
Terms for subject China containing 强大的 | all forms
专业性强、各方面意见分歧比较大的法律草案highly technical or controversial bills
《全国人大常委会关于加强中央预算审查监督的决定》Decision of the NPC Standing Committee on Improving Examination and Oversight of the Central Budget
加强与地方人大的联系strengthen contacts with local people's congresses
加强全国人大代表与地方各级人大代表的联系和沟通increase contact and communication between deputies to the National People's Congress NPC and deputies to local people's congresses at all levels
正确处理加强人大监督工作和坚持党的领导的关系correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with the leadership of the Party
正确处理加强人大监督工作和支持"一府两院"依法开展工作的关系correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with support for carrying out the work of the people's governments, the people's court and the people's procuratorates in accordance with the law