
Terms for subject Cryptography containing | all forms
一个先验界多项数目an apriori bounded polynomial number
专用模dedicated mode
主模网际协议安全 (Internet protocolmain mode IPSEC security)
乘法公multiplication formula
二次齐次多项quadratic form
亚多项时间Subpolynomial time
交互校验interactive proof
交互论证interactive argument
交互车速传感器interactive VSS
交叉的滑动窗乘方interleaved sliding window exponentiation
交错模interleaved mode
代数范algebraic normal form
伪随机数生成器模PRNG mode
便携媒体设备portable media
便携电子设备portable electronic device
便携计算设备portable computing device
信任模trust model
信任模商务信控trust model business control
光滑多项smooth polynomial
典型 S 表达canonical S-expression
内在模inner mode
内嵌进展时间in-line TTP
几何级数公geometric series formula
分区安全模partitioned security mode
分布密钥生成distributed key generation
分布拒绝服务攻击distributed DOS attack
分散逻辑程式设计distributed logic programming
分组密码的工作模mode of operation of a block cipher
分隔模compartmented mode
刘维尔λn不等Liouville's λn inequality
勒让德多项Legendre polynomial
化简模reduction mode
卡丹诺公Cardano's formula
双线性形bilinear form
反馈函数/多项feedback function/polynomial
变换模transform mode
可扩展配置对照表格说明extensible configuration checklist description format
同余simultaneous congruence
启发修正heuristic correction
启发假设heuristic assumption
噪声泄漏模noisy leakage model
分解电路factoring circuit
分解问题factoring problem
域多项field polynomial
基于桥方认证机构bridge certification authority
基于置换模permutation-based mode
外模outer mode
多个多项二次筛法multiple polynomial quadratic sieve
多兀多项multivariate polynomial ring
多元二次多项multivariate quadratic polynomial
多元多项multi-variable polynomial
多变量二次多项multivariate quadratic polynomial
多变量多项multivariate polynomial
多变量多项multivariate polynomial ring
多步置乱multi-step shuffle
多级模multilevel mode
P 多项P-polynomial
多项乘法polynomial multiplication
多项乘法multiplication of polynomial
多项二次筛法multiple polynomial quadratic sieve
多项代数polynomial algebra
多项同构isomorphism of polynomial
多项周期period of a polynomial
多项基表达polynomial basis representation
多项安全polynomial security
多项尺度polynomial size
多项时间解决方案polynomial time solution
多项polynomial modulus
多项次数degree of a polynomial
多项的容度content of a polynomial
多项系统polynomial system
多项规模的二进制电路polynomially-large binary circuit
多项赋值polynomial evaluation
奇偶校验多项parity check polynomial
威胁模threat model
字典攻击dictionary attack
完整性意识的并行模integrity-aware parallelizable mode
密码反馈模cipher feedback
对偶形签名dual form signature
对称多项symmetric polynomial
对称有理表达symmetric rational expression
小型嵌人设备small embedded device
小的多项small polynomial
嵌人密码使用法embedded cryptography
嵌人密码系统embedded cryptographic system
嵌人跟踪宏单元embedded trace macrocell
工作模mode of operation
布尔公Boolean formula
带编译常tape compiling routine
平方公squaring formula
序列授权streaming delegation
序列理性方sequentially rational way
开放存储open storage
开放系统互联open system interconnection
开放清单交互语言open checklist interactive language
开源open source
异步自同步asynchronous self-synchronizing
化方法formal method
安全策略formal security policy
快速模网际协议安全quick mode ipsec
扩展密文分组链接模extended cipher block chaining encryption
扩展的密码链块模extended cipher block chaining encryption
扫描电子显微镜scanning electron microscope
拉姆达表达representation (lambda)
拟多项近似因子quasi-polynomial approximation factor
推理模reasoning pattern
整数多项integer polynomial
斐波那契生成函数公Fibonacci generating function formula
方程的根可解性solvability of an equation by radical
既约多项reducible polynomial
智能嵌人管理平台smart embedded management agent
最小多项minimum polynomial
极化形polar form
保存加密format-preserving encryption
化函数formatting function
CWC 模carter-Wegman + CTR mode
查找pattern finding
模型模modularity pattern
欧拉公Euler's formula
φ 欧拉函数φ的乘积公product formula for Euler function
欧拉恒等Euler's identity
进人许可formal access approval
通道overt channel
比内公Binet's formula
泄漏令牌模leaky token model
混合原语hybrid primitive
牛顿恒等newton's identities
电子电报密码本模electronic codebook mode
电码本模electronic codebook mode
Moufang 的恒等Moufang's identity
磁带常驻程tape resident
积极进攻aggressive mode
移动热站mobile hot-site
简单分布安全simple distributed security
简洁的非交互参数论证succinct non-interactive arguments
约当恒等Jordan identity
约当范或矩阵Jordan canonical form or Matrix
线性伴随攻击linear syndrome attack
组合模combined mode
联邦桥认证机构federal bridge certification authority
authority 联邦桥认证机构操作方federal bridge certification and operational
联邦桥认证机构膜federal bridge certification authority membrane
naor-Yung 范naor-Yung paradigm
行列的拉普拉斯展开Laplace expansion of a determinant
S 表达S-expression
计数器模counter mode
认可的操作模approved mode of operation
认证模authentication mode
词典攻击dictionary attack
资产报告格asset reporting format
超多项帮手super-polynomial helper
超多项模拟super-polynomial simulation
超级多项时间仿真super-polynomial-time simulation
超行列hyper determinant
跨站注人cross site scripting
连分数递归公continued fraction recursion formula
连接多项connection polynomial
迭代 Merkle-Hellman 机制iterated Merkle-Hellman scheme
递推公recursive formula
通道模tunnel mode
部分分分解partial fraction decomposition
陈述顶层规格descriptive top-level specification
随机置换模random permutation model
集中系统centralized system
零知识交互证明zero knowledge interactive proof
非交互假设non-interactive assumption
非交互完整安全non-interactively complete secure
非交互承诺方案non-interactive commitment scheme
非交互结构non-interactive construction
非交互零知识证明non-interactive zero-knowledge proof
非正安全策略informal security policy
非邻接形non-adjacent form
非黑盒方non-black box manner
马森所罗门多项Mattson-Solomon polynomial
高安全系统模system high mode
高次多项函数high degree polynomial function
麦比乌斯反演公Mobius inversion formula