
Terms for subject Air defense containing | all forms
中段航程midcourse guidance
主动式导头导弹制导active seekers missile guidance
保持式距离门拖holdout range gate walkoff
保障guaranteeing guidance
信标导进场beacon approach
导式导航perfect lead navigation
反波门偷干扰gate stealer ECCM
反辐射攻击导设备guidance equipment for anti-radiation attack
反速度门拖干扰velocity walkoff ECCM
发射极线emitter terminal
发射极线emitter lead
变定时variable time fuse
可控定时controlled variable time fuze
国防信息系统网络导边缘服务defense information system network-leaning edge service
备用emergency engine
多种平台雷达技术进计划multi platform radar technology introduction plan
天线人线绝缘子绝缘器antenna lead-in insulator
天线出管antenna fairlead
系统seeker system
导弹missile fuse
导弹导员missile aimer
导弹爆控制missile ignition control
导弹导missile homer
信反干扰fuze counter countermeasure
信失灵fuze budding
信对抗侦察fuze electronic warfare reconnaissance
信对抗设备fuze electronic warfare equipment
信干扰fuse jamming
炮瞄雷达director radar
导式陷阱directing trap
导式雷达干扰设备guiding radar jamming equipment
导时间direction time
导范围navigation coverage
导覆盖guidance coverage
导设备guiding device
爆式干扰物投放器pyrotechnic chaff dispenser
惯性炸弹inertial bomb fuse
抛物线拖parabolic walkoff
信号keeper signal
无线电信干扰radio fuze countermeasure
无线电信干扰设备radio fuze jamming equipment
早期 S 波段对空警戒导雷达SCR-615 (radar)
早期 VHF 波段对空警戒导雷达SCR-527 (radar)
早期 VHF 波段警戒导雷达AMES 7 (radar)
机载导雷达airborne vectoring radar
机载导雷达airborne director radar
波门偷显示gate stealer display
直接保障direct guaranteeing guidance
着发direct action impact (fuse)
瞬发instantaneous fuze
示波器扫描arming the oscilloscope sweep
空包假信弹blind loaded and plugged ammunition
联合战术微波导系统joint tactical microwave landing system
脱离地球力的导弹earth escape missile
自动地形识别与导系统automatic terrain recognition and navigation system
被动式导头导弹制导passive seeker missile guidance
角度门拖angle gate walkoff
距离门偷range gate stealer or stealing
距离门拖记忆环置零range gate walkoff memory-loop nulling
距离波门拖干扰range gate walkoff jamming
近炸信导弹proximity-fused missile
速度门偷velocity gate stealer
速度门拖velocity gate walkoff
速度门拖velocity gate walk off
利用速度门曳velocity gate pull-off
闭锁驻留程序dwell walk programming
间接保障indirect guaranteeing guidance (IGG)
雷达信管radar fuse
雷达导低角度伞投radar low angle drogue delivery
雷达导的radar vectored
雷达导航向radar vector on course
雷达导范围radar vectoring coverage
雷达自动寻的、归航radar homing
需要重新standard container for radar station crash
频率导技术frequency directing technique
频率牵系数frequency pulling figure
频率牵系数pull frequency factor