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为增实现可持续农业生计能力的地方机构建设Local Institution Building to Improve Capacity for Achieving Sustainable Rural Livelihoods
农村金融能力建设Improving Capacity Building in Rural Finance
卫生服务司Division of Strengthening of Health Services
和统一联合国安保管理系统Strengthened and Unified Security Management System
援助效率高级论坛High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness
援助效率高级论坛Second High-Level Forum on Harmonization and Alignment of Aid Effectiveness
援助效率高级论坛High-Level Forum on Joint Progress toward Enhanced Aid Effectiveness Harmonization, Alignment, and Results
政府间硬纤维小组关于剑麻和黑纳金麻工作专家磋商会Consultation of Experts on the Reinforcement of the Work of the Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres on Sisal and Henequen
火管理国际合作战略Strategy to Enhance International Cooperation on Fire Management
生态系统综合管理的能力Strengthening Capacity for Integrated Ecosystem Management
粮食援助发展的机构Strengthening the Institutions for Food-Assisted Development
结构调整设施Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility
联合加援助效率协调、共同行动和结果高级论坛Second High-Level Forum on Harmonization and Alignment of Aid Effectiveness
联合加援助效率协调、共同行动和结果高级论坛High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness
联合加援助效率协调、共同行动和结果高级论坛High-Level Forum on Joint Progress toward Enhanced Aid Effectiveness Harmonization, Alignment, and Results