
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
uniform (uniformis)
一般方ordinary form
万代干馏窑mandaishiki dry distilling kiln
triplex type
花柱式heterotristyly (heterotristylia)
花柱性heterotristylism (heterotristylismus)
花柱花heterotristylous flower (flos heterotristylus)
三分triplasy (triplasia)
三列three-ranked (triseriatus)
三合一模three in one pattern
三子叶tricotyledony (tricotyledonia)
三形异花柱trimorphic heterostyly (heterostylia trimorpha)
三性花同株trimonoecism (trimonoecismus)
三歧trichotomy (trichotomia)
三点悬挂收获机three-point mounted harvester
三点悬挂机具three-point mounted machine
三点悬挂装农机具three-point linkage implement
三点悬挂装播种机three-point linkage drill
三联活塞泵triple piston pump
三联筒泵triplex pump
三联筒泵triple barrel pump
三角架垛草机tripod loader
三轮列tricycly (tricyclia)
上位epigyny (epigynia)
上压压力机uppacking press
上射水车overshot wheel
上拨滚筒翻草机overshot cylinder tedder
上置清选机overhead cleaner
上风道抽气装置up-draft ventilator
上风道通风机up-draft ventilator
下位hypogyny (hypogynia)
下口hypognathous type
下口hypognathous (hypognathus)
下抛滚筒翻草机undershot cylinder tedder
下排马铃薯撒播器drop-type broadcaster
下置蜗杆蜗轮传动机构under-type worm gear
不变计算invariant computation
不可逆转向器irreversible steering
不同模指生活史different patterns
不定形indefinite form (forma indefinita)
不等inequality (inaequalitas)
不能反转的铧non-reversible mouldboard plough
不良耕作方poor farming practices
不良耕作方unsound agricultural practice
不良耕作方poor farming practice
专家方expert mode
丛枝整枝bush training
两侧对称zygomorphy (zygomorphismus)
两侧对称zygomorphism (zygomorphismus)
两端装轮播种机end wheel drill
两级阶冷却器cascade type two stage cooler
两阶起重机two-stage lift
休伯氏公木材求积式Huber's formula
休眠模dormancy pattern
休闲方mode of fallow
会话计算机talking computer
伞形花序umbellar (umbellaris)
伞房花序corymbose (corymbosus)
传送厩肥撒布机endless apron manure spreader
倒重叠inverted superposition (superpositus inversus)
去皮机指去树皮knife barker
打顶器甜菜用knife topper
脱粒滚筒bladed cylinder
刀板碎土整地器soil surgeon
刀铲覆土器knife blade cover
分布主机命令设施distributed host command facility
分布人工智能系统distributed AI system
分布人工智能系统distributed artificial intelligence system
分布智能微计算机系统distributed inteligence microcomputer system
分布网络技术distributed network technology
分布计算distributed computation
分布计算机网络decentralized computer network
分布通信结构distributed communication architecture (DC A)
分布型distribution pattern
分布方mode of distribution
分批batch type
分批干燥机batch dryer
分批干燥机batch drier
分批混合机batch mixer
分批脱矿质batch demineralization
分批蒸煮器batch steamer
分批谷物自动干燥机automatic batch grain drier
分析表示analytical expression
分枝特征branching characteristics (characteristica ramosa)
分段稻预蒸batch model
分流液压马达split-flow motor
分流滤清器partial-flow filter
分类图plan of classification
分类模category pattern
分组中耕机separated-gang cultivator
分组刈草机gang mower
分组播种机unit drill
分组播种机gang seeder
分节形成的arthrogenous (arthrogenus)
分配模pattern of distribution
往复运动切割器刈草机cutterbar mower
切向离心喷头tangential centrifugal type nozzle
切向纹孔tangential pitting (porosans tangentialis)
切段收获机指甘蔗cut-up harvester
切比雪夫多项Chebyshev's polynomial
刚齿捡拾器stiff finger pickup
判别discriminant (discriminans)
判别函数discriminant function
化学反应等温chemical reaction isotherm
合并模merging pattern
合法模legal pattern
合瓣sympetaly (gamopetalia)
合瓣gamopetaly (gamopetalia)
合轴二歧sympodial dichotomy (dichotomia sympodialis)
合轴分枝sympodial branching (ramificatio sympodialis)
吉尔平乘Gilpin sulky
吊壶挤奶桶suspended milking bucket
吊杆喷雾器drop-leg sprayer
吊运饲料分送车overhead feed carrier
syntype (syntypus)
同向弯曲homotropy (homotropis)
同向旋转homodromy (homodromia)
同属congenerity (congeneritas)
同形雄蕊homoeandry (homoeandris)
同数雄蕊isostemony (isostemonia)
同时模指叶衰老simultaneous pattern
同模异同名typonymous homonym
同步动力输出轴ground speed power-take-off
同步动力输岀轴ground depending power take-off
同步方synchronous mode
后侧悬挂刈晒机rear-mounted offset swather
后卸自卸载重汽车rear-dump truck
后悬挂刈草机integral-rear-mounted mower
后悬挂大田喷雾器rear-mounted field sprayer
后悬挂拖拉机绞盘rear-mounted tractor winch
后悬挂rear-mounted type
后悬挂装载机rear loader
后悬挂装载机rear-mounted loader
后气门呼吸系统metapneustic respiratory system
向上anadromy (anadromia)
向上分类ascending system (systema ascendens)
向心透平机inward flow turbine
向量图形显示vector graphics display
向量方计算computation in venter mode
向量格vector format
圆片喷嘴disk type nozzle
圆盘作垄器disk bedder
圆盘作垄器disc bedder
圆盘修梯田机disc terracer
圆盘去包叶机disk husker
圆盘宿根处理disc ratooner
圆盘小前犁disc jointer
圆盘灭茬犁disc stubble cleaner
圆盘耕作机disk tiller
圆盘耕作机disc tiller
圆盘脱棉机disc doffer
圆盘排种条播机plate-feed drill
圆筒拌和机circular mixer
圆筒支撑辊cylinder supporting roll
圆筒谷物种子发芽器cylinder-type germinator for grain seed
圆筒筛清棉机revolving-screen cleaner
圆锥花序paniculate (paniculatus)
土地利用方land-use pattern
土壤吸水图soil moisture extraction pattern
土壤复组合soil parabination
堆垛移栽机clamp transplanter
堆垛模stacking pattern
处理方mode of treatment
处理模process mode
三体生物duplex trisomic (AAa)
冷藏twostep refrigeration
冷藏two-step cold storage
显微镜compound microscope
架空索道multi-span skyline
染色体组duplex group of chromosome
水平喷雾器duplex horizontal sprayer
滚筒制粉机double roll
multiple plow
double plow
调节系统multiple control system
透镜compound lens
镇压器compound roller
复二歧compound dichasium (dichasium compositum)
DNA 复制方mode of DNA replication
复合二项分布compound binomial distribution
复合胁迫模complex stress pattern
复往间苗机reciprocating thinner
外伸模指根系extensive mode
外始生长exarch growth (crescentia exarca)
外始维管束exarch bundle (fasciculus exarcus)
外程序计算机externally programmed computer
外部化形externalized form
外部化格externalized form
多倍体来源方polyploid modes of origin
多出聚伞分枝multiparous branching (ramificatio multipara)
多分枝pleiotomy (pleiotomia)
多圆盘板固-液分离机multiple disk screen type solid-liquid separator
多基数pleiomery (pleiomerium)
多子叶polycotyledony (polycotyledonia)
多层禽笼battery raiser
多层禽笼组tier-type poultry cage
多层禽舍battery house
多层鸡舍battery-brooder house
多指杆摘棉铃机multiple finger cotton stripper
多歧polytomy (polytomia)
多环polycycly (polycyclia)
多环polycycle (polycyclus)
多环中柱polycyclic stele (stela polycyclica)
多相整流电动机polyphase commutator
多粒穴播排种器full-bill drop
多粒槽口排种盘full-hill plate
多轮pleiotaxy (pleiotaxis)
多轮列pleiocycly (pleiocyclia)
多轴multiaxial (multiaxilis)
多轴分枝polytomous branching (ramificatio polytoma)
多雄蕊polyandry (polyandria)
多项polynomial (polynomialis)
多项降阶polynomial deflation
封闭cleidoic egg
封闭畜群牛,猪closed herd
封闭畜群指牛,羊closed flock
封闭畜群育种closed herd breeding
封闭畜群育种closed flock breeding
封闭畜群选择closed flock selection
小功率履带拖拉机low-powered track-laying tractor
小区淹溉方basin irrigation system
轧花机小圆筒清棉喂送器small drum feeder
小型履带开沟机开沟器small crawler trencher
帆布带收割台canvas table
帆布输送带卸料机canvas-apron unloader
希尔方程Hill equation
中耕机挡板open shield
输种条播机open-delivery drill
饲槽open bunk feeder
开发模developmental pattern
开发模development pattern
开启电机open type machine
开展曲线open curve
开心液压系统open-center hydraulic system
开放数据库open database
开放牛栏free stall
开放牛舍free stall barn
开放磁盘机open disk drive
开端钉齿耙open-end tooth harrow
异向旋转heterodromy (heterodromia)
异柱homoheterostyly (homoheterostylia)
type (typus)
样分析type analysis
样设计fashion design
弓形杆分禾器bow crop divider
急救方form of first aid
成熟形mature form
挂车喷雾机trailer-mounted sprayer
挂车撒肥机wagon-type spreader
棉花排种盘finger plate
指令格order formate
指数exponential type
指数扩增exponential amplification
指数生长按指数律增长exponential growth
指数生长曲线exponential growth curve
指数生长期exponential growth phase
指数生长模型exponential growth model
指数衰减曲线exponential decay curve
指杆摘棉铃机finger stripper
指纹模finger-print pattern
指轮草条翻晒机finger-wheel swatch turner
按照法systematic (systematicus)
搂耙干草装载机rake bar hay loader
搂耙马铃薯挖掘机rake type potato digger
搂齿拨禾轮feathering reel
搂齿捡拾器raking pickup
搅拌排种器agitator type seed-metering device
搓擦脱粒机rubbing-type thresher
昆白巢框Quinby frame
昆白蜂箱Quinby hive
切碎机star cutter
星轮击肥轮star-wheel beater
星轮输送器star conveyor
星轮镇压器Norwegian roller
星轮排肥施肥机star-wheel feed fertilizer distributor
星齿链耙star-toothed chain harrow
最小二乘方程least square equation
最新农业设施modern agricultural installation
最新技术modern technique
最新灌溉设备modern irrigation equipment
最新modern (modernus)
最新耕作机具modern cultivation equipment
有级选择变速箱selective gear transmission
朗伯公Lambert's formula
栅杆镇压器bar roller
栅条挖掘斗crib bucket
栅条捆夹bale cage
栅条滚筒cage (cavea)
标本模specimen type
磁带stacked tape
栉梳摘棉铃机multiple finger cotton stripper
树枝配水系统tree-type distribution system
植株排列方stand geometry
植物 营养holophytic (holophyticus)
植物营养指靠光合作用取食holophytic nutrition
植被模vegetation pattern
皮肤乳头状突起papillary pattern
mode (modus)
交换schema conversion
修饰基因pattern modifier
刷新pattern reflashing
刺激pattern stimuli
基因pattern gene
多效性pattern pleiotropy
收获表normal yield-table
dedaleous (daedaleus)
daedaleous (daedaleus)
管理schema management
细胞model cell
pattern flower (flos typicus)
选择pattern option
选择option of patterns
选配pattern matching
标本采集type collection
项目schema entry
模拟模simulation model
气体交换模gas exchange pattern
气力排种播种机pneumatic drill
气动喷雾机pneumatic spraying machine
气动喷雾机pneumatic sprayer
气动快速喷粉机pneumatic high speed duster
气动果实采集机pneumatic fruit harvester
气动操纵牧草种子播种机pneumatically-operated grass seed drill
气升发酵air-lift fermentation
气升发酵罐air-lift fermentor
气升air-lift pump
气升生物反应器air-lift bioreactor
气升air lift
气压测高公barometer formula
气吸排种器suction feed
气吸播种机suction drill
气吸播种机suction planter
气吸播种机pneumatic seeder
气吸收摘机pneumatic picker
气吸收获机vacuum harvester
气吸收获机suction harvester
气吸棉花收获机pneumatic cotton harvester
气吸谷物清选机air-suction separator
气吸种子清选机seed aspirator
气吸谷物输送器suction type pneumatic grain conveyor
气吸谷物输送器aspirated grain conveyor
气吸杯果实分选装置suction-cup picker
气流喷雾机air-flow sprayer
气流堆垛机wind stacker
气流堆垛机吹送弯头wind-stacker hood
气流干燥机pneumatic drier
气流排种机构pneumatic sowing mechanism
气流收摘机pneumatic picker
气流清选air cleaning
气流谷物联合收获机pneumatic combine
气流计数器gas flow counter
气流采棉机pneumatic cotton picker
气流锯齿轧花机air-blast saw gin
气管玉米授粉器air pump corn pollinator
气胎拖拉机air-tired tractor
清除搂草机clearer rake
清除搂草机clearing rake
渐成发育epigenetic development
渔获量曲线模model of catch curve
漏斗输种管funnel shaped seed tube
爆发物种形成explosive speciation (speciatio explosiva)
爆发进化explosive evolution (evolutio explosiva)
爆破整地法explosing method of tillage
打印机character ball printer
球形活塞液压马达ball piston motor
球窝连接器ball-socket coupler
理论公formulation of the theory
甜菜拔取联合收获机beet puller
生产方system of production
生产方production system
生命形spectrum of life form
生根模rooting pattern
生殖方mode of reproduction
生活方革新reform of life-style
生长公growth formula
生长型growth pattern
生长形spectrum of growth form
生长模growth pattern
真空卸载器vacuum unloader
真空抽奶器vacuum-operated milk lift
真空播种机vacuum seeder
真空播种机vacuum planter
真空灌瓶器vacuum type filter
真空采棉机vacuum type cotton picker
真空采棉机vacuum cotton harvester
真空驱动毛剪vacuum-operated clipper
真菌生长fungoid growth
砌砖组织pavement tissue
程序控制拖拉机programed tractor
程序控制播种机programed drill
程序控制枝梢枯死programed die-back
索引cable haulage system
索引堆垛机cable stacker
索引平衡犁cable-tackle plow
索引铲运机cable scraper
缓冲联结装置cushion hitch
缓冲行打印机buffered line printer
编码文摘encoded abstract
编码格encoded format
缚束方bound form
缝隙滤清器edge filter
仓库old fashioned storehouse
方法classical approach
耕作制方mode of farming system
耕作方type of farming
耙地方mode of harrowing
脉冲分泌pulsatile secretion
脚踏水稻脱粒机foot operated rice thresher
脚踏脱粒机treadle-operated thresher
脚踏脱粒机pedal thresher
脚踏马铃薯切块机播种用foot operated potato cutter
舐吸口rasping-sucking type
茎分枝stem divergence (法,指种植后将新梢摘心,使之分枝的方法)
茎表皮细胞模指甘蔗stem-epidermal pattern
营养吸收形nutrient uptake pattern
蘑菇产业化生产方industrialized production system of mushroom
蜂腰拖拉机wasp-waisted tractor
蜂腰拖拉机wasp-waisted type tractor
蜗壳volute pump
蜗杆蜗轮起重机worm geared hoist
负二项分布negative binomial distribution
适应方adaptive mode
逆流热交换器counterflow heat exchanger
选择排种盘selector seed plate
选择排种盘selection plate
选择收获机selective harvester
选择间苗锄selective hoe
选择方selector mode
选种方selection system
透射扫描电子显微镜transmission scanning electron microscope
透射扫描电子显微镜检术transmission scanning electron microscopy
透射电子显微镜transmission electron microscope
透射电子显微镜检术transmission electron microscopy
透射电镜transmission electron microscope
透射电镜检术显技transmission electron microscopy
透平风车wind turbine
透视瞄准器peep sight
逐对方状态pair wise state
递归控制论模recursive cybernetic model
通用升运器general purpose elevator
通用种子浸药消毒universal seed pickling machine
通过挤乳室walk-through milking parlor
通风干燥机ventilating drier
开沟器shovel opener
开沟器shovel furrow opener
锄铲化肥条施机tined fertilizer distributor
锄铲开沟器hoetype coulter
锄铲开沟器horn opener
锄铲开沟器hoe furrow opener
锄铲开沟器hoe opener
锄齿松土镇压器spade mulcher
蒸煮器kettle type boiler
催化剂anchor catalyst
压盖机anchor capper
固定长度anchorage length
开沟器anchor furrow-opener
开沟器anchor share
聚合酶链 反应anchored PCR
抛掷机hammer-type thrower
磨粉机impact mill
磨粉机bruising mill
粉碎机hammer crusher
锤刀旋转刈草机hammer-knife mower
horizontal type
巴氏灭菌器drum pasteurizer
干草载运机drum hay loader
浓缩器drum concentrator
真空过滤器drum-type vacuum filter
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