
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
一字进出口straight wing wall portal
一般公general formula
一般表达general expression
三层立体交叉tri-level grade separation
三角表达trigonometric expression
上不等upper inequality
上承公路桥deck highway bridge
上承公路桥top-road bridge
上承加劲拱deck type stiffened arch
上承deck type arch
上承拱桥deck type arch bridge
上承拱桥deck arch bridge
上承曲线上板梁桥deck plate girder bridge on curved line
上承板梁deck plate girder
上承top road bridge
上承top railway bridge
上承deck bridge
上承桥梁deck girder bridge
上承桥跨deck span
上承直线上板梁桥deck plate girder bridge on straight line
上述公aforementioned formula
上述公foregoing formula
上面above expression
下列公following formula
下列关系following relation
下承arch with suspended road
下承桥梁through bridge
下承铁路桥through railway bridge
下穿立体交叉under crossing
中承half-through bridge
中承桥梁half-through bridge
中承桥面half-through deck
中承桥面intermediate deck
主子principal minor
主要行列principal determinate
二阶公second-order formula
二项binomial expression
互通立交桥interchange bridge
互通立交桥interchange grade crossing
交通方traffic mode
人工拉索打桩机bell rope hand pile driver
众所周知的公well-known formula
余子complement minor
倍角公duplication formula double angle formula
变换formula transformation
的应用application of formula
冲击凿岩机hammer drill
冲击取样器projectile type device
冲击打夯机percussion-type tie tamper
冲击打桩机impact pile driver
冲击力公formula for impact force
冲击力公impact formula
分析模analytical model
分离双T形梁separated twin T-beam
分离双箱式梁separate twin box-girder
分离基础separated foundation
分离基础separate foundation
分离涵洞基础separated foundation of culvert
分离涵洞基础divided foundation of culvert
分离的立体交叉separate grade crossing
分离的立体交叉simple grade separation
分离行车道divided carriageway
刚架的柔性墩rigid-frame type flexible pier
刚架箱涵rigid-frame shaped box culvert
前向差分forward difference
剪切形系数form factor for shear
剪力公shear formula
割线公section formula
加热方type of heating
动力公dynamic formula
动力打桩公dynamic pile-driving formula
半压力涵洞partial pressure culvert
半压力涵洞inlet submerged culvert
半穿half-through arch
半穿half through type arch
半穿板梁half-through girder
半穿板梁half-through plate girder
半穿格梁half-through latticed girder
半穿桁架pony truss
半穿桁架half-through truss
半穿桁架桥pony truss bridge
半穿桁架桥half-through truss bridge
半穿mid-height deck bridge
半穿half-through bridge
半穿桥梁pony girder bridge
半穿桥跨half-through span
半穿钢梁half-through steel girder
单动汽锤single acting air hammer
单动汽锤single acting steam-hammer
单梁架桥机single-beam girder-erecting machine
压入打桩机press-in pile driver
压力涵洞outlet submerged culvert
压力涵洞pressure culvert
压柱公column formula
原来的original expression
双动打桩机double-acting pile driver
双动气锤double-acting steam hammer
双层立体交叉two-level junction
双层立体交叉two-level flyover crossing
双悬臂架桥机double cantilever girder-erecting machine
双柱twin shaft pier
双柱queen post pier
双柱paired column pier
双柱twin column pier
双柱double-cylinder pier
双柱桥墩double-column pier
双梁架桥机double-beam girder erecting machine
双腹杆交叉桁架double Warren truss
双臂开合桥double draw bridge
变换公transformation formula
各种截面形的桥墩piers of various forms of cross section
后向差分公backward difference formula
四氟板橡胶支座polytetrafluoroethylene plate-type rubber bearing
四氟板橡胶支座plate-type polytetrafluoroethylene rubber bearing
回转楼梯turn stair
桥台embedded abutment
桥台hidden abutment
桥台buried abutment
桩排架buried pile bent
埋入圆形涵管buried circular conduit
埋入柔性压力涵管buried flexible pressure conduit
溢洪道barrage-type spillway
吊机tower crane
tower-type bridge
tower bridge
塔架桥墩tower type pier
塔架桥墩tower pier
桥台pier-shaped abutment
处理方processing mode
交叉compound intersection
交叉体系multiple intersection system
交叉桁架double intersection truss
基础compound foundation
截面compound cross-section
桁架complex truss
桁架compound truss
compound beam
滑车pulley tackle
多柱桥墩multi-column pier
多柱桥墩polystyle pier
多桥立体交叉multiple-bridge interchange
多桥立体交叉multiple-structure interchange bridge
多项polynomial expression
大块基础massive foundation
夹层橡胶支座sandwich type rubber bearing
桩帽bonnet pile cap
桩帽hood pile cap
安全度模safety format
实用公practical formula
实腹中、小跨度石拱桥solid spandrel stone arch for medium and minor span
封闭刚架closed rigid fame
封闭截面enclosed type section
封闭截面inclosed section
封闭截面closed section
封闭框架closed frame
封闭框架结构closed framed structure
封闭涵洞enclosed shape culvert
封闭涵洞enclosed type culvert
封闭钢索locked coil rope
屈曲模buckling mode
展开expanded formula
履带桩架crawler pile frame
履带链斗挖土机crawler bucket ladder excavator
峡谷水库gorge type reservoir
布辛奈斯克公Boussinesq's formula
装配结构施工法dry prefabricated structure assembly method
平板振动器plate vibrator
平板混凝土振动器plate vibrator for concreting
平转活动桥swing bridge
广义表达generalized expression
库伦公Coulomb's formula
应力分布型stress distribution pattern
开腹braced rib arch
弓弦bowstring arch
弓弦桁架bowstring truss
弓弦bowstring bridge
弗来西奈圆锥锚头Freyssinet cone anchorage
弗来西奈系统Freyssinet system
强度计算公formula for strength compute
总稳定性计算公computing formula for general stability
恒等identical equation
悬吊桁架桥suspension truss bridge
悬吊模板suspended shuttering
悬吊模板suspended form
悬空脚手架flying falsework
悬臂人行道overhanging sidewalk
悬臂人行道cantilevered sidewalk
悬臂挡土墙cantilevered retaining wall
悬臂板桩cantilevered sheet pile
悬臂板桩墙cantilevered sheetpile wall
悬臂架桥机cantilever girder erecting machine
打桩公formula for pile driving
打桩公formula for piling
打桩公driving formula
打桩公pile driving formula
打桩拔桩两用振动桩锤driver-extractor vibrating hammer
托盘道碴槽tray ballast trough
托盘道碴槽bracket ballast trough
托盘顶帽的缩颈lessened neck of tray cap
托盘顶帽的缩颈reduced neck of tray cap
扣板扣件clip fastener
扩散交叉outspread intersection
扶壁桥台counterforted abutment, buttressed abutment
扶壁桥台counterfort abutment
承包方contract system
承载公bearing formula
承载力公load bearing formula
抓斗挖土机clamshell shovel
抓斗挖土机clamshell excavator
抓斗起重机grabbing crane
投标方bid form
拆装桥梁demountable bridge
拉丝体系wire stretching system
拉丝type of anchorage obtained thru wire stretching
拉森钢板桩Larssen steel sheet pile
拉森钢板桩Larssen's steel sheet pile
拉锚体系anchorage jacking system
拉锚体系system of jacking through anchorage
拉锚jacking through anchorage
指定格specified format
挠曲公flexure formula
振动振捣器jolting vibrator
换算公conversion formula
排架墩台bent-shaped pier and bent-shaped abutment
排架墩台bent-shaped pier and abutment
插值公interpolation formula
插入振捣器vibrating needle
插入振捣器penetrating vibrator
插入振捣器immersion vibrator
插入振捣器immersion-type vibrator
支座pendulum bearing
撑架strutted beam bridge
撑架strut-framed bridge
效率公用于群桩efficiency formula
open bridge
数值表达numerical expression
数字表达digital expression
数学mathematical formulae
整体基础integral footing
整体基础integral foundation
整体基础monolithic foundation
整体截面杆件monolithic section member
整体桥跨结构monolithic superstructure of bridge
整体涵洞monolithic culvert
整体结构monolithic construction
fashion mode
施工方form of construction work
旋转起重机rotating crane
无量纲形nondimensional form
明桥面下承板梁open floor type through girder
明确的公explicit formula
explicit expression
explicit formula
显函explicit function
普遍通用式子general expression
暴雨公rainfall formula
朗金土压力公Rankin's earth pressure formula
斜拉桥bundle cable-stay bridge
刚架桥slab rigid frame bridge
基础bed-plate foundation
支座pad bearing
柔性墩slab flexible pier
桥墩wall-type pier
桥梁slab bridge, plate bridge
橡胶支座plate-type rubber bearing
橡胶支座laminated elastomeric bearing
橡胶支座laminated rubber bearing
涵洞slab culvert
轨道slab track
板桩挡墙sheet pile retaining wall
板桩桥台sheet piling abutment
构件或连接的形form of member or joint
构架墩台frame-shaped pier and abutment
构架墩台framed pier and abutment
标准格normal format
栈桥渡槽trestle flume
中央分隔带barrier centerline stripe
杆件lattice bar
杆件lattice member
lattice mast
栅栏grill fence
桥台cellular abutment
桥面cellular deck
桥面grid deck
桩基grillage pile foundation
沉井cellular open caisson
结构lattice structure
格尔塞万诺夫打桩公Galshivanoff driving formula of pile
框架braced frame
腹板trussed web
桅杆起重机derrick crane
框架支撑framed strut
框架支撑frame-shaped strut
框架桥台framed abutment
框架桥台frame-shaped abutment
bridge type
多层立体交叉multiple bridge intersection
布置layout of type of bridge
布置lay-out of bridge style
环行立体交叉bridged rotary intersection
环行立体交叉bridged rotary over-crossing
桥梁bridge style
桥梁形bridge fashion
pile bent
pile pier
平台piled platform
木墩timber pile bent
木排架timber pile bent
木桥台pile bent abutment
桥墩pile type pier
桩基形form of pile foundation
桩承载力公pile capacity formula
桩的动力公dynamic formula for pile
桩的静力公static formula for pile
地道beam type subway
起重机girder crane
梅花排歹staggered arrangement
检算公checking formula
横向移动活动桥transversely shifting movable bridge
橡胶盆支座rubber pot bearing
橡胶轮胎全移动吊车fully mobile crane on rubber tyres
欧拉公Euler formula
批准formal approval
正割公计算柱的一种公式secant formula
正态模normal mode
正铲推土机face shovel
步行挖掘机walking excavator
比例relational expression
比例proportion expression
民族形national -form
民族形national style
气垫超高速铁路air cushion high speed railway
法方程normal equation
floating pile
沉箱stranded caisson
沉箱floating caisson
沉箱float caisson
箱形基础floating box foundation
起重机floating crane
钢壳基础foundation built with a floating steel shell
浮动打桩机floating pile driver
液压张拉千斤顶hydraulic tensioning jack
涵洞整体基础monolithic foundation of culvert
滚动竖旋桥roller lift bascule bridge
滚动竖旋桥roller bascule bridge
丁坝submerged groin
潜水封闭电动机underwater enclosed motor
焊接环钢筋welded steel hoop
焊接环钢筋welded hoop reinforcement
照明方illumination mode
吊机crawler crane
爬升起重机creeper crane
牵引方mode of traction
环形互通立交rotary interchange
理论公theoretical formula
电阻应变计传感器transducer of resistance strain gage type
支座pot bearing
橡胶支座pot type elastomeric composite bearing
橡胶支座pot-type elastomeric bearing
橡胶支座pot neoprene bearing
橡胶支座pot elastomeric bearing
橡胶支座pot rubber bearing
盘旋楼梯winding stairs
破坏模failure mode
破坏模mode of failure
空腹open spandrel arch
空腹钢筋混凝土拱桥reinforced concrete arch bridge with open spandrel
空腹钢筋混凝土拱桥reinforced concrete open-spandrel arch bridge
穿加劲拱through type stiffened arch
穿through arch
穿through-type bridge
等效三角表达equivalent trigonometric expression
简写abbreviated formula
简化公simplified formula
简化模simplified model
mathematical formula
取样器tube sampler
脚手架tubular scaffold
脚手架tubular scaffolding
箱形梁悬臂桥box girder cantilever bridge
线性模linear model
组合悬索桥composite suspension bridge
组合板桩围堰built-up sheet pile cofferdam
经验公experimental formula
结构型structural shape
结构型structural type
缀合组合压杆laced built-up compression member
耳墙桥台abutment with cantilever wings
耳墙桥台wing-shaped abutment
背负桥台knapsack abutment
吊车boom hoist
吊车boom crane
浮桥boat-type ponton
荷兰圆锥触探仪Dutch cone penetrometer
荷兰尖锥Dutch core
落锤打夯机drop-ram compactor
打夯机leaping frog
打夯机jumping frog
butterfly-shaped bridge
butterfly bridge
立交桥butterfly-type interchange ding
螺旋坡道circular ramp
螺旋楼梯spiral stairs
螺旋楼梯spiral staircase
行列rank form
衡重仰开桥balance bridge
衡重仰开桥bascule bridge
表示representative formula
表达求值evaluation of expression
装配assembly type
装配prefabricated bridge
装配fabricated bridge
装配precast monolithic bridge
装配precast bridge
装配built-up bridge
装配assembly bridge
装配precast beam
装配assembly beam
装配结构articulated structure
装配钢筋混凝土T型梁assembly reinforced concrete T-beam
装配钢筋混凝土拱桥assembly reinforced concrete arch bridge
装配预制混凝土桥assembly precast concrete bridge
装配预制钢拱架prefabricated steel centering
装配预应力混凝土梁assembly prestressed concrete beam
装配可折collapsible beam
规范中所规定的公formula specified in specifications
规范规定的公formula stipulated by specification
解析analytic expression
设计公design formula
跌水出水口water drop outlet
跌水出水口drop outlet
跌水进水口water drop inlet
跌水进水口drop inlet
跌水进水口涵洞drop inlet culvert
踏步基础offset foundation
转动竖旋桥roller lift bascule bridge
转动竖旋桥rolling bascule bridge
转盘立交rotary-type interchange
转臂起重机jib crane
转臂起重机derricking jib crane
转臂起重机derrick crane
轮胎起重机rubber tired crane
轮胎起重机wheel mounted crane
轮胎起重机tyre crane
运算公operational formula
近似公approximation formula
适应的公appropriate formula
general expression
重力桥台massive abutment
重力桥台gravity abutment gravity type abutment
重力桥墩gravity type pier
重力桥墩massive pier
重力桥墩solid pier
重力桥墩gravity pier
重力落锤gravity drop hammer
钢弦压力盒vibrating wire cell
锚定悬桥anchored suspension bridge
锚定挡土墙retaining wall with anchored tie-rods
锚定挡土墙anchor retaining wall by tie rods
锚杆桥台anchorage abutment
锚杆桥台anchored abutment
锚锭板桥台anchored bulkhead abutment
打桩机monkey driver
锤入螺钉hammer-drive screw
锥锚千斤顶tapered pin-type jack
阶梯墩身stepped shaft of pier
阶梯涵洞cascade culvert
附着振动器attached type vibrator for concrete
附着振动器form vibrator
降雨强度公rainfall-intensity formula
静力桩承载公static pile-bearing capacity formula
非对称模unsymmetrical mode
非桁框架unbraced frame
顶推架设法erection by incremental launching method
预估公predictor formula
预制装配prefabricated assembly beam
搅拌机Mixer (revolving drum type)
齐次多项homogeneous polynomial
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