
Terms for subject Librarianship containing | all forms
不分语种一体排架integrated shelving
一体化服务模integrated service mode
专家辅助expert-assisted system
个性化服务模personalized service mode
中国机读目录格CNMARC Format
中国机读目录格China MARC Format
中国机读目录格使用手册Chinese MARC Format Manual
中国机读规范格China MARC Format/Authorities
书目目录bibliographic catalog
书目形bibliographic formats
书目格bibliographic formats
书目记录格和标准Bibliographic Formats and Standards (OCLC)
交互沟通Interactive communication
人性化借阅管理模people-oriented borrowing management model
以 SaaS方发布软件software delivered as a SaaS model
价格模pricing model
基于永久许可证软件销售传统授权模traditional licensing model
传统装帧Oriental style
便携数据采集器portable data collector
便携条码采集器portable barcode collector
信息模information model
美国国会图书馆元数据对象描述模Metadata Object Description Schema
美国国会图书馆元数据规范描述模Metadata Authority Description Schema
先组标引pre-coordinate indexing
分布信息检索distributed information retrieval
分布图书管理系统distributed book management system
分布并行信息检索系统distributed parallel information retrieval system
分布服务distributed service
分布查询模式distributed query model
列举书目enumerative bibliography
列举分类法enumerative classification
协调购买模coordinated purchasing model
协调购买模coordinated acquisition model
协调采购模coordinated purchasing model
协调采购模coordinated acquisition model
反射图像资料reflection media
合作保存模collaborative preservation system
后组标引post coordinate indexing
后组标引法post coordinate indexing system
后组索引语言post coordinate indexing language
国际图联国际书目控制暨国际机读目录格核心活动Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Core Activities
国际机读目录格Universal MARC Format
国际机读编目格Universal MARC Format
图像格全文数据库full text database in image format
图像格全文文献full texts in image format
地毯普查complete census
书架排列法wall shelving
威客模Witkey model
完结书目closed bibliography
客户代理方client agent
密集书库compact storage
密集书架compact shelves
寻找模discovery mode
展开分类法expansive classification
嵌人桌面信息服务services embedded desktop information tools
应用分布计算Applied Distributed Computing
开放检索Open Search
开放电子图书标准Open e-Book standard
开放电子图书标准OEB standard
开放问题open-ended questions
引文格citation style
弹出视窗popup window
副标目form subheading
复分form subdivision
标目genre heading
标目form heading
类目form classes
律令格penal law, administrative law, regulations, and ordinances
折叠图书folded book
指挥模directive model
支持模supportive model
放映图书projected book
政府采购方model of government purchasing
数字文件转换格Digital Document Interchange Format
数据库访问模database access model
数据格转换软件data format transform software
数据通信格digital correspondence format
整合内容保护框架integrated framework of content protection
整合搜索one-stop search
整合搜索integrated retrieval
整合搜索cross search
整合搜索meta search
整合搜索引擎metasearch engine
机读格MARC format
机读格书目记录MARC record
机读目录格machine-readable cataloging
机读目录格查阅MARC view
松散结合loosely coupled
标准号和获得方standard number and terms of availability area
标引方patterns of indexing
整合format integration
档案与手稿机读编目格MARC format for Archival and Manuscripts Control
指导formal instruction
订单firm order
汉语拼音方转写pinyin transliteration
混合分类法mixed classification
混合期刊hybrid journal
format of the block frame
物理形physical format
特殊采购模special acquisition mode
目录形bibliographic formats
目录格bibliographic formats
-站服务one-stop service
纸本print format
线条项目预算line-item budget
组配分类法faceted classification
统一uniform style
统一码转换格一八字节编码格式UTF -8
统一码转换格一八字节编码格式Unicode Transformation Format - 8 bit encoding form
统一码转换格一八字节编码格式Unicode Transformation Format -8 bit encoding form
统一编码统一格standardized format
综合系统管理方integrated system approach
编码档案著录格Encoded Archival Description
美国国会图书馆网络发展与机读编目格标准局Network Development and MARC Standards Office
联合采购模joint acquisition mode
自由开放free open access
装订及获得方附注notes pertaining to binding and availability
规范形authorized form
规范格authority format
触摸控制板touch pad
词典索引lexicon indexing
词典索引dictionary index
资源共享模resource sharing model
基于服务的软件购买租赁模subscription model of software purchase
选定形established form
通用机读目录格Universal MARC Format
采购俱乐部模buying club model
采购模purchase models
集中存档collective archival data
集中的排架centralized shelving
集中资金模central funding model
集成搜索跨库搜索元搜索整合搜索meta search
集成搜索跨库搜索元搜索整合搜索one-stop search
集成搜索跨库搜索元搜索整合搜索cross search
集成搜索跨库搜索元搜索整合搜索integrated retrieval
零形zero style
非纸质格non-paper format
领导模leadership styles