
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一副老帐房日常工作的腔调样子green eyeshade
一般格general form
上市型开放基金listed open-ended fund
不变币值模constant-dollar model
中国拍卖Chinese auction
中国模Chinese model
中央结算系统的凭证持股方式CCASS certificated holdings
中证开放基金指数CSI Open-end Fund Index
中间金额栏总帐即设金额栏于帐户的中间center ruled ledger
主动管理基金actively managed funds
举债外汇买卖leverage foreign exchange trading
举债外汇买卖介绍人leverage foreign exchange introducing agent
举债外汇买卖商leverage foreign exchange trader
买人跨组合buy straddle
买断回购buyout repo
买断回购交易buyout repo transaction
争夺收购contested takeover
"二态"期权模two-state option valuation model
二项期权binomial option
二项期权定价模式binomial option pricing model
期权Asian option (又称"平均价格期权",是当今金融衍生品市场上交易最为活跃的奇异期权之一,其执行价格为执行目前半年二级市场股票价格的平均价格)
交易模trading model
付款凭单支票voucher check
付款模payment pattern
会计处理方accounting treatment
会计报表的格form of accounting statements
会计方程accounting identity
会计程accounting equation
会计等the accounting equation
会计等accounting equation (accounting identify)
会计等accounting identity
传统报告方法traditional reporting
余额reducing balance form
余额分类帐balance form of ledger
余额分类账balancing ledger
余额帐户balance form of account
余额栏分户帐ledger account with balance column
余额栏分类帐balancing ledger
余额栏分类账ledger with balance column
余额递减损益表reducing-balance-form profit and loss statement
余额递减损益表reducing balance form of profit and loss statement (report form of profit and loss statement; running form of profit and loss statement)
余额递减收益表reducing-balance-form income statement
期权Russian option (一种没有到期日、可以采用美式交割的回顾型期权)
保本型连动债券capital guaranteed notes
借贷余额账户debit-credit balance form a/c
借贷复记帐法debit-credit-double-entry method
债券债务bonded debt
债券债务bonded indebtedness
债券债务bond debt
债券债务净额net bonded debt
债务融资模debt-financed model
债务重组方manners of debt restructuring
偿付方payback method
偿债基金赎回sinking fund redemption
与方法formulas and process
与程序formulas and process
分摊formula apportionment
formula apportionment
公允价值模fair value pattern
公司结算方corporate settlement
其他企业组织方other forms of business organization
预算regular budget
准美期权quasi-American option
分享上限期权participating cap
分享互换期权participating swaption
分享期权participating option
分享远期participating forward
分享远期合约participating forward contract
分散超额赔款分保spread loss cover (reinsurance)
分步收益表multiple-step form of income statement
分离认股权证detachable warrant
分项分录日记帐compound journal entry (composite entry)
利息公interest formulas
剑桥方程又名 cash balane equation 现金余额方程式用以说明货币价值Cambridge Equation
剥离债务strip debt
剥离抵押支持证券stripped mortgage-backed securities (1986年美国联邦国民抵押贷款协会推出的一种金融工具,是将资产池现金流中的利息与本金进行分割与组合,由此衍生出的金融产品)
加剧螺旋下跌accelerate the downward spiral
加快转变经济发展方accelerate the change of the growth model
加快转变经济发展方accelerate the transformation of the pattern of economic development
加快转变经济发展方speed up the transformation of the pattern of economic development
加快转变经济发展方speed up the transformation of economic development model
加快转变经济发展方accelerate the transformation of economic development pattern
加快转变经济发展方transformation of the economic development pattern at a faster pace
加快转变经济增长方accelerate the transformation of economic growth pattern
勒束期权组合strangle (期权交易的一种策略,指投资者同时买进或卖出两个或两个以上标的物相同、到期日相同,但是执行价格不同的看涨期权或看跌期权)
"勒束"股票挂钩票据range equity-linked instrument
半强市场有效性semistrong-form market efficiency
半强有效市场semistrong-form efficient market
半强有效性semistrong-form efficiency
半美期权semi-American option
会计single-entry accounting
借记法single debit
簿记book-keeping by single entry
簿记single-entry bookkeeping
簿记simple entry bookkeeping
簿记single entry
簿记book keeping by single entry
记账法single-entry plan
记账法single-entry bookkeeping
"单枪"分析"one shot"analysis
单步收益表single-step income statement
卡片会计card accounting
卡片分类帐card of ledger
卡片分类帐card ledger
卡片帐簿制英卡迪克斯公司首创Kardex system
去监管化模model of deregulation
双向欧期权bi-direction European option
双栏分类帐户double column ledger account
双记dual entry
双记double-entry type
反对各种形的保护主义oppose protectionism in all forms
反对各种形的保护主义reject all forms of protectionism
反对各种形的保护主义oppose all forms of protectionism
反馈测试模beta test mode
发展方ways of development
发展模development model
取得模中所需之资料obtaining information for the model
叙述决算表explanatory statement
叙述分类帐explanatory ledger
各种形的保护主义various forms of protectionism
合记dual entry
呈指数增长grow in an exponential way
商业模business models
商人公merchant's formula
商户对商户商务模business to business
商户对顾客商务模business to customer
回顾期权look-back option
坚决抵制各种形的保护主义resolutely boycott all forms of protectionism
墓地市场graveyard market (指交投非常不活跃的空头市场)
增减复记帐法increase-decrease-double-entry method
增长模growth pattern
增长模growth machine
会计double entry accounting
会计double-entry bookkeeping
会计double-entry accounting
会计制度double-accounting system
分录compound entry
列表multiple listing
帐制double account system
帐目资产负债表double account form of balance sheet
成本法multiple cost system
成本计算multiple costing
登记double entry
目录税则制度multiple schedule tariff system
税率制multiple schedule tariff system
簿记book-keeping by double entry
簿记book keeping by double entry
计帐原理principles of doubles entry
记帐double-entry bookkeeping
记帐double entry
记帐惯例dual aspect convention
记帐法double-entry method
记帐法double bookkeeping method
记帐法double-entry bookkeeping
记帐法double-entry accounting
记录器multiple register
记录器会计机multiple register accounting machines
记录簿记机器multiple register bookkeeping machines
记账制double entry system
记账法double entry bookkeeping
账户型资产负债表double account-form balance sheet
账目制度double account system
过账法multiple posting method
预算制double-entry budgeting
预算制度double budget system
预算制度multiple budgetary system
复写现金销货传票duplicate cash-sales slip
复利年增长率compound annual growth rate
外汇期货期权futures-style options
外汇期货期权foreign currency futures-style option
多标计算表columnar work sheet
多栏分录簿columnal journal
多栏分录簿analytical journal
多栏分析表columnar analysis sheet
多栏制度columnar system
多栏变动预算tabular type of variable budget
多栏总帐columnar ledger
多栏报表tabular statement
多栏日记帐divided column journal (analytical journal ; columnar journal)
多栏日记帐calendar journal
多栏日记簿multi-column journals
多栏日记簿columnal journal
多栏日记簿analytical journal
多栏日记账multicolumn journal
多栏日记账记账程序bookkeeping procedure using columnar journal
多栏普通日记账multicolumn general journal
多栏现金出纳簿columnar cash book
多栏现金收人日记账columnar cash receipt journal
多栏现金日记出纳columnar cash book
多栏现金日记帐columnar cash journal
多栏现金簿tabular cash book
多栏簿册columnar records
多栏记录簿columnar records
多栏记账法tabular book-keeping
多栏账户multicolumn account
多栏账户columnar account
多栏账户法columnar account method
多栏资产负债表columnarized balance sheet
多栏销货簿columnar sales day book
多栏预算表columnar-form budget
多栏预算表columnar form budget
多站损益表,多级式multiple-step form
多级收益表multi-step income statement
多项分录compound journal entry (composite entry)
大陆结算continental closing
子弹交易bullet trade (指买方买人价内看跌期权后卖空相关股份,从而可以在熊市里无须等待股价回升而获利的交易)
存款的形form of deposits
完善和创新经济社会发展的理念、体制、模improve and innovate one's thinking, system and mode for advancing economic and social development
定价模pricing model
宽跨期权strangle option
密封投标sealed bid tender
密封投标sealed bid
封闭互助基金closed-end mutual fund
封闭交易closed transaction
封闭基金closed-end fund (指具有固定的核定资本,不可因应客户需求随时增发的一种基金。它与一般的公司股票类似,一般在证券交易所上市交易,投资者可以通过二级市场买卖基金单位)
封闭基金closed fund
封闭基金折价率closed-end fund puzzle
封闭基金折价率closed-end fund discount
封闭基金管理公司closed-end management company
封闭投资基金closed-end investment fund
封闭证券投资基金closed-end securities investment fund
封顶期权capped-style option
封顶期权capped option
嵌人期权embedded option
嵌人衍生工具embedded derivatives
嵌人衍生工具embedded derivative instrument
嵌人衍生金融工具embedded derivative financial instrument
布莱克-舒尔斯期权定价模Black-Scholes option pricing model
布莱克-舒尔斯模Black-Scholes Model (创建于1973年的该模式广泛应用于计算欧式期权价值,可算出看涨期权 (call option)到期前任何时点的价值)
account form
帐户accounting form
帐户损益表balance form of profit and loss statement (account form of profit and loss statement)
帐户损益表technical form of profit and loss statement (account form of profit and loss statement)
帐户损益表balanced form of profit and loss statement (account form of profit and loss statement)
帐户损益表account form of profit and loss statement
帐户收益表account form of income statement
帐户资产负债表account form of balance sheet
帐簿的格form of books
平价跨期权at-the-money straddle
平衡损益表balanced form of profit and loss statement (account form of profit and loss statement)
年度财务报表简报告short-form report on annual financial statement
开放互惠基金open-end mutual fund
开放信贷额度open-end credit
开放公司open corporation
开放公司open company
开放回购协议open repurchase agreement
开放回购协议open repo
开放基金流动性风险open-end fund liquidity risk
开放抵押open-end mortgage
开放管理公司open-end management company
开放证券投资基金open-end securities investment fund
市场有效性weak-form market efficiency
效果weak-form effect
有效市场weak-form efficient market
有效性weak-form efficiency
决算表proforma statement
售货清单proforma account sales
德尔塔对冲delta hedge
恶性的螺旋下降vicious downwards spiral
意大利簿记Italian system of bookkeeping
意大利面条期权spaghetti option
成本计算方type of cost accounting
所有权方程proprietorship equation
托收承付结算方clearing form of accept-encashment
批发证券交易wholesale dealing
技术决算表technical form of profit and loss statement (account form of profit and loss statement)
投标拍卖auction in bid
投标中分享货币期权share currency option under tender
投资方程proprietorship equation
投资者交易模investor trading pattern
文字报吿narrative form
报吿资产负债表report form balance sheet
报告损益表report form profit and loss statement
报告损益表report-form profit and loss statement
报告损益表narrative form of profit and loss statement (report form of profit and loss statement)
报告收益表report-form income statement
报告资产负债表report-form balance sheet
报表statement form
报表形report form
抵押摊还法mortgage amortization
拘泥于计划经济模stuck in command-economy mode
指示债券bonds to order
指示债权claim to order
指示支票支款时,须有人担保check to order
指示背书endorsement order
指示证券document to order
按公计算的摊还方法formulae based amortization
掉头交易U-turn transaction
控制预算control type budget
支付方modality of payment
支付方form of payment
收付复记帐法receipt-disbursement double-entry method
改变发展模change the development model
新的发展方new ways of development
新计划模new programme model
方法ways and means
无股利支付的欧看涨期权non-dividend paying European call option
最新型the last word
期末放气偿还balloon maturity
期末整还贷款balloon loan
期货交易总值结算方gross basis
杜邦等DuPont Identity (是美国杜邦公司创立的一种用于理解净资产收益率的决定因素,净资产收益率取决于获利能力(用销售净利率衡量)、资产管理效率(用资产周转率衡量)和财务杠杆(用权益乘数衡量))
杠杆外汇买卖介绍代理人leveraged foreign exchange introducing agent
杠杆外汇买卖商leveraged foreign exchange trader
杠杆外汇交易leveraged foreign exchange trading
杠杆外汇交易合约leveraged foreign exchange contract
杠杆外汇交易商leveraged foreign exchange trader
意大利杰诺阿簿记Genoese system of bookkeeping
债券stepped-coupon bond
到期策略laddered maturity strategy
期权ladder option
棋盘对照表spread sheet
ABS 模ABS model (ABS (asset-backed securitization) 意为"资产证券化",是指将缺乏流动性,但能够产生可预见的、稳定的现金流量的资产归集起来,通过一定的结构安排,对资产中风险与收益要素进行分离与重组,进而转移为在金融市场上可以出售和流通的证券的过程)
上涨失效看涨期权European up-and-out call option
下跌失效看涨期权European option of downtrend beat
保护性卖权策略European protective put option
期权European style option (持有人只能在到期日行使权利的期权)
期权European-style option (持有人只能在到期日行使权利的期权)
期权European option (持有人只能在到期日行使权利的期权)
现金或无价值二元期权European cash-or-nothing binary option
现金或无价值二元看涨期权European cash-or-nothing binary call
看涨期权European call option
看跌期权European put option
看跌期权European put
行权European-style exercise
认股权证European-style warrant
认股证European style warrant
资产或无价值二元期权European asset-or-nothing binary option
资产或无价值看涨期权European asset-or-nothing call
资产或无价值看跌期权European asset-or-nothing put
欧洲开帐法膳费另开美国European plan
收据accountable receipt
全衔,详细,特别,完全 背书endorsement in full
死猫反弹dead cat bounce
汇总记帐凭证核算形summary vouchers form of accounting
汇报格reporting formula
汽球付款balloon payment
活页loose leaf system
活页账簿unbound account book
流水损益表running profit and loss statement
流水损益表报告式损益表running form of profit and loss statement
流水帐决算表running account form
流水账抵押running account mortgage
流水账损益表running-account-form profit and loss statement
流水账收益表running-account-form income statement
消费模pattern of consumption
清算方clearing form
渐进变化的机会chance for incremental change
渐进改革gradual reform
点穴经济支持措施acupoint-type economic support measures
物价-工资螺旋上升price-wage spiral
特种多栏日记帐簿special columnar journal
现代化模model of modernity
现金cash method
现金簿记cash method of book-keeping
现金收入复记帐法cash receipt-disbursement-double-entry method
现金方cash base
现金流量分布模time pattern of cash flow
理赔代理人模settlement agent model
用钢笔画的帐簿格pen -and-ink account form
电子付款方ways of making payments electronically
电子方传送electronic transmission
电子记账方electronic book-entry
电算化计划模computerized planning model
套利box spread
票对票方paper-to-paper arrangement
票据再融资方bill refinance form
空白信用汇票银行间的通融票blank credit
空白背书general blank endorsement
空白考blank form
空白表blank forms or schedules
等值货币模common-dollar model
签字specimen signature
审计报告short-form audit report
抵押条款short-form mortgage clause
提单short-form bill of lading
管理层叙述季度报告quarterly narrative management statement
簿记公bookkeeping formula
簿记券股票shares in computer storage
簿记等bookkeeping equation
累计分类帐progressive ledger
累计分类帐accumulative ledger
经济发展方economic development pattern
经济发展模economic development model
经济社会发展的模mode for advancing economic and social development
结算方form of settlement
结算方clearing form
统一度量只有百分比而无金额收益表common size income statement
统一度量只有百分比而无金额资产负债表common-size balance sheet
网络商业模network business model
期权American-style option (指期权持有人有权在期权合约期限内的任何时点(直至及包括到期日)均可执行的一种期权,多为场内交易所采用)
期权American option (指期权持有人有权在期权合约期限内的任何时点(直至及包括到期日)均可执行的一种期权,多为场内交易所采用)
现金或无价值二元期权American cash-or-nothing binary option
看涨期权American call option
看跌期权American put option
触碰失效双障碍看跌期权American knock-out double-barrier put option
认股证American-style warrant
障碍期权American barrier option
美国簿记American form
美国模U.S. model
股息计价模dividend valuation model
股票过户格stock transfer form
拍卖Dutch auction (又称"减价拍卖"叫价拍卖"或"无声拍卖",指拍卖标的的竞价由高到低依次递减,直到第一个竞买人应价(达到或超过底价)时击槌成交的一种特殊拍卖形式)
拍卖优先股Dutch auction preferred stock
议价Dutch bargain
套利butterfly spread (一种由一手牛市套利和一手熊市套利组合而成的金融期权价差交易策略)
融资模financing pattern
融资模financing mode
融资租赁之形form of lease financing
螺旋上升的通货膨胀spiraling inflation
行权方exercise style
statement form
表格分类帐tabular tabulated ledger (boston ledger)
表格记帐法旅馆等帐目tabular book-keeping
被动管理passive management
装订分类帐binding ledger
装订帐簿bound books
计划经济模command-economy mode
订明方prescribed manner
记名股票inscribed shares
记名银票票据special note
记账国债book-entry treasure bonds
记账国库券registered Treasury
证券交易所每日正上市牌价Stock Exchange Daily Official List
调整发展模reboot the development model
象征数额nominal amount
财务报告会计financial reporting accounting
财务报表格format of financial statement
财务模financial model
财务模构建financial modeling
账户损益表account form profit and loss statement
账户收益表account form income statement
账户资产负债表account form balance sheet
账户格form of account
货币市场基金商业模money market fund business model
质押回购pledge-style repo
质押回购collateralized repo
质押回购交易pledged repo transaction
资产负债表格balance sheet formats
资产负债表的列呈形balance sheet of presentation
资产负债表等balance sheet identity
资产负债表等balance sheet equation
资本资产订价模capital asset pricing model
资金平衡公balance sheet equation
转变经济发展方transform economic development model
转变经济发展方transform the pattern of economic development
转变经济发展方transformation of the economic development pattern
转变经济发展方过程process of transforming economies
转变经济发展模,使之更加依赖国内需求shift economy to rely more on domestic demand
转接信用back-to-back credit
转接信用证back-to-back letter of credit
运算通general form
选择性销售方selective marketing basis
逐步结清pay-as-you-go basis
金融创新模model of financial innovation
错配票据mismatch note
审计报告long-form audit report
阶梯分摊法step-ladder method
阶梯变动能量成本step-variable capacity cost
阶梯收益表multiple-step form of income statement
集中自动化通话记帐制centralized automatic message accounting
集团合并conglomerate merger
非正报告anecdotal report
非正招股说明书red-herring prospectus
非正背书E/I irregular endorsement
非正记录informal record
非正金融informal finance
面临正指控face formal charges
项目融资模rehabilitate-operate-maintain-transfer ROMT
项目融资模rehabilitate-operate-transfer ROT
项目融资模contract-add-operate CAO
预先印就的帐户格ready-printed accounts forms
预测预算forecast-type budget
预算方程budget equation
预算编制方presentation of budget
风险价值模value-at-risk model
风险排列算risk array algorithm
飘浮付款指分期付款中最后一笔大数额偿付数balloon payment
飘浮偿付款balloon repayment
骨体帐户skeleton accounts ("T" account)
鸡尾酒互换cocktail swap (指各种不同类型互换合约的混合体,常用于分散主要融资交易的风险)
鹤笼分类归档pigeon hole sort
麻州信托Massachusets trust
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