
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
三份的in triplicate
二份in duplicate
一次起票方one-writing system
一种委托买卖方a form of bailment
三角方triangular pattern
不经营船运的多种方联运经营人非船运经营人non-vessel-operating multimodal transport operators
东道国关系非正混合委员会informal joint committee on host country relations
两部损益表two-section income statement
严格的程strict formula
书面复合同speciality contract
书面形上的要求requirement of written form
货方service type on delivery (receiving)
交出可转让多种方联运单据surrender of negotiable multimodal transport document
交易数量学说transaction type of quantity theory
交易方程turnover equation
付款方type of payment
以仲裁方解决争端settlement by arbitration
以仲裁方解决争端settlement by arbitration
以投标形by tender
以抵消方要求偿还时效已完成的债权recourse to barred claims by set-off
以议付汇票方使用的信用证credit available by negotiation of drafts
以陈列方促进销售promotion selling by display
会计等accounting equation
传统的合资企业工业合作traditional joint venture type of industrial co-operation
传统的联合企业工业合作traditional joint venture type of industrial co-operation
伦敦证券London depositary receipt
低型跨载运车low profile straddle carriers
余额reducing-balance form
余额栏分类账balancing ledger
余额递减损益表reducing balance form of profit and loss statement
使样适合大众口味suit the patterns to the popular taste
侧壁全开集装箱open side container
便宜的或老的小轿车tin lizzie
保证函件格specimen of the irrevocable letter of guarantee
保赔协会标准提单格Protection and Indemnity standard bill of lading
保赔协会标准提单格P and I standard bill of lading
保赔协会标准提单格P and I model bill of lading
保赔协会标准提单格Protection and Indemnity model bill of lading
债券票据bond notes
储蓄账户方储蓄saving on saving accounts
提单long form bill of lading (B/C)
全程多种方联运through multimodal transport
全风险all risk form
成本制度formula cost system
投资formula investing
的偏误formula bias
公报联合国日刊official journal
关于海洋科学的非正协商和谈判小组informal consultation and negotiating group on marine scientific research
内柱集装箱interior post type container
减税公tariff cutting formula
分出形unpacked format
分区规划模patterns of spatial organization
刮板推进输送机pushing conveyer
功能销售组织functional type sales organization
加权综值weighted aggregates of value
劳氏海上保险单格Lloyd's S.G. Form
劳氏海损契约格Lloyd's Form "Average Bond"
包工方type of contract
包装方manner of packing
税则single tariff
簿记single entry bookkeeping
簿记book by single entry
单一收益表single-step income statement
单一方承运人unimodal carrier
单一方运输unimodal transport
单井甲板船single well deck vessel
单元的联合经营合资经营unit type joint venture
单步损益表single-step income statement
卡片分类账card ledger
卡片目录card catalogue
卡片簿记制bookkeeping by card system
压水pressurized wates
原始数据形raw data form
双账资产负债表double account form of balance sheet
受托者方trustee device
叙述决算explanatory statement
叙述报表narrative form
叙述损益表narrative form of profit and loss statement
可计算的总体平均模computable general equilibrium model
自行车bicycles of every description
各种款nice selection
各种运输方危险品运输的国际公约International Convention on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by all Modes of Transport
各级负责和职员负责混合的销售组织line and staff type of sales organization
合同投资信托contractual type investment trust
合同方form of treaty
合同格contract form
吊杆起重机jib crane
启钥合同方出口export by turnkey contract
售出与回租租赁sale and lease-back lease
商业方commercial system
商品专业化模pattern of commodity specialization
商品定量政策模系统system for quantitative policy models of commodities
喀盆塔超额赔款分保方Carpenter Plan
回归方程regression equation
国际多联运公约1980. 5. 24Convention on International Multimodal Transport
国际多种方联运业务international multimodal transport operation
国际多种方联运险risk of international multimodal transport
国际电信电话株会社Kokusai Denshin Kabushiki Kaisha
国际贸易上选用的记名票据special negotiable instrument for optional use in international transactions
国际需求平衡方程equation of international demand
圆领款round collar
土地利用形patterns of land use
场内搬运车方internal transfer vehicle system
场地起重机方yard crane system
垂直限制vertical restraint
合格证type certificate
比率pyramid ratio
增长公growth formula
关税complex tariff
成本制multiple cost system
电报multiple telegrams
税则complex tariff
税率complex tariff
税率multiple-schedule tariff
簿记double entry
簿记double entry book-keeping
簿记book by double entry
记账double entry book-keeping
账目double account
运费multiple freight
复账户制度double-account system
复账户资产负债表double-account-form balance sheet
外柱集装箱outside post type container
外贸型patterns of foreign trade
联合运输经营人multimodal transport operator
联运multimodal carriage
联运multimodal transport
联运人multimodal transport operator
联运人的职能和业务MTO's functions and operations
联运人的雇员MTO's servants
联运合同MT contract
联运契约MT contract
联运承运人carrier MTO (Multimodal Transport Operator)
多国家多种方联运企业multinational transport enterprises
多栏columnar system
多栏日记簿multi-column journal
多栏账簿columnar books
多步损益表multiple step form of income statement
多种方联运人的"绝对"赔偿责任制度system of "absolute" liability for the MTO
多种方联运全程entire multimodal journey
多种方联运单据multimodal transport document
多种方联运系统multimodal transport system
多种方联运系统multimodal transport chain
多种方联运经营multimodal transport operation
多种方験运经营人multimodal transport operator
多种汇率模multilateral exchange rate model
多项分录compound journal entry
必须使用契据形的合同contract by deed
契约合资经营contractual joint venture
寄密封信拍卖closed bid
封闭公司closed close corporation
封闭公司private corporation
封闭公司closed corporation
封闭抵押债券closed mortgage (or bonds)
封闭问题closed questions
将正文件送达被告serve a formal legal document on the defendant
将正通知送达被告serving of a formal notice
属于公约范围的运输方modes of transport coming within the scope of the convention
工业制造成本或商业进货成本加赚头以决定售价的方cost -plus approach
巴尔的摩 C 租船合同代号Baltimore Form C
平板车集装箱拖车trailer on flat car
平行和分散方指谈判parallel and decentralized manner
并列甲板起重机deck twin crane
广告格form of advertisement
开口遮蔽甲板船open shelter-decker
开放仓储open style
开敞open style
开顶集装箱open top container
引进技术的有效形effective ways of importing technology
上的瑕疵formal defect
发票pro forma bill invoice
发票proforma invoice
发票pro forma invoice
售货清单proforma account sale
法律行为的要求substantive requirements of form
赊售proforma account sale
快速集装箱装卸方speedtainer system
总括损益表all-inclusive income statement
惯例决算表conventional form
惯常交易方course of dealing
成本公cost formula
托马斯公Tomas Formula
托马斯方Tomas’ formula
技术决算表technical form of profit and loss statement
把文件缮写一两份make out a document in duplicate
投标代销发行offer for sale by tender
投资形pattern of investment
投资格pattern of investment
报告running form
报告report form
报告损益表report form profit and loss statement
报告资产负债表report form balance sheet
报告格report form
报表格statement form
拆卸格unpacked type
拖网条款dragnet clause
招标格bid form
包装hinge-cover container
指定to order
指定汇票bill drawn to order
指派背书endorsement to order
指示提单open order B/L
按易货方on barter basis
排除形rejection pattern
提包规定catch-all provision
汇票等提示方form of presentation
援助形form of assistance
援助方aid modalities
搬运吊车方transfer crane system
摩登的fashion style
支付方mode of payment
支付方type of payment
支付方method of payment
支票的各种方model attributes of the cheque
"收紧皮带"的方"short leash" approach
new pattern
新样new style (pattern)
无记名证券European Depositary Receipt
易货方barter system
有保证最高限额按单价结算方的合同guaranteed maximum unit-price contract
有关证据的形要求evidentiary requirements of form
有效方modus habilis
本利滚计accumulation factor
机腹集装箱belly container
杂货形break bulk form
杂货形break-bulk form
印刷机bar printer
柯尔木公用于长期经济预测Colm formula
标准合同格standard contract form
标准格提单standard bill of lading
标准租船合同格standard charter party forms
格槽集装箱船cellular container ship
格槽集装箱货船cellular vessel
吊车gentry crane
吊运车bridge crane
查核horizontal audit
欧洲证券European Depositary Receipt
en regie
价格official price
保证formal guarantee
保险经纪人official insurance broker
公报official bulletin
发票official invoice
发票formal invoice
合同written contract
合同formal contract
合约written contract
委派的代理人duly accredited agent
成员full scale members
批准official approval
抄本office copy
报关单perfect entry
拨归合同的货物goods duly appropriated to the contract
提示汇票due presentment
收据official receipts
汇价official rate
汇价official quotation
消费进口formal consumption entry
照会personal note
租约true lease
被告的答辩formal answer (of a defendant to a claim)
签章的全套提单full set negotiable bill of lading
经纪人inside broker
航行日志official log
被传的当事人party properly summoned
记入enter up
记录official record
运费率official tariffs
进口formal entry
通知official order
通知formal notice
通知rightful notice
通知货物不符合同规定give due notice of a lack of conformity
正常全提单regular long form bill of lading
正常详提单regular long form bill of lading
每蒲耳价格price per Bushel
气压卸货设备pneumatic discharge equipment
水平结合horizontal integration
汇款方method of remittance
流水损益表意同报告式损益表running form of profit and loss statement
流水账决算表running account form
钻井船floating drilling vessel
消费者收入支出型consumer expenditure income patterns
混合的采购between functionalization decentralization in purchasing
清算资产负债表statement of affairs
清算方选择权settlement option
滋生反应器breeder reactor
滚装roll-on /roll-off (ro-ro)
滚装roll-on / roll-off
滚装集装箱船roll on/roll off Ro-Ro
滚装集装箱船roll on /roll off vessels
漏斗集装箱hopper container
特殊格保险单special policy
特种多栏日记账簿special columnar journal
猪驮集装箱运输piggy-back-trailer on flat car
生产方mode of production
申报保险契约reporting contract
申报保险契约reporting contract
申请书格form of application
界限公trigger formula
订货单open order
直接成本加酬金合同格form of agreement-direct cost plus basis
租船标准合同格standard charter party form
空白格empty forms
空调器window type air conditioner
立体运转方speedtainer system
符号签名signature by symbols
签署一两份executed in duplicate
发票abstract invoice
简易格short forms
算术指数arithmetic index number
累积算accumulation factor
累计付款progressive payment
累计支付progressive payment
累进分类账progressive ledger
组格集装箱货cellular container vessel
经正证明属实的副本duly certified copy
经非诉讼方宣告无效extra judicial avoidance
统计分配statistical distribution
起重机cable crane
编制方form of presentation
计息办法United States rule
美国簿记American form
美国广吿的经营方作风Madison Avenue
美国海陆公司方集装箱Sea-Land Line
美国甲棉运租船合同form A (of American charter party for the cotton trade)
联合国国际货物多联运公约United Nations Convention on International Multimodel Transport of Goods
联合国欧洲经济委员会买卖一般条件和标准合同格General Conditions of Sale and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE
自动数据处理上相关于签字的方ADP equivalent
自动架仓库automated rack-type warehouses
自动架仓库automated rack-type warehouse
船用桥吊车shipboard gantry crane
船舶正数字ship's official number
荷兰拍卖Dutch auction
营业方type of operation
营业方types of operation
容量单位imperial bushel
量谷物单位bsh bushed
薄壳集装箱monocoque container
分类账tabular tabulated ledger
标准tabular standard
簿tabular book
契约formal contract
规定格prescribed form
记名单据special negotiable instrument
记名汇票special note
记名票据special bill
记名股票registered share (stock)
提单long form bill of lading (B/C)
提单long form B/L
损益计算书account form of profit and loss statement
资产负债表account form of balance sheet
账户格account form
货盘装货方pallet loading type
购买purchasing pattern
贷款方patterns of loaning
贸易方method of conducting trade
贸易模trade matrix
资本形forms of value
资金筹集方mode of financing
起伏调整rolling readjustment
跨运车方straddle carrier system
车台输送机car type conveyer
运输方modes of transport
连环推销referral selling
连转方reborning method
野猫银行业务wild cat banking
金字塔推销pyramid selling
钥匙工程,交钥匙合同,启钥方成套包建,统包方式turn key
集约农耕法intensive agriculture
需要形发票一式四份requirement of pro form invoice in quadruplicate
非承运人的多联运人non-carrier MTO
非指定的票据not to order
非正价格unofficial price
非正协商informal agreement
非正随意契约informal agreement
非正招股章程red-herring prospectus
预算格form of budget
预算格budget presentation
预算的编制方presentation of budget
飞地经济enclave economy
高架移动起重机overhead traveling crane
鱼驮集装箱运输Fishy Back
鸟驮集装箱运输birdy back
麦逊方Matson system