
Terms for subject Technology containing 弹性 | all forms | in specified order only
一次加荷重力线弹性分析linear elastic gravity-turn-on analysis
一次重力加荷线性弹性分析linear elastic gravity-turn-on analysis
一致弹性unitary elasticity
丁基橡胶弹性butyl rubber elastomer
弹性three-elastic axes
三向光弹性three-dimensional photoelasticity
三层弹性体系three-layer elastic system
三维弹性体平衡方程equilibrium equation of three-dimensional elastic body
三维弹性分析three-dimensional elasticity analysis
三维弹性理论three-dimensional theory of elasticity
三维光测弹性three-dimensional photoelasticity
三维光致弹性three-dimensional photoelasticity
三维非弹性分析three-dimensional inelastic analysis
三角形弹性triangular elastic wedge
不完全弹性imperfect elastic
不完全弹性partial elasticity
不完全弹性imperfection of elasticity
不完全弹性imperfect clastic body
不开裂弹性状态uncracked elastic condition
两维弹性two-dimensional elasticity
中子非弹性散射反应neutron inelastic scattering reaction
优质弹性橡胶snappy rubber
伸缩弹性elasticity of elongation
切线弹性模量tangential modulus of elasticity
弹性方案rigid elastic scheme
弹性状态rigid elastic condition
初始弹性initial elasticity
初始弹性elastic initial region (域)
包覆弹性covered elastomeric yarn
各向同性线弹性isotropic linear elasticity
各向异性弹性anisotropic elasticity
各向异性弹性anisotropical elasticity
各向异性弹性non-isotropic elasticity
各向异性弹性anisotropical elastic body
各向异性弹性anisotropic elastic body
合成弹性synthetical elastomer
吉布斯弹性Gibbs elasticity
后效弹性模量modulus of elasticity after effect
土壤弹性elasticity of soil
土的弹性elasticity of soil
土的弹性均压模量modulus of reaction of soil
土的弹性模量modulus of soil elasticity
土的动弹性模量modulus of soil dynamical elasticity
土的动弹性模量modulus of soil dynamic elasticity
土的弹塑性elastic-plastic of soil
土的静弹性模量modulus of soil static elasticity
圣•维南弹性原理St. venant principle of elasticity
地基弹性抗力elastic resistance of ground
地基土弹性系数coefficient of elastic of ground soil
地震的弹性回弹理论elastic rebound theory of earthquake
地震的弹性回跳理论elastic rebound theory of earthquake
弹性complex elasticity
复合核弹性散射compound elastic scattering
复数弹性模量complex elastic modulus
多孔弹性介质porous elastic medium
多孔弹性体密封垫cellular elastomeric gasket
多孔弹性固体porous elastic solid
多层弹性介质multilayered elastic medium
沥青路面多层弹性理论multi-layer elasticity theory
多层弹性理论multiplayer elastic theory
多层体弹性理论multilayered elastic theory
多层单杆弹性道钉laminated elastic spike with single shaft
多盘弹性接头multidisc flexible coupling
多盘弹性离合器multidisc flexible coupling
多跨弹性轴系multispan elastic rotor system
弹性变形large elastic deformation
天然气弹性压缩能elastic compression energy of gas
失去弹性橡胶impoverished rubber
小角弹性散射small angle elastic scattering
布辛奈斯克弹性理论Boussinesq's elastic theory
弹性密封的阀resilient seal valve
带弹簧螺圈的弹性coil-spring shank
开尔文黏弹性应力应变关系Kelvin's visco-elastic stress-strain relation
弯曲弹性flexural elasticity
弯曲弹性flexional elasticity
弹性elastic behaviour (行为)
弹性elasticity (学)
弹性elastic behavior (行为)
弹性万向节叉cushion disc spider
弹性不变合金elinvar alloy
弹性不稳定elastic instability (度)
弹性不稳定elastic instability (性)
弹性中子elastic neutron
弹性中心法method of elastic center
弹性中心法elastic center method
弹性中间垫层elastic intermediate layer
弹性临界剪应力elastic critical shearing stress
弹性临界荷载elastic critical load
弹性临界负荷elastic critical load
弹性传动resilient transmission
弹性传动resilient drive
弹性传导体elastic medium
弹性估计estimation of elasticity
弹性伸缩筒管elastic expandable bobbin
弹性伸缩纱框elastic reel
弹性伸长elastic stretch
弹性伸长elastic stretching
弹性伸长elastic extension
弹性位错elastic dislocation
弹性位错理论elastic dislocation theory
弹性spring mass
弹性elastic solid
弹性体合金elastomer alloy
弹性体塑料elastomer plastic
弹性体护舷部件elastomeric fender unit
弹性体片材elastomer sheet
弹性体的线性振动linear vibrations of elastic bodies
弹性体部件elastomeric unit
弹性体防水elastomeric waterproofing
弹性余震elastic aftershock
弹性作用elastic reaction
弹性elastic number
弹性elasticity number
弹性元件elastic cell
弹性光生elastic photoproduction
弹性分区制elastic zoning
弹性分岔elastic bifurcation
弹性分布elastic distribution
弹性分析analysis of elasticity
弹性分枝elastic bifurcation
弹性分量component of elasticity
弹性切变波elastic transverse wave
弹性刚度常量elastic stiffness constant
弹性刚度系数elastic stiffness coefficient
弹性利率flexible interest rate
弹性利率抵押贷款flexible rate mortgage
弹性制造系统flexible manufacturing system
弹性前效elastic fore-effect
弹性剪切elastic shear
弹性剪切模量shearing modulus of elasticity
弹性elastic zone (域)
弹性elastic region (域)
弹性elastic range (域)
弹性区域elastic region
弹性区域elastic range
弹性半无限地基elastic semi-infinite foundation
弹性半空间弹簧刚度elastic half-space spring stiffness
弹性卡子resilient clip
弹性卡环装卸器snap ring expander
弹性卡环装卸器snap remover
弹性各向同性材料elastically isotropic material
弹性各向异性elastic an isotropy
弹性合成橡胶支座elastomeric bearing pad
弹性合成物elastic synthetic
弹性合成物elastic compound
弹性吊卡resilient hanger clip
弹性吊挂resilient hanger
弹性吊架flexible suspension
弹性吊架elastic suspension
弹性后效elasticity after effect
弹性后效elastic after-working (应)
弹性后效elastic reaction
弹性后效elastic spring back
弹性后效delayed elasticity
弹性后效变形elastic after deformation
弹性后效应elastic after effect
弹性吸收elastic absorption
弹性唇片elastic lip
弹性圆形夹合梁elastic circular sandwich beam
弹性圆柱elastic cylinder
弹性圆盘cushion disk
弹性圆锥elastic cone
弹性土压力elastic earth pressure
弹性地基clastic foundation
弹性地基beam on elastic subgrade
弹性地基梁比拟法analogy method for beam on elastic foundation
弹性地板resilient floor
弹性地板resilient flooring (材料)
弹性地板resilient floating floor
弹性地板面resilient floor covering
弹性地面elastic ground
弹性地面材料resilient flooring
弹性地面铺料resilient floor covering
弹性elastic field
弹性均质材料elastic isotropic material
弹性坐位架cushion frame
弹性复原elastic recovery
弹性复原试验back test
弹性复数模量complex elastic modulus
弹性外套elastomer covering
弹性多层体系理论elastic multiple layered theory
弹性失效准则elastic failure criterion
弹性失效压力elastic breakdown pressure
弹性pinch clamp
弹性resilient clip
弹性夹头drawback collet
弹性夹紧联结杆snap tie
弹性套环扣件resilient stirrup
弹性套筒resilient sleeve
弹性套筒elastic sleeve
弹性套筒轴承elastic sleeve bearing
弹性套管spring-backed quill
弹性存储器elastic store
弹性封口resilient seal
弹性elastic scaler
弹性尼龙stretchy nylon
弹性层状体理论elastic layered theory
弹性层状体系理论theory of elastic laminated system
弹性屈曲负载elastic buckling load
弹性屈服elastic yielding
弹性屈服elastic buckling
弹性屏蔽材料elastomeric shield material
弹性常数矩阵elasticity matrix
弹性常量elasticity constant
弹性弛豫间elastic relaxation time
弹性张力elastic tensor
弹性弦线elastic string
弹性弯曲clastic bending
弹性弯沉elastic deflection
弹性强度resilient strength
弹性形变elastic deforming
弹性形变极限elastic deformation limit
弹性形状因素elasticity form factor
弹性恢复elastic recovery (率)
弹性elastic sensation
弹性感应线elastic response line
弹性成层的elastically bedded
弹性截面elastic cross-section
弹性托板spring bed
弹性扣件elastic rail fastener
弹性扣件resilient rail fastenings
弹性扣件flexible fastening
弹性扣件elastic fastener
弹性扣板resilient clip
弹性扣板spring clip
弹性扣板elastic pinch plate
弹性执行flexibility of execution
弹性挠度rebound deflection
弹性挠度elastic deformation
弹性挠度elastic deflection
弹性挠曲elastic deformation
弹性挠曲变形elastic springing
弹性挠曲变形指数elastic deflection exponent
弹性挡圈snap ring
弹性挡圈elastic collar
弹性挤曲elastic buckling
弹性振荡elastic oscillation
弹性损耗因子elastic loss factor
弹性搁置的elastically bedded
弹性elastic pendulum
弹性摆轮resilient escapement
弹性支座resilient mounting
弹性支座resilient supporting member
弹性支座elastic mounting
弹性支承elastic mounting
弹性支承elastomeric bearing
弹性支承resilient support
弹性支承elastic bearing
弹性支承刚度elastic supporting stiffness
弹性支承压力分布elastic bearing pressure distribution
弹性支承大梁elastically supported girder
弹性支承悬臂梁elastic supported cantilever
弹性支承板resilient support plate
弹性支承板elastically supported plate
弹性支承梁elastically supported girder
弹性支承装置resilient supporting unit
弹性支承轨道resilient-supported track
弹性支承轴承elastically yielding bearing
弹性支承边elastically supported edge
弹性支承边elastic supported edge
弹性支承连续梁continuous girder on elastic supports
弹性支承连续梁法method of continuous beams on elastic sup ports
弹性支承连续梁法elastically supported continuous girder method
弹性支架spring support
弹性收缩elastic shortening (预应力混凝土)
弹性敏感元件elastic sensing element
弹性散射截面elastic scattering cross-section
弹性散射波elastic scattering wave
弹性散射电子elastic scattering electrons
弹性机座elastic frame
弹性权限elastic limit
弹性材料elastomer material
弹性地面材料elastic material
弹性条件elasticity condition
弹性标准flexible standard
弹性树胶gum elastic
弹性树脂resilient resin
弹性树脂elastic resin
弹性elastic kernel
弹性核心elastic core
弹性框架elastic frame
弹性椭圆ellipse of elasticity
弹性楔接头elastic wedge joint
弹性模拟elastic analogy
弹性模数Young's modulus
弹性模数resilient modulus
弹性模数chord modulus
弹性模片resilient sheet
弹性模片flexible sheet
弹性模片elastic sheet
弹性模约束力binding force of elasticity film
弹性模量elasticity coefficient
弹性模量resilient modulus
弹性模量clastic modulus
弹性模量module of elasticity
弹性模量chord modulus
弹性模量比ratio of Young's modulus
弹性模量比ratio of modulus elasticity
弹性模量比elastic modulus ratio
弹性模量比elastic modular ratio
弹性横断面elastic section
弹性橡胶India rubber
弹性橡胶clastic rubber
弹性橡胶elastic caoutchouc
弹性正应力系数elastic normal stress coefficient
弹性气压表elastic barometer
弹性气压车轮pneumatic elastic wheel
弹性气室elastic air chamber
弹性氯丁橡胶条flexible neoprene seal
弹性汇率flexible exchange rate
弹性elastic flow
弹性elastic flow
弹性流体动力润滑elastohydrodynamical lubrication
弹性流体动力润滑理论elastohydrodynamical lubrication theory
弹性流体动力润滑理论elastohydrodynamic lubrication theory
弹性流量elastic flow
弹性测力计elastic dynamometer
弹性测定elasticity measurement
弹性测定器elastomeric tester
弹性测定器compliance test apparatus
弹性测量仪resilience meter
弹性flexure strip
弹性resilient trip
弹性elastic trip
弹性片调速器vibrating reed escapement device
弹性版印刷aniline printing
弹性elastic matter
弹性elastic mass
弹性物质法elastic material balance method
弹性球体elastic sphere
弹性理论计算法elastic theory computational method
弹性电阻系数elastoresistance coefficient
弹性砂轮elastic grinding wheel
弹性破裂应变elastic cracking strain
弹性稳定elastic stability (度)
弹性稳定elastic stabile
弹性稳定性的本征值问题eigenvalue problem of elastic stability
弹性spring reed
弹性elastic cable
弹性紧固装置elastic fastening device
弹性缓冲器stop buffer
弹性缓和elastic moderation
弹性elastic joint
弹性elastic network
弹性网眼elastic net
弹性网络elastomeric network
弹性耦合elastic coupling
弹性耦合elasto-plastic coupling
弹性耦连resilient coupling
弹性联轴器sleeve flexible joint
弹性联轴器elastic joint
弹性联轴节elastomeric coupling
弹性联轴节flexible joint
弹性联轴节elastic joint
弹性联轴节sleeve flexible joint
弹性联轴节elastic clutch
弹性聚合物液体elastic polymer liquid
弹性脆性材料elastic brittle material
弹性舵扇spring tiller
弹性舵扇elastic quadrant
弹性范围elastic zone
弹性蠕动复原elastic creep recovery
弹性行动elastic behaviour
弹性行动elastic behavior
弹性行进式信号系统联动信号的一种progressive system of traffic control
弹性表面elastic surface
弹性表面波elastic surface wave
弹性褶裥带elastic ruche tape
弹性elastic spectrum
弹性谱动能elastic spectral kinetic energy
弹性负载方法elastic loads method
弹性负载方法elastic-load method
弹性车轮resilient wheel
弹性道钉spring spike
弹性道钉elastic spike
弹性道钉elastic rail spike
弹性spring pin
弹性captive key
弹性锁紧螺母elastic stop nut
弹性锚链系泊resilient mooring
弹性锤击elastic impact
弹性锦纶elastic nylon
弹性锭子elastic stator
弹性锭子elastic spindle
弹性captive key
弹性feather valve
弹性cushion valve
弹性防撞装置elastic tendering device
弹性防撞装置resilient fender
弹性防撞装置spring fender
弹性防撞装置elastic fender
弹性防水elastomeric waterproofing
弹性阶段设计法elastic method
弹性阶段设计法elastic design method
弹性阻力elastic resisting force
弹性阻抗elastic reactance
弹性限制法elastic limit system
弹性需求法则law of elastic demand
弹性静力学statics of elasticity
弹性靠船墩elastic dolphin
弹性面砖resilient tile
截面弹性cross-sectional elasticities
持久弹性模量sustained modulus of elasticity
弹性设计elastic design
弹性flexible resilient
挠度系数管道的相对弹性挠度flexibility factor
挠曲弹性flexing elasticity
挠曲弹性bending elasticity
振动态回弹性vibrational resilience
支承压力弹性分布elastic distribution of bearing pressure
最大弹性力矩maximum elastic moment
最大弹性能理论maximum elastic energy theory
最小弹性抗挤强度minimum elastic collapsing strength
最小弹塑性抗挤强度minimum elastic-plastic collapsing strength
弹性的卡箍resilient clip
有效弹性常数effective elastic constant
有限弹性应变finite elastic strain
有限形变弹性理论finite strain theory of elasticity
木材弹性极限elastic limit of wood
木材弹性模量modulus of elasticity of wood
标准线弹性设计反应谱standard linear elastic design response spectrum
弹性模数modulus of traverse elasticity
横向弹性lateral resilience
横向弹性模量shear modulus
横向弹性模量shearing modulus
横向弹性试验transverse elastic test
横纹抗压弹性模量modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain
气体弹性elasticity of gases
气动弹性aeroelasticity (学)
气液弹性力学gas liquid elastomechanics
弹性体涂料fluoroelastomer coating
氟烃弹性fluorocarbon elastomer
氨基甲酸酯弹性纤维urethane elastic fiber
水力弹性模型hydroelastic model
水力弹性稳定性hydroelastic stability
水带的弹性elasticity of hose
永久弹性permanent elasticity
永久地弹性permanently elastic
理想弹性perfect elasticity
理想弹性idealized elastic solid
理想弹性Hookean solid
理想弹性材料perfect elastic material
理想弹性构件idealized elastic member
理想弹塑性体elastic-perfectly plastic body
理想弹塑性体系perfect elasto-plastic system
理想弹塑性材料perfect elastoplastic material
理想弹塑性的ideal elastic-plastic
理想弹塑性的elastic-perfectly plastic
理论弹性力学theoretical elasticity
理论弹性力学theoretic elasticity
生产力弹性elasticity of the production function
生产力弹性elasticity of productivity
用硬质弹性沥青片铺盖屋面vulcanite roofing
电子弹性散射electron elastic scattering
电阻线弹性应变计electrical resistance-wire strain gauge
电阻线弹性应变计electric resistance-wire strain gage
第一弹性elasticity number 1
第二弹性elasticity number 2
第二弹性模数secondary modulus of elasticity
脲烷弹性纤维生产废水urethane elastic fiber production wastewater
质量弹性特性mass-elastic characteristics
透明柔性弹簧门transparent flexible swing door
逐次弹性分析法method of stepwise elastic analysis
需求弹性为一unitary elasticity of demand
需求弹性的倾向性估计biased estimation of demand elasticity
需求弹性的持久性durability for demand elasticity
需求收入弹性系数coefficient of income elasticity of demand
需求收入的弹性income demand elasticity
需求的单一弹性unitary elasticity of demand
需求的吸入弹性income density of demand
需求的弧弹性arc elasticity of demand
需求的点弹性point elasticity of demand
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