
Terms containing 当 前 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.当前市场价格持平level with the current market
commer.交易额尚不能证明目前安排独家代理是适当的The volume of business does not justify a sole agency arrangement at present
econ.他们想利用当前市场情况,以高价出售货物They are trying to take advantage of the present market conditions to sell at high prices
econ.当前的市场情况为根据the base on the ruling market
busin.当前的市场情况为根据base on the ruling market
auto.仪表板当前current IP codes
econ.价值, 净当前present worth
econ.价值, 净当前net present value
gen.作关于当前形势的报告make a speech on current affairs
gen.作关于当前形势的报告deliver a speech on current affairs
proj.manag.创建一个到当前设备的符号链接Create a symbolic link to the device
commer.利用当前市场情况take advantage of the present market conditions
busin.利用当前市场情况以低价买进take advantage of the present market conditions to buy at cheap prices
commer.前者相当于完税后码头交货价ex quay (ex quay duty paid)
telecom.区域当前指示符realm currency indicator
proj.manag.当前命令影响的文件active file
el.启动当前状态enable current status
org.name.国际农业科学技术信息系统/当前农业研究信息系统及文献组AGRIS/CARIS and Documentation Group
China, polit.当前国际背景下against the current international backdrop
tech.当前指示符realm currency indicator
econ.如能赐给有关当前此项谈判的进,一步的信息,他们将很感激They will welcome further information pertinent to the current negotiation
gen.它们可能为控制当前肥胖病的流行带来了希望They may offer hope in the battle to control the current obesity epidemic
fin.对中国前景感到相当乐观be rather sanguine about China's prospects
auto.巡航控制模块当前current-cruise control module-code
avia.工作报告与当前评估task reporting and current evaluation
el.工作报告和当前评定task reporting and current evaluation
fin.应对当前危机address the current crisis
fin.应对当前金融危机的挑战rise to the challenge of the financial crisis
commer.应当在装运期开始前三十日开立信用证be supposed to establish the covering L/C 30 days before the commencement of shipment time
proj.manag.当你打开一个软链接、系统会将当前路径转向文件的实际存储位置When you open a soft link, you will be redirected to the folder where the files are stored
relig.当前in our day
relig.当前in our days
space当前recent (在气象资料中,相当于 actual,实际的)
busin.当前市场不景气萧条prevailing depression
org.name.当前世界肥料趋势和到2011-2012年展望Current World Fertilizer Trends and Outlook to 2011-2012
org.name.当前世界肥料趋势和到2011-2012年展望Current World Fertilizer Trends and Outlook to 2011/2012
agric.当前世界范围消耗量指农产品present world-wide consumption
avia.当前主机群current master group
tech.当前事件current event
el.当前事件链current event connector
oil当前井底压力current bottom-hole pressure
dril.当前井深current depth
tech.当前产品current production
oil当前产油水平current oil production level
oil当前产油量current oil production
tech.当前产生式current production
oil当前产量current production rate
mining.当前产量present production
avia.当前价值表current value table
fin.当前价格current price
busin.当前价格猛跌prevailing slump in price
tech.当前任务current task
tech.当前任务表current task table
mining.当前优先程序显示器current priority indicator
IT当前优先级last priority level
el.当前优先级指示器current priority indicator
earth.sc.当前估算current estimate
el.当前current bit
el.当前位监视器current bit monitor unit
tech.当前位置current position
space当前位置present position
IT当前主动位置active position
tech.当前位置current location
el.当前位置上移active position up
tech.当前位置指示器currency indicator
avia.当前位置指示器present position indicator
agric.当前位置计数器current position counter
econ.当前使用价值current use value
IT当前信元速率current cell rate
textile当前信息current message
tech.当前current value
tech.当前present value
tech.当前值指示器currency indicator
tech.当前值指针currency pointer
space当前值表current value table
tech.当前光标地址current cursor address
econ., agric.当前农业与农村问题current agricultural and rural problems
org.name.当前农业研究信息微机-CDS/ISIS软件包及其地方兼容系统Micro-CDS/ISIS Package for CARIS and Compatible Local Systems
org.name.当前农业研究信息系统Current Agricultural Research Information System
stat.当前农业统计current agricultural statistics
agric.当前农业趋势current agricultural trends
construct.当前分程序编号current block number
IMF.当前到期日current maturities
tech.当前动向current trend
geophys.当前区头向量current display
telecom.当前单元格current cell
telecom.当前单元格active cell
telecom.当前current volume
IT当前卷指针current volume pointer
securit.当前受益人present beneficiary
tech.当前可获得的最佳实用控制工艺best practicable control technology currently available
oil当前含油饱和度current oil saturation
agric.当前品种present-day variety
interntl.trade.当前商情概览survey of current business
fin.当前国际经济金融形势current international economic and financial situation
tech.当前图元属性值currency primitive attribute values
tech.当前图形文件currency chart file
IT当前图形窗口current graphics window
telecom.当前地址current address
el.当前地址寄存器current address register
expl.当前坐标系in active CS
tech.当前块号current block number
IT当前备份版本current backup version
avia.当前天气present weather
mil., air.def.当前威胁识别immediate threat recognition
agric.当前安全标志current security label
agric.当前宿主current host
tech.当前current layer
IT当前屏幕画面active screen
busin.当前工作估计current working estimate
proj.manag.当前工资简报current wage bulletin
IT当前左边界current left margin
busin.当前市价current market value
econ.当前市场不景气The market was flat at present
fin.当前市场价值current market value
IMF.当前市场利going rate
IMF.当前市场利prevailing market rate
busin.当前市场情况current market condition
telecom.当前布局位置current layout position
oil当前平均产层压力current average reservoir pressure
avia.当前平衡报告current balance report
fishery当前年产量current annual yield
demogr.当前幸存表calendar year survivorship table
demogr.当前幸存表current survivorship table
demogr.当前幸存表period survivorship table
gen.当前形势existing situation
tech.当前循环current loop
comp.当前微指令current microinstruction
sport., psychol.当前心理体验psychological present
agric.当前总线主控器current bus master
shipb.当前成本current cost
gen.当前战略的总目标the whole aim of present strategy
fin.当前所得的欲望current income desires
tech.当前所有权记录title update
el.当前扇区地址current sector address
tech.当前扇面号current sector number
IT当前打印位置current print position
shipb.当前投入current input
interntl.trade.当前投资current investment
telecom.当前指令current order
tech.当前指令present instruction
IT当前指针current pointer
expl.当前排炮孔抵抗线不足或钻孔偏离了设计的方向时、也会发生自由面破裂现象F-bursting can also occur when the front row has insufficient burden or drilling deviations from design
mil., air.def.当前控制接口单元current controlling IU
el.当前推荐的迂回路径currently recommended alternate path
securit.当前收益current yield
fin.当前收益率current return
tech.当前收益率running yield
avia.当前故障中央维护计算机existing faults CMC
auto.当前故障码current code
auto.当前故障码current DTC
auto.当前故障码active DTC
tech.当前current number
space当前数据位current data bit
el.当前现有数据处理current data processing
psychol.当前整体体验psychological present
met.当前文件current file
IT当前文件磁盘地址current file disk address
IT当前文档current document
oil当前日产量current daily production rate
agric.当前时刻current time
space当前时间current time
tech.当前时间段current slot
agric.当前最后状态last current state
fin.当前期限current maturity
agric.当前末状态last current state
tech.当前栈帧current stack frame
tech.当前栈框架current stack frame
IT当前格式current form
auto.当前档位current gear
tech.当前母体current parent
gen.当前汇率current rate
oil当前油水界面current oil-water contact
oil当前油田产量current field production
auto.显示屏字符当前油耗consumption current
oil当前注入量current injection rate
IT当前活动栈current activity stack
tech.当前活动栈current-activity stack
textile当前流行趋势current fashion trends
geophys.当前 射孔深度current depth (shooting)
auto.当前燃油经济性current fuel economy
exhib.当前版本current version
IT当前版本current release
busin.当前状况current state
IT当前状态current mode
telecom.当前状态current status
tech.当前状态current state
IT当前状态加强current state emphasis
telecom.当前状态指示器current status indicator
IT当前状态指示符currency status indicator
el.当前状态行present state line
agric.当前现况current status
oil当前生产气油比current producing GOR
hydroel.st.当前生计current livelihood
agric.当前生长量current accretion
space当前用户current user
IT当前用户active user
tech.当前电子束位置current beam position
gen.当前in point
econ.当前的价值present value
gen.当前的现实the realities of the day
construct.当前的问题live question
econ.当前的需要current demand
securit.当前的风险current exposure
IT当前目录current directory
el.当前目录结构current directory structure
IT当前目录路径current directory path
agric.当前目标current goal
agric.当前种植作物current crop
tech.当前积压current backlog
IT当前激活的窗口active window
comp.当前窗口current window
gen.当前this station
gen.当前站顶值current stack top value
tech.当前算符current operator
telecom.当前算符一下一算符current operator/nex operator
tech.当前系类型指示器current of set type indicator
IT当前活跃索引文件active indexed files
tech.当前线形current line-type
IT当前组指示灯current-group indicator
IT当前组指示符current-group indicator
securit.当前经营current operation
tech.当前络类型指示符current of set type indicator
tech.当前leading dimension
el.当前现行缓冲器地址current buffer address
avia.当前航向present heading
avia.当前航段故障present leg fault
avia.当前航道present course
IT当前current line
telecom.当前行指示字current line pointer
met.当前行指示字current line printer
el.当前行指示符current line pointer
IT当前行指针current line pointer
IT当前表格active sheet
IT当前记录current record
agric.当前设备current device
exhib.当前设置current settings
telecom.当前话务live traffic
dat.proc.当前资料库currently selected data base
auto.当前趋向recent trend
telecom.当前路径current path
auto.当前车辆识别代号current VIN
IT当前转换矩阵current transformation matrix
expl.求解当前载荷步current LS
expl.求解当前载荷步current load step
telecom.当前输出current output
tech.当前输出态current output state
avia.当前运行模式present mode of operation
tech.当前连接组current connect group
earth.sc.当前适宜性评价current suitability evaluation
IT当前选择项current option
oil当前递减率current decline rate
oil当前递减界限current decline limit
tech.当前通道寄存器current channel register
tech.当前释放层current release level
tech.当前长度current length
tech.当前问题live question
tech.当前阶段current generation
busin.当前需求current demand
IT当前current page
telecom.当前active page
el.当前页面寄存器current page register
tech.当前颜色current colour
tech.当前颜色current color
auto.当前风格recent style
securit.当前风险current risk
sport.当参赛运动员人数众多时、应在出发前5分钟给予时间提示In races which include a large number of competitors, a five-minute warning before the start of the race should be given
interntl.trade.当天中午前电复到此reply here before noon
gen.当您需要清理房间时可以给前台打电话You can call the Front Desk when you want your room done
gen.当替换壮观的布景时,演员们甚至直接站在一块黑色的幕布前歌唱A series of spectacular scene changes are punctuated by characters singing directly in front of a black curtain
gen.当着某人面前in one's audience
proj.manag.您可以使用此工具查看当前版本和较低版本之间的差异、或者对比两种可能的预测This tool allows you to review differences between a current version and an earlier version, or to contrast two possible projections
gen.您应该当时检验核对现金的数量与真伪,因为现金一旦离开前台我们将不再担负任何责任The genuineness and amount of the cash should be checked as soon as you get it. I'm afraid we bear no responsibilities for that after you leave the Front Desk
proj.manag.您要使用的设备当前在您的网络上不可用。请检查此设备是否在网络上、然后再试一次The device you are trying to use is not currently available on your network. Check to see if the device is on the network and try again
econ.我们不缺当前市场情况的资料We are not lacking in information on the current market situation
econ.我们真诚希望30天展期有助于你摆脱当前困境We earnestly hope that the extension of 30 days will help you out of your present embarrassment
proj.manag.所有图标将被提取到当前目录All icons will be extracted to current directory
el.指向当前任务的任务控制块task control block current
tech.当前情况修正预算budget update
busin.当前情况修订预算budget update
econ.政府间关于当前援助和流动指标概念问题专家组Inter-Governmental Group of Experts on the Concepts of the Present Aid and Flow Target
proj.manag.更改当前目录change directory
tech.最后当前状态last current state
corp.gov.最短当前工时优先原则shortest imminent operation
textile根据当前需求调整供给adjust supply to a current demand
gen.根据目前的牌价,6. 88元人民币相当于1美元According to the present rate, 6.88 Chinese yuan in cash is equivalent to one U. S. dollar.
gen.每晚只需208美元,当然,这是税前价格Only $208 per night, before taxes, of course
IT活动页当前页面active page
commer.目前在我处销售这些货物相当困难It is rather difficult for us to sell these goods in our place at present
econ.眼前虽贵些,但从长远来说,是相当合算的Though costly at present, it does pay in the long run
China, polit.立足当前,着眼长远stay rooted in the present while having a long-term perspective
China, polit.法律规定符合当前实际情况stipulations be in conformity with the present conditions
telecom.数据库系的当前set currency
proj.manag.缩小当前页面中的文本Reduce text zoom of current web page
adv.美国音乐学校、"当我坐到钢琴前、他们笑了、但当我开始弹奏... "、Ruthrauff & Ryan 广告公司、1925U.S. School of Music, "They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play!" (Ruthrauff & Ryan)
proj.manag.自动将当前日期插人文档中的软件标志date stamping
proj.manag.被称为"黄金降落伞"的高额离职费、已经渐渐成为当前企业界的普遍现象The high layoff packages, known as "golden parachute", are increasingly common in the corporate world
proj.manag.要删除这些项、必须使用 undo 命令撤销当前挂起的更改To delete such items, you must undo the current pending change using the undo command
busin.解除汇票上前手当事人的责任discharge of a prior party
avia.当前位置from present position
commer.这些是当前流行的式样These patterns are the vogue of the day
econ.这种洗衣机在投产前做了相当大的改进The washing machine was modified considerably before it went into production
econ.这项租金是根据当前的市场情况而定的The rent is based on the current market
econ.适应当前情况fit existing condition
gen.适当提前well in advance
UN, tech.部署前访问指维和行动部外派任务组对会员国的访问.外派任务组将由适当职司部门部队组建处,财务管理和支助处及后勤支助司代表组成predeployment visits are visits by department of peacekeeping operations/field mission teams, comprising representatives from appropriate functional areas force generation service, finance management and support service, logistics support division etc., to member states’ countries
telecom.重叠当前标题collapse current
commer.本实盘须于当天中午前复到有效reply here before noon
IT领域当前指示符realm currency indicator