热点课题和今后连铸发展的重要方向。: The near-net-shape casting of steel has in recent years become a subject of renewed interest. 近年来钢的近终形连铸已经成为人们.重新感兴趣的研究课题。)
形成的液渣层newly-formed liquid slag layer
旋涡形成的临界钢水液位critical steel level for vortex formation
氧化皮的形成oxide scale formation
爆炸成形的水套exploded formed water jacket
爆炸成形的结晶器铜管explosion-formed copper mold tube
疲劳条痕的形成formation of fatigue striations
空穴形成的断口样式fracture mode by void formation
结【渣,钢】壳的形成formation of skull
菱形变形的形成formation of rhomboidity
起初形成的皮层initially formed skin
超点阵的形成formation of super lattice
速度形成的压力velocity pressure
钢水旋涡的形成vortex formation in steel (Vortex formation in steel can be reduced by maintaining the highest possible metal bath level over the tap hole. 保持出钢口上方尽可能深的钢水熔池可以减少钢水中旋涡的形成。)
铳〔冰铜〕的形成formation of matte
锍的形成matte formation
锍的形成formation of matte