
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
#据六份in sextuplicate
一般供应形formation of supply in general
不习惯于用托收方岀售货物be unaccustomed to selling on collection basis
不可转让的多联运单据non-negotiable multimodel transport documents
专用租船契约格private charter party form
业务以委托代办方进行Business is conducted on a commission basis
两线销售组织line and staff type of sales (一线营业,二线策划)
中外契约合资经营企业Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures
中外股权合资经营企业Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures
中标人已予正公布The winner in the tender was officially advertised
主要方fundamental mode
习惯于信用证付款方be accustomed to L/C payment
以书信电报形by letter telegram
以书信电报形by letter cable
以估计方on an estimate basis
以分红方on a profit-sharing basis
以即期信用证付款方成交conclude on sight L/C basis
以厂内培训方on an in-plant basis
以多种形联合经营operate jointly in different ways
以岀租方on a rental basis
以延期付款方on a deferred basis
以抵押方on mortgage
以易货方on a barter basis
以易货方on barter basis
以正当形in the proper form
以现金方on a cash basis
以自由方in an autonomous manner
以记账方交易on open-account terms
以适当形in due form
以金本位方on a gold basis
价值的基本要素形elementary form of value
价格形form of price
任选方发行的股利optional dividend
传票会计制slip system of accounting
估价模valuation model
作"消息"解用复数形advices from agents
侧卸货车side dump truck
保留付款payment under reserve
信函格correspondence format
债务偿还方debt service
技术转让中先付一笔使用费后按期提成的混合付款方combination of lump-sum fee and running royalty
提单long-form bill of lading
全球粮食贸易模global food trade model
全部拆散商品complete knockdown
公开招股的公司形public ownership
兰德方Rand formula
关税减让公tariff reduction formula
兹寄送我方第100号形发票一式五份Enclosed we are sending you our proforma invoice No. 100 in five copies
兹附去我方第100号销售确认书一两份We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 100 in duplicate (in two copies)
兹附寄我方第999号销售确认书一两份We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 999 in duplicate
兹附寄此笔交易的第1144号合同一二份We herewith enclose our S/C No. 1144 in duplicate for this transaction. Please sign the counterpart and return it to us for our file at your earliest convenience
写成一三份be drawn up in triplicate
决定性模deterministic model
减税公tariff cutting formulae
出口形form of exporting
分栏日记账divided column journal
半拆散商品semi-knocked down
半拆散商品出口semi-knockdown export
半组合商品semi-knocked down
记账法single entry bookkeeping method
单一运输方single mode of transport
单步损益表single step income statement (与多步式损益表 (multiple-step income statement) 相对)
厂址选址方locational model
可以交换形支付payable with exchange
各样的汽车在展出Cars of all makes are on display
各种运输方various forms of transportation
吊上吊下方lift on/lift off
后付 后投币after payment type
后支付after payment type
后者则指政府正宣布减少本国货币单位含金量或降低与外币的官定比价currency devaluation
启发技巧heuristic technique
唯一统计形unique statistical form
商业书信格block style
商品的样已经过时了The style of the commodity is outdated
固定模determined model
国际商品贸易方international patterns of trade
国际商品贸易方international trade patterns
国际商品贸易方international commercial trade patterns
在按跟单信用证支付方下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方开岀的汇票予以承兑,兑付或议付Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller
合格证书type certificate
分析complex analysis
税率multiple linear tariff
簿记book by double entries (与单式簿记(book by single entry) 相对)
table of double entry
资本结构complex capital structure
汇率模式multilateral exchange rate model
联运multimodel transport
联运multimodel transport
联运全程entire multimodal journey
联运单据MT documents
联运经营人multimodel transport operator
联运营运人multimodel transport operator
多种形diverse (a.)
契约合作经营contractual joint venture (与 equity joint venture 合资经营有区别)
如你方保证及时付款,我们将按凭单付款方发运货物If you guarantee payment in time, we'll forward the goods on D/P basis
存储贷款deposit loan
存盘公:期初存货+本期增加的进货-本期提货=期末存货inventory equation (beginning inventory 十 purchase — withdrawal = ending inventory)
实际模realistic model
封闭海运公会closed conference
工作型work pattern
平板集装箱flat rack container
平衡形equilibrium shape (分布,配置)
应变公fall-back formula
开成一三份be drawn up in triplicate
开顶集装箱open-top container
总投入产岀模global input-output model
恰当方proper way
所有制形form of ownership
打成一五份be typed in quintuplicate
托收方collection arrangement
托盘装载pallet load
技术引进形form of technology acquisition
技术模technical pattern
技术贸易支付方forms of payment for technology (包括:先付一笔款项后再按期提成 (a combination of lumpsum fee and running royalties), ― 次总算 (lump-sum fee),技术服务费 (payment for technical services), 按期提成 (running royalties))
技术转让的支付方payment of technology transfer
把发票打成一四份type the invoice in quadruplicate
报表格statement form (指编制资产负债表 (balance sheet)、损益表 (income statement)时采用的两种格式之一,账户式 (account form) 或报告式 (report form))
拆卸输岀knockdown export (与拆卸式输入(knockdown import) 相对)
拖挂载重汽车coupled truck
指定信用证straight letter of credit (包括指定付款行,与议付信用证 (negotiation L/C) 相对;指定收款人,与可转让信用证(negotiable L/C) 相对;指定用途,与循环信用证 (revolving L/C) 相对)
指示背书indorsement to order
按付款交单方向买主收取货款draw D/P against the buyer's purchase
按官方格on an official form
按现金付款方on cash terms
按蒲耳出售sell by bushel
按跟单信用证方付款payment to be made under a documentary credit
捆绑销售tied sale
排列模sequencing model
提单详long form of bill of lading
携带收音机personal radio
支付方terms of payment
支付方条件terms of payment
数字密码figure code
new model
日程安排模scheduling pattern
普惠制关税格 AGSP form A
最新latest pattern
有秩序方orderly way
本合同正本一两份,双方各执一份This contract is made out in two original copies, each party holding one copy
板台frame pallet
板台frame pallet
拍卖auction by tender
标准租船合同格standard charter party form
会社Kabushik Kaisha
日本会社kabushiki kaisha
时新The style is up to date
标准化standardization of forms
标准化standardisation of forms
说明formal description
说明formal specification
in due form
会员member in full standing
保单definite policy (与暂保单 (provisional policy, cover note) 相对)
债券definitive bond
决算书official account
函件formal letter
到货通知notification of arrival
合同firm contract
委派代表duly authorized representative
提单regular long form bill of lading
提单normal bill of lading
亦缩为 OFCLofficial
鉴定的文件authenticated document
正常详提单regular long form bill of lading (指正式提单 (normal bill of lading))
正确范correct pattern
此处习惯于提交形发票一式三份It is customary here to have Proforma Invoice submitted in triplicate
汇率模pattern of exchange rate
汇票一两份drafts in duplicate
泊松积分公Poisson integral formula
法律形form of law
注册模registered pattern
流行fashionable style
测试样test patter
海蜂子母船sea-barge clipper
海蜂子母船seabee ship
海蜂载驳船sea-barge clipper
海蜂载驳船seabee ship
滚动预算rolling budget
澳大利亚谷物租船合同格1956年Australian Grain Charter Party
现金流量的时间分布模time pattern of cash flow
生产模production pattern
用投标方报价offer by tender
电话调查方telephone mode of interviewing
提单short-form bill of lading
监督程序方supervisor mode
目前我公司可以供应各花样的此类商品At present, our corporation can supply these commodities in a wide range of designs
目标模objective model
直线组织line organization
直线指挥与专职谋划组织line and staff organization
直线指挥与专职谋划组织line and functional organization
确定性模deterministic model
确定的模determined model
社会主义分配方socialist distribution mode
社会主义生产方socialist mode of production
筹措资金方mode of financing
筹集资金方选择choice of financing
信用证签字样证明书letter of indication
信用证签字样证明书letter of identification
报告short-form report
3 类削减公four-band reduction formula
3 类削减公three-band reduction formula
系统决策模systematical decision model
经正手续go through due formalities
加仑U.S. gallon
美国旅馆收费方American plan (房金与伙食合计;比较 European plan 欧洲旅馆收费方法(房金与伙食分计))
联合国国际货物多联运公约United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods
加仑Imperial gallon 美式加仑 (等于 4.546 公升)
加仑British gallon (等于 4.546 公升)
蒲式耳Imperial bushel
80蒲last (= 80蒲式耳)
亦缩为 bush., bus.bushel
亦缩为 bush.bushel
bushel (英式蒲式耳等于36.368公升,美式蒲式耳等于35.238公升)
螺旋通货膨胀spiral inflation
分类账波士顿分类账tabulated ledger
分类账波士顿分类账tabular ledger
报告书tabular statement
现金账簿tabular cash book
表格格tableau format
西日本贸易株会社Western Japan Trading Co. Ltd.
西班牙工商业和航海业最高正商会Spanish Supreme Council of the Official Chamber of Commerce Industry and Navigation
规定以即期信用证作为支付方The payment is prescribed to make by letter of credit at sight
计划模program modeling
记名附息票债券registered coupon bond
访谈调研interview survey
证券未正上市前的先期交易beating the gun
诉讼形form of action
该合约已正按时会签The contract has been duly countersigned
提单long-form bill of lading
请出席本届交易会开幕Your presence is requested at the opening ceremony of the Fair
请给我方寄送你方形发票一式三份以便我方据以申请进口许可证Please be kind to send us your proforma invoice in triplicate to support our application for import licence
货物付运方manner of departure
货物必须按上批货物同样的方包装The goods must be packed after the manner of last shipment
货盘装载pallet load
货盘装运pallet shipment
资金筹集方financing pattern
载运汽车架集装箱car container
运输工具type of conveyance
运输方type of shipping
运输方model of transport
这两种样几乎完全相同These two designs are almost identical
这些是当前流行的These patterns are the vogue of the day
这种报酬方是为能对代理人起激励作用This method of remuneration is intended to operate as an incentive for the agent
这种装置的样已落伍了This type of fixture went out of style and is now a drug on the market
部分调整模partial adjustment model
采用包建方on a turn key basis
野猫罢工wildcat strike
野猫银行wildcat bank
野猫银行业务wildcat banking
钢锭ingot pattern
北欧银行承兑保证付款方per aval
抵押closed mortgage
随函附寄我第115号合约一二份,请会签后退回一份Enclosed please find our Sales Contract No. 115 in duplicate, one of which please return duly countersigned
集装箱化被视为更为有效的一种装运方Containerization is regarded as a mode for more efficient shipment
集装箱海上运输公司方亦用 CMTS = container marine transference systemContainer Marine Lines System
需求型demand pattern
非正价格合约informal price agreement
非正价格合约informal price arrangement
非正价格安排informal price agreement
非正价格安排informal price arrangement
高位倾卸拖车high-dump wagon
高度集中的管理模highly centralized managing pattern