
Terms for subject Rail transport containing | all forms
两份in duplicate (triplicate, 三份)
一体后从板座及上心盘座rear draft lug and body center plate filler (底架)
一系调车盘电阻器primary shunt disc-type resistor
一级闭锁搭扣primary close-end locker
三相桥整流器three-phase bridge rectifier
三相桥整流器three-phrase bridge rectifier
三相油浸变压器three phase oil immersed transformer
上作用车钩top operating coupler
上供下回系统water-supply upward and backwater downward system
上操作中心排油阀top operated center oil draining valve
不分开扣件direct holding fastening
不分开扣件nonseparated rail fastening
不锈钢复合钢板旋压密封制动缸spinning sealed brake cylinder by stainless composite steel plate
不锈钢嵌人储风缸stainless steel embedded type air reservoir
两级组合滤清器two-stage combination filter
两联关节集装箱运输专用车two pack articulated container car
中埋止水带medium buried water-stopping tie
主叫控制复原方calling subscriber release
乘务方working mode of crew
五轴构架转向架five axle frame type bogie
交叉线岔crossing point wiring
交流连续轨道电路AC continuous track circuit
传输测力计transmission dynamic meter
伸缩挡键retractable key
伸缩测杆telescopic pole
伸缩牵引装置telescoping drawbar
低电阻接地方low-resistance grounding
低蹲便器eastern toilet
体悬牵引电动机underframe mounted traction motor
供电方auto-transformer feeding system
BT供电方booster transformer feeding system
BT 供电方booster transformer feeding system
旅客中间站台side intermediate platform
站台one-sided platform
侧卸漏斗车side discharging hopper car
倾斜销座taper pin boss
储能机车energy-storage locomotive
充填垫板filled shims
光带表示light band display
光点表示spotted indication light
全回转架梁起重机full circle girder erecting crane
全封闭电动机totally-enclosed motor
blottner formula
兰金-于戈尼奥关系rankine-hugoniot relation
关节双层汽车运输专用车articulated type double deck automobile transportation car
内翻车窗inward rotary car window
冲击钻机percussion type drill machine
冲击钻机impact-type drill machine
冲击风顶shock wind jack
分体法兰split-type flange
分体空调机组split air-conditioning units
分动汽阀adjustable piston valve
分布数据库distributed data-base
分布测试distribution test
分布热电冷联供distributed CCHP
分布系统distribution computers system
分开扣件indirect holding fastening
分开扣件separated rail fastening
分散串联电容补偿装置compensator with scattered series capacitor
分散牵引供电系统traction power decentralized supply
分散静态变电所decentralized static converter station
分散供电方diversified power supply system
分片 T 梁T-beam slice
分离基础detached foundation
分离拱肋detached arch rib
分离轴箱separate journal box
列车编组方train formation
刚架棚洞framed shed gallery
刚架棚洞framed shed tunnel
制动模brake mode
加温排油阀座heating type oil draining valve seat
包间卧车compartment sleeper
化学计量关系stoichiometric relation
半分开扣件mixed holding fastening
半分开扣件semi-separated rail fastening
半横向通风semi-transverse ventilation
半穿midheight deck bridge
半穿half through bridge
半经验公eucken semi-experiential formula eucken
半路堑明洞part cut-type tunnel without cover
半路堑明洞part cut-type gallery
半路堑明洞part cut type gallery
半路堑明洞part cut-type open cut tunnel
不对称道岔unsymmetrical double curve turnout
对称道岔symmetrical double curve turnout
运输unimodal transport
单元基础制动机package brake
单元玻璃幕墙modular glass curtain wall
单元空调机组modular air conditioning unit
单元空调机组air conditioning unit
单元组合车窗unit combination window
单向横列编组站unidirectional transversal type marshalling station yard
单向横列编组站unidirectional transversal type marshalling station
单向混合编组站unidirectional combined type marshalling station yard
单向混合编组站unidirectional combined type marshalling station
单向纵列编组站unidirectional longitudinal type marshalling station yard
单向纵列编组站unidirectional longitudinal type marshalling station
单梁架桥机single beam girder-erecting machine
单独操纵继电电气集中联锁individual level type all-relay interlocking
单盘干离合器single disc dry clutch
单转子滑片空压机single rotary compressor
卡套接头sleeve-type fitting
卡门钱学森公kannan-tsien formula
卧轴horizontal axis
内框press-type inside frame
水阀compression faucet
水阀press-type water valve
压力集便器pressured toilet
压型活塞旋压密封制动缸profiling piston spinning sealed brake cylinder
压点检衡车pressure point type track scale test car
双动发动机double acting engine
双向纵列编组站bidirectional longitudinal type marshalling station
双块无砟轨道ballastless track with double-block sleeper
双块轨枕double-block sleeper
双悬臂架桥机double cantilever girder erecting machine
双梁架桥机double beam girder-erecting machine
双裙瓷绝缘子double-shed porcelain insulator
双重绝缘棒绝缘子rod insulator with double insulation
受电弓振荡模pantograph oscillation mode
变层多层汽车运输专用车variable multi deck automobile transportation car
向心压缩机radial compressor
吸上注水器attraction injector
呼吸安全阀breathing type safety valve
呼吸安全阀breathing-type safety valve
空气弹簧bellows type air spring
回转打磨砂轮rotating grinding stone
回转盘车机构rotary type barring mechanism
回转钻进rotary drilling
便器seat-type water closet
便器western type toilet
试验prototype test
埋人桥墩buried pier
埋人锚头embedded anchor head
塑壳断路器plastic circuit breaker
生物滤池tower biofilter
生物滤池multi-stage biofilter
墙体附着方attachment methods of wall
桥墩wall pier
交分道岔double slip turnout
信号repeating signal
增压combined pressure charge
U 形线夹double U-clamp
盘簧nest spring (又称为双重螺旋弹簧)
链形悬挂compound catenary suspension
复合柴油机compound-supercharged diesel engine
复合站房compositive station building
复合衬砌composite lining
多片 T 梁multiple T-shaped beam
多种方联运经营人multimodal transport operator
多级离心压气机multiple stage centrifugal compressor
大气压采暖装置atmospheric pressure steam heating equipment
契约合资企业contractual joint venture
套人支柱pull-over pole
定点起吊导梁架桥机fixed point launching gantry with launching nose
架桥机wide girder-erecting machine
密接车钩tight-lock coupler
密接车钩膜板膜片tight-lock coupler diaphragm
密集形condensed form
封闭声屏障closed sound barrier
射吸low pressure blowpipe
尼尔森洛泽梁桥Nielsen type Lohse bridge (rigid arch bridge with rigid tie and inclined suspenders)
尽头站台dead-end platform
尽头站台bay platform
尽头货场stub-end type freight yard
尽头货运站stub-end freight station
尽头车站end station
尽端货物站台end freight platform
局间直通中继方inter office through trunk
层流漆气净化装置laminar flow-type paint gas purification device
带减振装置的拱腹导轨支撑support for soffit conductor rail with damping element
带回流的直接供电方direct feeding system with return wire
带回流线的直接供电方direct feeding system with return wire
带推杆复原装置旋压密封制动缸spinning sealed brake cylinder with pull rod recovery device
常系数摩擦减振装置constant friction type snubbing device
常见conventional type
帽檐结构brim style structure
电力变压器dry-type transformer
报警阀dry-type alarm valve
电压互感器dry-type voltage transformer
干摩擦轴箱定位装置dry friction type journal box positioning device
平板混凝土振捣器plate vibrator
平流隔油池horizontal flow oil separation basin
并列枢纽parallel arrangement type terminal
并列枢纽parallel arrangement type terminal junction
并列枢纽parallel arrangement type junction
并置箱梁步履架桥机step-moving launching gantry for juxtaposing boxed beams
序批活性污泥法sequencing batch reactor activated sludge process
底架架承牵引电动机underframe mounted traction motor
便器western toilet
继电器desk type relay
三角形接法open-delta connection
回热循环燃气轮机open regenerative cycle gas turbine
简单循环燃气轮机open simple cycle gas turbine
开敞卧室open-type sleeping room
开敞卧车open-type sleeping car
开敞卧车open-type sleeper
开敞掘进机open TBM
弹条扣件fastenings with bar-spring clips
弹簧减振器spring damper
弹簧摩擦缓冲器spring friction draft gear
强迫通风电动机force ventilated motor
发票/预开发票proforma invoice
往复制冷压缩机reciprocating type refrigeration compressor
径流涡轮radial flow turbine
牵引变压器core-type traction transformer
总焓关系total enthalpy relation
悬吊雨水管道suspended water pipeline
悬臂挡墙cantilever retaining wall
悬臂架桥机cantilever girder-erecting machine
悬臂棚洞cantilever shed gallery
悬臂棚洞cantilever shed tunnel
悬臂铺轨排机track panel laying machine with cantilever
悬臂铺轨机rail laying machine with cantilever
感应冲洗阀inductive flush valve
手动自闭冲洗阀manually self-closing flush valve
手抬机动消防泵hand-carry type mobile fire pump
手持凿岩机portable rock drill
手车断路器handcart interrupter
打人探测器driven pile probe
打人钢桩driven pile
打人桩基础driven pile foundation
打人钢管driven pile steel pipe
打磨模grind pattern
托盘顶帽tray cap
扭剪高强度螺栓torshear type high strength bolt
扶壁挡墙buttressed retaining wall
承插管道socket-type pipe
护盾掘进机shield TBM
抱轴牵引电动机nose suspension traction motor
抱轴牵引电动机axle hung traction motor
拆装桁架demountable truss
拉杆轴箱定位装置tie-rod type journal box positioning device
拉板轴箱定位装置tie-plate type journal box positioning device
拉链快速接头风管zipper type vent pipe with fast joint
感压片coin pressure sensor
振动型mode of vibration
排架桥墩pile bent pier
探照色灯信号机color search light signal
推拉翻转集装箱锁闭装置push and pull rotary container locking system
插人混凝土振捣器immersion type vibrator for concrete
下旁承rolling rocker side bearing
列车pendulum type train
列车tilting train
客车tilting passenger car
座车tilting coach
车体pendulum type car body
车体tilting car body
转向架tilting bogie
摆动转向架swing motion bogie
摆块旁承rocking side bearing
摆块旁承pendulum side bearing
摆锤冲击试验Charpy impact test
摩擦缓冲器friction type draft gear
摩擦缓冲器friction buffer
摩擦结合高强度螺栓high strength friction grip bolt
故障运行模degraded mode
敞口出人口open access
整体声屏障integral sound barrier
整体空调机组unitary air conditioning unit
整流方mode of rectification
斜撑桅杆架梁起重机cross stay derrick girder erecting machine
off type valve
新型显积分法new explicit integration method
旁承承载side bearing bogie
旋压密封制动缸spinning sealed brake cylinder
旋转车钩rotary coupler
旋转钻机rotary drill machine
旋转钻机swiveling drill machine
普朗特关系prandtl relation
普通型conventional type
有线分布动力控制Wireline Distributed Power
朗格尔Langer bridge (flexible arch bridge with rigid tie)
机械探头mechanical transducer
机械管道排水machinery drainage through pipes
系数Young's modulus
无砟轨道slab ballastless track
车架plate frame
板凳墩帽bench pier cap
板梁钢结构plate girder type steel structure
钢结构truss type steel structure
架承牵引电动机frame mounted traction motor
气体灭火装置cabinet gas fire extinguishing system
空调机组cabinet air conditioning units
格构横梁lattice-type crossbeam
格构钢柱lattice pole
桁架钢结构truss type steel structure
框架地道桥frame tunnel bridge
框架棚洞framed shed tunnel
接线桥接bridge connection
电流bridge circuit
桩板挡土墙pile-sheet retaining wall
cross-beam slab
矿车mine car
矿车shuttle car
车架bar frame
棘轮千斤顶ratchet jack
模块玻璃钢结构modular fiberglass construction
横列parallel arrangement
横列区段站transverse type district station
横列区段站lateral-type district station
横列布置transverse arrangement
横列布置lateral-type layout
横向通风transverse ventilation
横向直排方horizontal direct draining method
横腹混凝土支柱soffit concrete mast
橡胶摩擦缓冲器rubber friction draft gear
容量formal capacity
背书endorsement in full
正压空气呼吸机positive pressure air respirator
正激波关系normal shock wave relation
气动热计算公aerothermal calculation formula
汽车起重机automobile crane
沟槽接触线grooved contact wire
油浴滤清器oil bath filter
油浴空气滤清器oil bath air filter
油浸牵引变压器oil-immersed type traction transformer
洛泽Lohse bridge (rigid arch bridge with rigid tie and vertical suspenders)
沉井基础floating caisson foundation
焊接floating welding
消弧线圈接地方arc-suppression coil grounding
涡流室燃烧室swirl combustion chamber
涨壳锚杆shell-expansion rock bolt
液力气动缓冲器hydropneumatic draft gear
湿凝汽机wet condenser
湿凿岩wet rock drilling
湿吸收氧化法wet oxidation absorption
湿报警阀wet alarm valve
滑动受电器sliding current collector
滑动盘车机构sliding type barring mechanism
滑块旁承sliding-block side bearing
滑轮补偿装置pulley type tensioning device
装卸roll on-off (集装箱货轮)
滚子旁承roller-type side bearing
设备intermittent device
点感加速度计inductive accelerometer
焊接环间接钢筋welded circular steel hoop
熵的表达entropy expression
散热器laminated radiator
牵引供电方traction feeding type
牵引电动机供电制traction motor power supply system
环氧树脂干变压器epoxy resin dry type transformer
电传动方mode of electric drive
电力传动方mode of electric drive
电容加速度计capacitive accelerometer
电容变压器capacitive voltage transformer
电感加速度计inductive accelerometer
电磁轨道继电器electro-magnetic track relay
电磁吸引系统electromagnetic attraction system
盖板棚洞slab shed tunnel
眼镜开挖法spectacles type tunneling method
砟底排水槽ballast bottom type drain
砟顶排水槽ballast top type drain
确定环量的一般公general formula for determining circulation
氯化铝alkaline aluminum chloride
离心机油滤清器centrifugal oil filter
离心混凝土支柱spun concrete pole
离心风扇或风机centrifugal fan
穿孔混凝土枕through-hole concrete sleeper
穿销防爬器wedged rail anchor
支撑narrow support
架桥机narrow girder-erecting machine
冰柜vertical freezer
立爪装岩机vertical claw rock loader
站台型platform forms
站房型station building style
等压high-pressure blowpipe
简化碰撞模型公simplified collision model formula
管弹簧压力计tube-spring manometer
信号机房stand-alone signal container
变电所container type substation
纵列tandem layout
纵列车场布置successive yard layout
线下站房low-lying station building
线侧站房station building in the same direction along the track
线侧上站房station building in the same direction along the track and the level above the platform
线侧下站房station building below the platform in the same direction along the track
线侧平站房station building in the same direction along the track and the level same as the platform
线正上站房线上式站房station building on the top of the railway
线正下站房线下式站房;桥式站房station building under the railway
线路型line pattern
组合信号机构modular type signal mechanism
组合制动梁combined brake beam
组合制动梁闸瓦托combined brake beam brake head
组合斜楔combined friction wedge
组合空调机组combined air conditioning unit
组合转向架combination truck
组合集尘器combination dirt collector
组合集尘器combination dust collector
组拼架桥机assembly type girder-erecting machine
编组方train formation
缺省传输方default transmission mode
罐车自密封人孔self-airtight manhole
网格水冲法顶管pipe jacking method with grid-type flushing
耳墙洞门ear wall portal
硬度Shore hardness
硬度计Shore durometer
A 级硬度Shore A hardness
胀圈密封piston ring type seal
脉冲轨道电路pulse track circuit
脚踏冲便机构foot-type flush mechanism
脚踏冲便机构箱foot-type flush tank
脚踏冲洗阀pedal flush valve
脚踏抽水马桶foot-type flush toilet
空气弹簧diaphragm type air spring
膜板制动缸diaphragm brake cylinder
萨特兰公Sutherland formula
蜗轮和蜗杆手制动机wheel and worm handbrake
螺旋 风机propeller fan
螺杆制冷压缩机screw type refrigeration compressor
螺杆空气压缩机screw compressor
衡重挡土墙balanced type retaining wall
衡重挡土墙gravity retaining wall with relieving platform
被叫控制复原方called party release
装配构件prefabricated member
装配水柜prefabricated tank
装配水池prefabricated pool
装配涵洞fabricated culvert
装配混凝土结构prefabricated concrete structure
保险器horn fuse
调压方voltage regulation mode
调速方mode of speed control
便器eastern type toilet
便器squat type water closet
车轴驱动方mode of axle drive
轨枕埋人无砟轨道monolithic sleeper ballastless track
轨行多功能台架tracking multifunction platform
轨行装运机械rail-mounted handling and transportation machine
轨行起重机rail-mounted crane
轨行起重机crane on-track
转向架bogie car
转向架车辆bogie car
转向架架承牵引电动机bogie mounted traction motor
转臂轴箱定位装置rocker type journal box positioning device
转轮换热器wheel-type heat exchanger
转鼓格栅rotate-drum grille
轮胎起重机rough terrain crane
轮胎运梁车tyre box-girder transporter
轮轨架桥机rail girder-erecting machine
轴流涡轮axial flow turbine
轴流涡轮增压器turbocharger with axial turbine
轴流风机axial ventilator
过孔用导梁架桥机launching gantry with launching nose for passing spans
运动激波关系motion shock wave relation
运输组织模transport mode
进路继电电气集中联锁route type all relay interlocking
连续调速系统continued speed control system
逆流强制搅拌机counterflow forced mixer
透镜色灯信号机multi-lens color light signal
通过货场through-type freight yard
速差自动闭塞speed different mode automatic block
重力支挡结构gravity retaining structure
重力结构gravity type structure
重力输水管道gravitational aqueduct
ECP 重叠ECP overlay configuration
钢板网空气滤清器steel sheet mesh type air filter
锚定板桥台anchor slab abutment
轨道电路valve type track circuit
阀控蓄电池valve-regulated battery
防护下的人工列车驾驶模ATP Manual Mode ATP
附着混凝土振捣器attached type vibrator
附着混凝土振捣器attached type vibrator for concrete
隧道射流通风tunnel injector type ventilation
隧道射流通风tunnel efflux ventilation
集中录音设备centralized recorder
集中移频centralized frequency shift
集中空气调节系统全空气系统centralized air-conditioning system all air systems
集中逆变器centralized inverter
集中供电方centralized power supply system
非交叉线岔tangential point wiring
非对称半控桥整流器asymmetric half controlled bridge rectifier
非对称半控桥整流器asymmetric half-controlled bridge rectifier
非接触传感器noncontacting proximity sensor
非接触接触网测量non-contact overhead measurement
非自复按键开关non-self-reset switch
非自复按键开关non-self-reset push-key switch
非自复按键开关non-self-reset push key switch
顺列枢纽longitudinal arrangement type terminal
顺列枢纽longitudinal arrangement type junction terminal
风冷陈列柜air cooling display case
风管通风air duct type ventilation
风管通风ventilation by duct
风道通风air duct ventilation
驼峰复信号机hump repeater signal
驼峰调车作业组织方organization of hump operations
驼峰调速制system of hump speed control
飞机canard plane
鹰嘴锁头bent nose lock
鹰架架设法erection with scaffolding
鼓筒混凝土搅拌机drum concrete mixer
齿离合器dog clutch
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