
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
一些有关本网站和分布计算项目的常见问题解答Frequently Asked Questions about this site and distributed computing projects
一张插入任意电路卡片用于 IEM 个人电脑A plug-in optional circuit card for an IBM PC
一旦确定了这个模的位置、搜索便查找十进制值Once the position of this pattern is determined, the search looks for a decimal value
一次支付公single payment formulas
一次还款贷款bullet loan
三种播放模:睡眠模式、剧场模式和阅读模式、使用更方便Three kinds of play modes: sleep mode, theater mode and reading mode, even more convenient to use
上板买卖board trading
专制领导autocratic leader
个人消费模personal spending pattern
丰田管理Toyota Management
主动点阵显示器active-matrix display
争议解决替代方alternative dispute resolution
争议解决替代方法案Alternative Dispute Resolution Act
二进制的 binary 的简写形b
交互压缩光盘compact disc-interactive
交互图形方式interactive graphics
交互虚构故事interactive fiction
产权合营equity joint venture
付款方payment terms
代理型工程管理模agency CM
以 承包形on contract terms
以书面形in writing
以二进制形表示的数binary number
以交付方转让汇票的移转人transferor by delivery
以交钥匙合同方出口export by turnkey contract
以信托形持有hold in trust
以公债形借取款项borrowing upon stock
以分期付款方支付payable by instalments
以法定信托形持有hold on the statutory trust
以私人协约形售卖sale by private treaty
以股票按贷财务方买卖margin trading
会议签到单格meeting attendance fonn
责任保险umbrella liability insurance
传真机效应、免费软件的升级规则、还有分布智能的力量、都是正在兴起的网络经济的一部分The Fax Effect, the rule of freeware upgrade, and the power of distributed intelligence are all part of an emerging network economics
你基本上要计算出一个至少能长期收支平衡的公、不论你的对手怎么做You basically compute a formula that can at least break-even in the long run, no matter what your opponent does
便携网络图形portable network graphics
信息广告informative advertising
元内容格meta-content format
光机鼠标optomechanical mouse
全页显示方full-page display
调价法formula price adjustment
公司垂直营销系统corporate vertical marketing systems
公用事业企业utility-type undertaking
公用事业企业public utility-type undertaking
公用事业企业的管理management of public utility-type undertakings
内部模计算方法internal models approach
凭票即付形bearer form
出口正手续export formalities
分布 COMDistributed COM
分布公告板distributed bulletin board
分布工作地点distributed workplace
分布计算distributed processing
分摊方程apportionment formula
分销渠道控制的拉战略pull strategy for control of distribution channels
分销渠道控制的推战略push strategy for control of distribution channels
割喉竞争cut-throat competition
磁带tape cartridge
协作多任务操作方式cooperative multitasking
协议书格agreement form
簿记制度single entry system
单列直插内存模块single inline memory module
单列直插组件single inline package
单方程模single equation model
压轮绘图仪pinch-roller plotter
参与激励计划attendance incentive plan
参数 RAM parameter RAM的简写形PRAM
双列直插封装document image processing (dual in-line package)
双层信封投标方two-envelope bid system
反射液晶显示器reflective liquid-crystal display
变形虫管理amoeba management
口头形oral form
另外、如果你希望你的文件对社区有用、你必须保证文件的格与他们的软件兼容Plus if you want your files to be of any use to your community, you have to make sure their file format is compatible with their software
可交换图像格graphics interchange format
可交换的图像格graphics interchange format
可以根据自己的需要在 HTML 文件中像这样开启或关闭 PHP 模You may jump in and out of PHP mode in an HTML file like this anywhere you want
可以用信用卡或别的方付款、接下来两年之内的某个时间、她会给你打电话You pay by credit card, or whatever, and then she will call you sometime in the next two years
可写/擦光盘compact disc recordable and erasable
可拆卸软盘驱动器Bernoulli Box
可擦光盘compact disc-erasable
可擦除数字视频磁盘digital video disc-erasable
可视图文是电子出版的一种形、 它由与终端和个人计算机相连的数据库组成Videotex is a form of electronic publishing that consists of a database connected to terminals or personal computers
可设定地址的点模dot-addressable mode
desktop computer
合同价格调整公指数indices for contract price adjustment formula
合约垂直营销系统contractual vertical marketing systems
合约联营企业contractual joint venture
因为安全模的存在、 我们再也不用担心编写错误的代码会毁了整个系统We no longer -worry about bad codes break the whole system as long as safe mode is there
图元文件格Windows Metafile Format
图形交换格drawing interchange format
在-份措辞含糊的公告中、雷普索尔重申了其出售 YPF 部分股权的意愿、并表明可能采用公开出售股份的方In a vaguely worded announcement, Repsol reiterated its desire to sell part of its YPF stake, possibly through a public share offering
在正交易时间以外的交易out-of-hours trading
在菊花链模下、用户可以从菊花链内的 ADC 中读取转换结果The Daisy Chain mode allows the user to read the conversion result from the ADCs contained in the chain
基于仪表总线的嵌入接口设计design of embedded interface based on M-BUS
堡垒营销focalization marketing
声音和音频信号以模拟的自然方直接被存储、并能提供高质量的固态声音再现Voice and audio signals are stored directly into memory in their natural form, providing high-quality, solid-state voice reproduction
税则multiple tariff system
簿记制度double entry system
账户制double-account system
多切点模multiple cutoff model
契约联营合同contractual joint-venture contract
契约进人模式contractual entry modes
如果不相同、您需要使用查找和替换、以新样取代旧样式If they are not, you will need to use Search and Replace to replace old styles with new ones
如果使用格化文件、则源表和目标表不必相同If you use a format file, the source and target tables do not need to be identical
如果您不想立即格化该卷、请单去"不要格式化这个卷"、然后单击 "下一步"If you don't want to format the volume right now, click "Do not format this volume", and then click "Next"
如果第二块硬盘已经有分区、只需要格化您所需要的那些分区If there are partitions already on the second disk, simply re-format -whatever ones you need
如果计算机不能在安全模启动、尽量使用恢复控制台启动计算机If the computer does not start in safe mode, try starting the computer by using the recovery console
委托书格form of proxy
子弹交易bullet trade
子弹债券bullet bond
字母数字模alphanumeric mode
字符模character mode
字节 byte 的简写形B
学徒培训apprenticeship training
它具有美的形、 是形式美的真切体现It has the form of beauty and embodies a lively formal beauty
它是非接触的、利用光栅原理的光学扫描设备It is a non contact optical scanner which using raster theory
它的最初形是 DOS 实用程序、可以从单个备份映像中提供多个安装In its original form, it -was a DOS utility that provided multiple installations from a single backup image
对地址、数据和状态码可以进行手动选择、以符合任何32比特格Address, data and status codes manually selectable to conform to any 32 bit format
对话交互conversational interaction
对话模conversational mode
对象可参与许多不同的文件格、设计器序列化并没有与特定的数据格式相关联Objects can participate in many different file formats, and designer serialization is not tied to a particular data format
导入与导出普通电子邮件程序、个人信息管理器和标准文件格Import from and export to popular email programs, personal information managers, and standard file formats
封闭市场closed market
封闭系统closed system
尽管如此、每个新的硬件事实上仍然需要一个实模驱动Even so, it was still true that every new piece of hardware needed a real-mode driver
层压推销法pyramid selling
层叠工作表cascading style sheets
层叠样cascading style sheets
层叠样表机制cascading style sheet mechanism
层次文件系统hierarchical file system
履带吊车crawler mounted crane
嵌入宏存储在一个属性中、 是其所属对象的一部分An embedded macro is stored in a property and is a part of the object to which it belongs
工作分析公job analysis formula
工作方介绍面试behavioral description interview
工作方考核法behavioral rating
工作特性模job characteristics model
平均开支模average expenditure pattern
年等值分期支付公uniform annual series formulas
应答方answer mode
建筑管理方construction management
开支模spending pattern
开支模expenditure pattern
开放数据库连接open database connectivity
开放结构open architecture
当然、另一种技术改进形或许是当具有很大风险时放弃开采Of course, an alternative to improving a particular form of technology might be to discard it altogether as too risky or too damaging
当然、这只适用于可缩放矢量字体格Of course, this will only work for scalable vectorial font formats
当电脑发现了一个相符之处、就会建立一个新的碎片模、然后再与剩余的碎片比对When a match is found, a new scrap model is built and then compared with the remaining scraps
当表达中用到多个操作符时operator precedence
Pro forma proforma
原理Principles and Form
发票invoice proforma
设计form design
很多年以来、总的趋势一直都是将文本文件整合到特殊的应用文件格For many years, the trend was to embed text in specialized application file formats
您只需输入公一次、而无须使用"填充"或"复制"命令All that you have to do is to enter a formula once—you don't need to use the Fill or Copy commands
成本分摊公或准则cost-sharing formula
我们用黑体形表示矢量We use boldface type for vectors
所有文件必须按只读或只写方打开All files must be opened read-only or writeonly
手持个人计算机handheld PC
手持扫描仪handheld scanner
手持计算机handheld computer
投影联结范projection-join normal form
投标书格tender form
投标格tender form
报告书格form of report
担保契据形的保证security by bond
挂起模suspend mode
接力设计-建造novated design-build
推模的简单实现是通过循环的方式将任务发送到网格资源上A simple implementation of a push model could be built where the work is sent to grid resources in a round-robin fashion
推销销售missionary selling
插人振捣器vibrator poker
插人方insert mode
改写模typeover mode
改写模overwrite mode
政府推行电子表格计划、 是希望方便市民以电子方向政府提交资料The Government has launched the e-form project to provide the public with greater convenience in electronic submissions to the Government
数字可写视盘Digital Video Disc-Recordable
数字相片digital photography
数字记录digital recording
数字音频磁带digital audio tape
数字音频磁盘digital audio disc
文件交换格interchange file format
文件已经被输入到一台便携电脑里了The documents have been typed into a portable computer
文件表达file specification
无法创建快捷方。请创建一个项目、然后将指向此文件的快捷方式插入到该项目的文本框中Can't create the shortcut. Create an item, and then insert the shortcut to the file into the text box of the item
无记名形bearer form
普通电话服务plain old telephone service
CAI 是个安排学生到预先设计了学习计划的会话模的电脑上的教育观念CAI is an educational concept that places the student in a conversational mode with a computer that has a preprogrammed study plan
普适文本格rich text format
暂停模suspend mode
服务器实例对数据库镜像使用的验证形是其数据库镜像端点的一种属性The form of authentication used for database mirroring by a server instance is a property of its database mirroring endpoint
期权定价模options pricing model
本公司提供一站网上服务、 让客户能够快速建立网站并开展业务We offer a One-Stop Online Service to help our clients set up their own website
本地文件格native file format
本软件的主要功能是能够快速产生60条记录、记录格依照输入模板产生The main function of the software can quickly generate 60 records, record format in accordance with input template generated
杠杆外汇买卖leveraged foreign exchange trading
杠杆外汇买卖商代表leveraged foreign exchange trader's representative
杠杆收购leveraged buyout
柯氏模Kirkpatrick Model
标准驱动招聘模metrics-driven staffing model
标记位图文件格tagged image file format
根据定义、在关系表达或逻辑表达式中、如果关系为真、则表达式的结果为数值1By definition, the numeric value of a relational or logical expression is 1 if the relation is true, and 0 if the relation is false
RTF 格rich text format
GIF 格动画animated GIF
ASCII 格的文件ASCII file
路由器bridge router
环形网slotted-ring network
模仿传统临摹动画的过程cell animation
横向方landscape mode
橡皮带生成线rubber banding
买卖合约formal agreement for sale and purchase
代表official representative
合同contract under seal
permanent labourer
或有负债formal contingent liabilities
确认formal confirmation
缔约国full contracting party
缔约成员full contracting party
译本official translation
邀请formal invitation
比特 bit 的简写形b
民主领导democratic leader
水坝经营dam operation
波特 baud 的简写形
磁带streaming tape
海豚管理management as porpoise
消费模spending pattern
消费模expenditure pattern
消费者行为模model of consumer behavior
液压挖土机hydraulic excavator
混杂模传输promiscuous-mode transfer
热敏打印机thermal printer
然而、正如其名字只读存储器所指出的那样、CD 盘不能写、也不能通过任何方改变其内容However, as the name read-only memory implies, CD disks cannot be written on or changed in any way
爬行通货膨胀creeping inflation
物价上涨调价公escalation formula
特别划分方持有的黄金gold bullion held on an allocated basis
环形网络:在环形网络中、所有微型计算机和其他通信设备以一种连续循环的形被连接Ring network: in a ring network, all microcomputers and other communications devices are connected in a continuous loop
现代艺术野兽画派的色彩与形modality and color of Fauvism in modern art
现在、该行有意率先去除政府的"金脚镣"、即以优先股和认股权证形存在的100亿美元The bank now intends to be the first to throw off the government's golden fetters一$ l0bn in the form of preferred stock and share warrants
用这种方、用户一般读取的是被称为源文档的初始文档In this method, the user typically reads from an original document called the source document
电子方开标程序electronic bid opening procedures
电子方投标程序electronic bid submission procedures
capital letters 的简写形caps
监事会的议事方和表决程序由公司章程规定The method for conducting business and voting procedure for the board of supervisors shall be prescribed by the articles of association
录像机式机制VCR-style mechanism
相关垂直营销系统relational VMSs
矩阵机构matrix style organization
碾压土坝rolled earth fill dam
磁盘上有数据、 是否重新格化磁盘并清除所有数据?There is information on the disk. Do you want to re format the disk and erase the information?
计算pen-based computing
第一范first normal form (INF)
第三范3NFthird normal form
第二范second normal form (2NF)
第五范5NFfifth normal form
第四范4NFfourth normal form
搅拌机drum mixer
管理垂直营销系统administered vertical marketing systems
粗略计量经济模crude econometric model
纵向方portrait mode
组合设计unit design
结合薪酬方案combination compensation plan
CD Plus 编码格CD Plus
编辑模edit mode
网桥和交换机都可以配置成两种基本模:存储并转发和直通Bridges and switches can operate in two basic modes: store-and-forward and cut-through
网络计划形network form
联立方程模simultaneous equation model
联立计量经济模simultaneous econometric model
联营利率制度system of cartelized rates
联营利率制度cartelized rates system
股份合营企业equity joint venture
股权联营合同equity joint-venture contract
背负piggyback board
脉冲串突发串传输方式burst mode
自由放任领导free-rein leader
自荐招聘applicant-initiated recruitment
色等color equation
蚂蚁管理Style of Ant Management
夯实机jumping rammer
蜂窝数字包数据cellular digital packet data
螺旋上升的通货膨胀inflationary spiral
衡工量值核数value-for-money audit
衡工量值研究value-for-money study
被动阵列显示器passive-matrix display
装配施工prefabrication engineering
装配设计Knock Down Type
订货单格order form
记账方on account basis
请使用它遥控器来更改机顶盒上的频道以确保其处于正确模It is in the correct mode by using it to change channels on your set-top box
HTTP 请求的格非常灵活、使您能够在主体内嵌入一个 SOAP 请求The format of an HTTP request is flexible enough that you can embed a SOAP request -within the body
调制解调器自动回答呼叫的配置模answer mode
谈到付款方、能否告诉我、你们这方面通常怎么做?Speaking of mode of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect?
象征代价nominal consideration
象征拨款token provision
象征数字token figure
象征款额nominal amount
象征津贴token allowance
象征酬金token remuneration
财政模financial model
购买模purchasing pattern
资格预审投标方prequalified tendering
资源配置的资产组合模portfolio models for resource allocation
赊账方on account basis
跨栏模multiple hurdle model
运输方transportation modes
近来、 商业模以拥有专利保护的知识产权形式出现、 更加为人们所重视Business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of intellectual property that can be protected with a patent
连续生产方sequential construction approach
选择之一是将 JavaScript 直接或作为外部文件嵌入样ternal file
逐年延展方annual roll-forward basis
递回经济模recursive economic model
采取交钥匙的形on a turnkey basis
送纸pin feed
铁磁随机访问存储器ferromagnetic random access memory
打印机chain printer (line printer)
键盘快捷方keyboard shortcut
阶段发包方phased construction method
非正协议unofficial agreement
非正沟通informal communication
非正草拟合同open contract
非碰撞打印机nonimpact printer
韦尔奇管理Jack Welch's Management
送纸器sheet feeder
送纸扫描仪sheet-fed scanner
预制装配房屋prefabricated house
领导参与模leader-participation model
风险型工程管理模at-risk CM
风险数值模value-at-risk model
飞行on the fly
高盛表示、巴菲特50亿美元的注资将以配售永久优先股的形进行Mr. Buffett's $5bn infusion comes in the form of a private placement of perpetual preferred stock, the company said
"黄金律"、"有意味的形"等、都是形式美规律的体现"The of golden section", "meaningful form", etc. are the embodiments of formal beauty