
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
亏损undue loss
交易trading abuse
交易行为improper dealing practice
优先undue preference
匹配指令improper matched orders
回扣rake off
地处理投资订单mishandling of investment order forms
投资improper investment
支出unjust disbursement
行为improper conduct
贷款bad loan
不正商业行为规则illicit commercial practices regulation
不正的交易queasy transaction
不适的新股认购undue new shares subscription
交易所天收盘价last sale
交易所天收盘报告last sale reporting
交易日trade day
事人身份acting as principal
任期结束后再次董事长,董事等be reelected upon expiration of term of office
会计跨期所得税期计列制flow through basis
会计跨期所得税期计列方法flow through method
保证场交货to insure promptness
保障事各方的利益safeguarding parties' interests
信贷使用不abuse of credit
停止以事人身份进行的活动cease to act as principal
充分恰的偿付adequate services
公司不行为corporate wrongdoing
原则证券投资的一个原则,即低价买人然后以满意价格卖出principle of pawn
持有hold in pawn
票据pawn ticket
发行日交割issue day settlement
发行日有效valid on date of issue
变卖家cash in the chips
只在发行日有效的报价ticker available on day of issue only
因市场不行为而需承担的民事责任civil liability for market misconduct
地方局债券local authority bond
地方局放款人期权贷款local authority lender's option loan
对……适当的回报considerations applicable to
市场不行为market misconduct
市场不行为market malpractice
事一方one of the parties
事人对当事人交易principal to principal transaction
事各方parties involved
作拥有权益deemed interest
前受益人present beneficiary
前收益current yield
前的风险current exposure
前经营current operation
前风险current risk
即付现cash down
即支付用现金购买purchase outright
地交易商套利local arbitrage
地借款local loan
地散户投资者local retail investor
地票据fan principle
地融资local currency funding
地货币资金local currency funding
地配套资金local currency funding
地预期假设local expectation hypothesis
场交易spot sale
场付款sharp cash
场付现spot cash
场出售prompt sale
场审查者field auditor
天有效good for the day
天结算在成交当天完成交割value today
the very day
日交易day transaction
日交易同一日买人又卖出同一股票daylight trading
日交易daily dealing (股市)
日价格付款money of the day
日保证金intraday margin
日内最低点股市intraday low
日内最高和最低股市intraday high and low
日冲销投资人保证金账户的金额在当天冲抵same-day substitution
日到账的款项good money
日卖空活动intraday short selling
日回购协议intraday repurchase agreement
日委托指令today only order
日委托时间time of the day order
日定时指令time of the day order
日差额支付intraday marks payment obligations
日差额收款报告intraday marks collection report
日平仓交易jobber trade
日平仓交易day transaction
日报价intraday quotation
日报价day order
日报价变换day around order
日抵消intraday offsetting
日指令day order
日有效订单good-for-day order
日汇率current rate (CR)
日汇率牌价ruling exchange rate
日流动资金intraday liquidity
日短线交易者day trader
日补仓intraday margining
日货币市场intraday money market
日贷款day loans
日追缴保证金intraday margin call
日逆转intraday reversal
日销售intraday sale
月委托month order
月有效指令month order
期交货ready delivery
期收益current income
然内幕人natural insider
现金支付的支票checkbook money
量普通股equivalent common stock
形态日交易商pattern day-trader
得失相的交易even bargain
人选fit and proper person
抵押担保证券期息票MBS current coupon
时价格计算at current price
时市场价计算at current market price
按付款日价格计算at money-of-the-day price
接近日盘中高位near its high for the session
收益yield equivalence
故意的不行为wilful misconduct
文件事人parties to documents
新加坡货币Monetary Authority of Singapore
无正理由without justifiable reason
有福共享有难同share joys and sorrows
未得到适的认可without due authorization
垫付的费用proper disbursement
执票人bona fide holder
报销proper disbursement
持股人innocent holder for value
收益legitimate earnings
权利just title
bona fide
的交易proper trading
的套购bona fide arbitrage
程序条款due process clause
汇票事人prior party to a bill of exchange
汇票事人party to a bill/draft
汇票事方parties to a draft
法定适约因legally adequate consideration
法律正程序due process of law
年利润派股distribution of new shares from the current year's profit
电子日交易electronic trading
监管supervisory authority
监管regulatory organization
于普通股common stock equivalent
票据事人parties of bill
程序不process crash
转换价值conversion equivalent
网上日交易electronic trading
权益legitimate interests
行为不guilty of misconduct
行为不act improperly
行为正proper conduct
让股东适地了解keep shareholders properly informed
货币monetary equivalents
货币搭配不currency mismatch
资产组合不fallacy of composition
资料事人data subject
转换价值conversion equivalent
迅速并恰地记账prompt and proper accounting
安排overall planning and proper arrangement
时机in due course
比例appropriate proportion
的利率或汇率acceptable rate
通过不正手段招揽证券承销业务solicit securities underwriting business by means of unfair competition
金融监管financial regulator
银行监管banking supervisory authority
非正分配irregular allotment
非正影响undue influence
非正解雇wrongly dismiss
非法unlawful pawning
非法典unlawful pawning